Subject information
Research domains
- Medicine
Research environments
Responsive Nutrition Research Centre
The research is mostly patient-based and clinical and includes studies of common pathologies, from genetic and molecular aspects to pathophysiology, symptoms and treatments. The researchers have various professions such as, medical laboratory scientists, epidemiologists, physicians, psychologists, occupational therapists, nurses and social workers.
- Erik Ahlstrand
- Åsa Alsiö
- Sören Andersson
- Lena Andersson
- Åsa Andersson
- Marita Andersson Grönlund
- Jonas Appelberg
- Tor Arnison
- Mialinn Arvidsson-Lindvall
- Simon Athlin
- Peter Barta
- Jir Barzangi
- Juliane Baumgart
- Farhan Bazargani
- Igor Bazov
- Laura Beate von Kobyletzki
- Oscar Bedoya Reina
- Susanne Bejerot
- Torbjörn Bengtsson
- Daniel Bergemalm
- Cecilia Bergh
- Lise Bergman Nordgren
- Anna Björkenheim
- Johan Bohr
- Robert Jan Brummer
- Micol Busi
- András Büki
- Anna-Karin Bäck
- Anders Bäckman
- Sara Cajander
- Fredrik Calais
- Yang Cao
- Alessandro Castiglione
- Dick Delbro
- Emanuel Dogan
- Ann-Sofi Duberg
- Samuel Edelbring
- Birgitta Ejdervik-Lindblad
- Alf Eliasson
- Marie Elwin
- Stina Engelheart
- Ingemar Engström
- Carl Eriksson
- Martin Eriksson-Crommert
- Katja Fall
- Frida Fart
- Maria Fogelkvist
- Bianka Forgó
- Anette Forsberg
- Richard Forsgård
- Yvonne Freund Levi
- Ole Fröbert
- Eva Funk
- Brynjar Fure
- Sarah Gamble
- Miguel Garcia-Argibay
- Lars-Gunnar Gunnarsson
- Martin Gunnarsson
- Shashank Gupta
- Jonas Halfvarson
- Barbro Hedin Skogman
- Gisela Helenius
- Karl-Johan Hellgren
- Mikko Hellgren
- Karl-Johan Hellgren
- Ruth Hermansson
- Karin Hildén
- Ayako Hiyoshi
- Fredrik Holländare
- Svante Hugosson
- Elisabeth Hultgren-Hörnquist
- Ashley Hutchinson
- Ulrika Hylén
- Maria Hårdstedt
- Edvin Ingberg
- Stefan Jansson
- Gustav Jarl
- Johan Jendle
- Östen Jonsson
- Jimmy Kareliussen
- Johnny Karlsson
- Jan Karlsson
- Maria Klasson
- Seta Kurt
- Jan Källman
- Julia König
- Anna Lange
- Henrik Larsson
- Matz Larsson
- Marleen Lentjes
- Mei Li
- Magnus Lindberg
- Per Lindblad
- Carl Lindgren
- Mårten Lindqvist
- Katarina Lindstedt
- Karin Lobenius-Palmér
- Maria Lodefalk
- Jonas Ludvigsson
- Jonas Ludvigsson
- Charlotte Lybeck
- Karim Makdoumi
- Parviz Mammadzada
- Tatiana Marques
- Adrian Meehan
- Scott Montgomery
- Mussie Msghina
- Elina Mäki-Torkko
- Claes Möller
- Kerstin Neander
- Anh Hoang Nguyen
- Ylva Nilsagård
- Emma Nilsing Strid
- Ola Nilsson
- Axel Nordenskjöld
- Anna Nordenskjöld
- Lillemor Nyberg
- Nils Nyhlin
- Andreas Ohlin
- Andreas Ohlin
- Anette Oskarsson
- Maria Palmetun-Ekbäck
- Ioannis Parodis
- Snehal Patil
- Veikko Pelto-Piri
- Marcelo Petri
- Miriam Pettersson
- Paul Pettersson-Pablo
- Samira Prado
- Simon Ramstrand
- Sofia Ramström
- Ignacio Rangel
- Peter Rask
- Björn Rask Röyter
- Gunlög Rasmussen
- Rosanne Reitsema
- Dirk Repsilber
- Henrique Ribeiro
- Julia Rode
- Charlotte Ryman
- Ann-Kristin Rönnberg
- Samira Salihovic
- Johanna Savilampi
- Ida Schoultz
- Jenny Seilitz
- Tabita Sellin Jönsson
- David Simmons
- Reidun Stenberg
- Jakob Ström
- Josefin Sundh
- Per-Ola Sundin
- Pernilla Sundqvist
- Martin Sundqvist
- Stefan Särnblad
- Eva Särndahl
- Bo Söderquist
- Reza Tabrisi
- Staffan Tevell
- Antje Thonig
- Lina Tingö
- Ruzan Udumyan
- Fides Ugge-Schückher
- Magnus Unemo
- Maria Unenge-Hallerbäck
- Antonios Valachis
- Michiel van Nieuwenhoven
- Nikolaos Venizelos
- Per Vihlborg
- Martin Vink
- Mathias von Beckerath
- Mia von Euler
- Jeanette Wahlberg
- Micael Waldenborg
- Rebecca Wall
- Desiree Wiegleb Edström
- Sverre Wikström
- Ann-Britt Zakrisson
- Yaroslava Zhulina
- Oksana Zhurakivska
- Maria Åström
- Ahmed Al-Ahmadi, PhD student
- Ahmed Al-Wandi, PhD student
- Aseel Alshamari, PhD student
- Erik Andersson, PhD student
- Anna Andersson-Watz, PhD student
- Eva Arenhall, PhD student
- Sofia Ask, PhD student
- Åsa Athlin, PhD student
- Lena Axelsson Svedell, PhD student
- Manar Bitar, PhD student
- Simon Bylund, PhD student
- Kristina Byström, PhD student
- Anna-Karin Bäck, PhD student
- Tonny Castilla, PhD student
- Myrto Chatzopoulou, PhD student
- Felix Chelslin, PhD student
- Marek Czajkowski, PhD student
- Maja Dobrosavljevic, PhD student
- Luiza Dorofte, PhD student
- Zbigniew Dzialanski, PhD student
- Elsa Ekelin, PhD student
- Michael Eklund, PhD student
- Tanja Eriksson, PhD student
- Maja Eriksson Östman, PhD student
- Shalan Fadl, PhD student
- Georgios Fountoukidis, PhD student
- David Fresnais, PhD student
- Jasmine Fridljung, PhD student
- Marije Galavazi, PhD student
- Tove Grafström, PhD student
- Olle Grännö, PhD student
- Erik Hammarström, PhD student
- Ida Henriksson, PhD student
- Ruhija Hodza-Beganovic, PhD student
- Jenny Höglund, PhD student
- Sofia Imrell, PhD student
- Adam Jackson, PhD student
- Karin Jacobson, PhD student
- Jenny Kahlmeter Brandell, PhD student
- Annalena Kamm, PhD student
- Annalena Kamm, PhD student
- Sofia Kangedal, PhD student
- Jimmy Kareliussen, PhD student
- Magnus Karlsson Good, PhD student
- Molly Khalili, PhD student
- Pernilla Kihlberg, PhD student
- Rebecka Klang, PhD student
- Cecilia Klanger, PhD student
- Linette Kofod, PhD student
- Linda Kristiansson, PhD student
- Magdalena Kättström, PhD student
- Anna Leijon, PhD student
- Otto Lennartsson, PhD student
- Clara Liew-Littorin, PhD student
- Markus Liew-Littorin, PhD student
- Karolina Liljedahl Prytz, PhD student
- Majja Lund, PhD student
- Erik Lundin, PhD student
- Anna Lööv, PhD student
- Anna Magnusson, PhD student
- Lucian Marinica Grando, PhD student
- Stig Mattsson, PhD student
- Salar Mousa, PhD student
- David Nestor, PhD student
- Terese Nilsson, PhD student
- Fredrik Nilsson, PhD student
- Daniela Nosko, PhD student
- Iordana Ntini, PhD student
- Sofia Palmér, PhD student
- Simon Ramstrand, PhD student
- Bengt Rasmussen, PhD student
- Jussi Rauma, PhD student
- Maria Rodanaki, PhD student
- Rebecka Runnamo, PhD student
- Johannes Saers, PhD student
- Benita Salomon, PhD student
- Johan Sanner, PhD student
- Mathias Scharf, PhD student
- Qays Shahed, PhD student
- Ali Sharif, PhD student
- Jacques Shebehe, PhD student
- Sofia Sigra Stein, PhD student
- Sofia Sigra Stein, PhD student
- Sofia Skröder, PhD student
- Jevgenija Smirnova, PhD student
- Carolina Smith, PhD student
- Niklas Steger, PhD student
- Linnea Stenmark, PhD student
- Ann Strandberg, PhD student
- Erik Sunnefeldt, PhD student
- Reza Tabrisi, PhD student
- Reza Tabrisi, PhD student
- Robert Taha Luhr, PhD student
- Mattias Tallroth, PhD student
- Xiaoyu Tang, PhD student
- Eva Tegnelius, PhD student
- Joel Thunberg, PhD student
- Elsa Tornhamre, PhD student
- Kedeye Tuerxun, PhD student
- Kedeye Tuerxun, PhD student
- Emma Ulvskog, PhD student
- Ali Vahedi, PhD student
- Inga Rós Valgeirsdóttir, PhD student
- Per Vihlborg, PhD student
- Snieguole Vingeliene, PhD student
- Britta Westerberg, PhD student
- Britta Westerberg, PhD student
- Anja Westman, PhD student
- Qiwei Zhai, PhD student
- Anna-Karin Ångström, PhD student
- Hanna Östling, PhD student
Research groups
- Acute respiratory tract infections
- BBC - Bowel and Bladder disorders in Children
- Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics in Translational Medicine(BIT-M)
- Cancer Epidemiology
- Cardiovascular Research Centre (CVRC) - translational cardiovascular research
- Cellular and Molecular Virology
- Circulating biomarkers för detection and surveillance of cancer
- Clinical and Experimental psychophysiology & Psychopharmacology
- Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Clinical genomics
- Cognitive medicine and biomarkers
- Development of novel chitosan-based scaffolds for cartilage repair
- Diabetes and Retinopathy
- Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Digital Psychological Treatment
- EnForce
- Experimental neuropsychiatry and ageing
- Geriatrics
- Hepatitis B, D and C
- HPV related cancer, precision medicine in prevention, screening and diagnostics
- Immunoneuropsychiatry (INP)
- Immunoprofiling of Inflammation (iPi)
- Infection & inflammation (i&i)
- Inflammatory bowel disease and translational gastroenterology
- Inflammatory Response and Infection Susceptibility Centre (iRiSC)
- Interdisciplinary Research in Clinical Audiology (IRCA)
- Metabolomics and exposome research
- Molecular cardiovascular research
- Neurodevelopmental disorders in children, adolescents and young adults
- Nutrition Gut Brain Axis
- Perioperative care and Pedagogical Processes (PEPP)
- Physiotherapy, prevention and pulmonary function
- Placenta research group
- Platelet function and coagulation in health and disease
- Psychiatric epidemiology
- Research based education in the health professions
- Research in Palliative Care - RIPE
- Stroke and other CNS injuries
- Swimming-induced pulmonary edema (SIPE)
- The ageing gut (TAG)
- Treatment in Upper and lower limb Malformation or Amputation (TUMA)
- Viral pathogenesis and vaccine development
- Wellbeing promotion using care environments and technologies (WellCET)
- Women´s health from a life course perspective
Research projects
Active projects
- 1952-1956 Birth Cohort
- 1970-2000 Birth Cohort
- 1-methyl Nicotinamide-driven ImmunoMOdulation in glioblastoma (NIMO)
- 3TR
- A sealed therapeutic shoe or cast as treatment of diabetic foot ulcers - a randomized controlled trial
- Achieving good glycemic control early after onset of diabetes is cost effective for patients with type 1 diabetes in Sweden
- Activity patterns in the abdominal and back musculature
- ADAPTide: decrypting sustainable and responsive nutrition by mapping the effects of plant-based foods on metabolic profiling
- Adding self-sampling kits to reminder letters: The effect on cost-effectiveness of cervical cancer screening reminders for long time non-attenders
- Adherence to screening program for diabetes retinopathy
- Adrenergic signalling in cancer progression
- Adult dysplasia of the hip; the role of labral pathology and effect of pelvic tilt.
- Advances in workplace-based learning in health professions education (AWL-HPE)
- Ageing, influences on treatment modalities and health outcomes
- Age-related hearing impairment (ARHI) - a longitudinal epidemiological study.
- Agile Competency-Based Learning for Individuals and Teams, ACTIVATE
- Assessment of anorectal function in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
- Assessment of Capacity for Myoelectric Control (ACMC)
- Bacteriocins in prevention and treatment of infections
- Behandling av peniscancer som metastaserat till lymfkörtlar eller andra organ
- BIO IBD - A multi-modal national study to identify BIOmarkers for diagnosis, therapy response and disease progression in IBD
- Biological aspects of ageing
- Biosignatures and functional network structures
- Bowel And Bladder function in Infant Toilet Training (BABITT) - a randomized multicenter intervention study
- Bowel And Bladder function In Swedish 4-year old children - a cross sectional study (BABIS-4)
- Butyrate-promoting dietary fibres as a potential strategy for the prevention of type-2 diabetes
- Causes and consequences of lifespan multi-morbidity in ADHD
- CloROP - Clonidine as pain relief during eye examinations in preterm infants
- Comorbid Conditions of Attention deficit / hyperactive disorders (CoCA)
- Comorbidity, mortality and disease progression/severity in multiple sclerosis
- Comparing the efficacy of encapsulated and non-encapsulated probiotics to affect brain function
- Compositional analysis of the human gut microbiota along the entire large intestine
- Computer navigated hip arthroplasty
- Congenital limb deficiency - early intervention and later outcomes
- Connection between primary and secondary hemostasis
- Cost of complications in people with type 2 diabetes: Evidence from 20 years of Swedish national health registry data
- Creating Learning Environments for Compassionate Care
- Cross-talk between platelets and the vessel wall
- Development of expression platforms for antigens for vaccine candidates and diagnostic tools
- Development of the Assisting Hand Assessment-PAD: A Rasch-built performance measure for people with unilateral upper limb prosthesis (P), amputation (A) or reduction deficiency (D)
- Diagnostic Value of Various Endoscopic and Gastrointestinal Examinations
- Different amounts of carbohydrates during prolonged physical activity and performance in type 1 diabetes
- Digital monocyte
- Dignity conserving care for older persons with palliative care needs
- Effect of serotonergic stimulation on the gut-brain axis in irritable bowel syndrome patients compared with healthy subjects applying functional brain imaging
- Effects of a Low-Energy Diet Compared with a Low-Energy Diet and Intragastric Balloon in Adults with Obesity, in Combination with Group Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Study
- Effects of Bilberry and/or Oat intake on lipids, inflammation and exercise capacity after Acute Myocardial Infarction (BIOAMI): a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
- Effects of multi-modal non-pharmacological treatment in adult patients with ADHD - A randomised controlled study
- Effects of Nutrition and Lifestyle on Impulsive, Compulsive, and Externalizing behaviours (Eat2beNICE)
- Elderly, their relatives and healthcare professionals' experiences of health services for elderly. A qualitative study
- Emfysemkvantifiering i CT-bilder med artificiellt neuralt nätverk
- Establishing a novel gut-brain axis model
- Functional MRI and Appetite Regulation (FAR22)
- Fundoscopy in elderly people with diabetes in Sweden
- Genetic variations in genes associated with inflammation and predisposition for altered biomarker profiles
- Genome, genome regulation and expression
- Grade III-V Isthmic Spondylolisthesis in Children and Teenagers. A Long-Term Follow-Up of In Situ Fusion
- Human exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances? Role of the gut microbiome and bile acid metabolism in mediating impact (PFASgut)
- Human papillomavirus, biological and prognostic markers in primary vaginal and vulvar cancer
- Human papillomavirus, gene variation and protein expression as prognostic markers for metastasizing penile cancer
- Hypoglycaemia reduction in subpopulations with type 1 or type 2 diabetes after switching to insulin degludec from other basal insulins: a multi-national, multi-centre, prospective, observational study (ReFLeCT).
- Identification of dietary fibres that promotes butyrate production
- Ikaria Healthy Ageing
- ImprUV+ - An analytical framework to explore the effects of UV during plant growth on human health
- Inflammation and prothrombotic responses to platelet activation via the immunoreceptor FCGR2A in myeloproliferative neoplasms
- Infusion of Mescenchymal cells in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic subjects
- Interaction between dietary protein and fibre fermentation - its functional consequences
- Interleukin-6 classic and trans-signaling in human monocytes - molecular mechanisms and functional consequences
- Investigation of endocrine-disrupting chemicals as contributors to progression of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease
- Irritable bowel syndrome in primary health care
- Ketamine as an Alternative Treatment to ECT in Major Depressive Disorder
- Late onset of inflammatory bowel disease
- Learning of practical skills
- Long-term consequences of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults
- Lower extremity amputations in Sweden
- Lymfkörtelkirurgi och komplikationer
- Mapping signal transduction in inflammation (Umbrella project)
- Maternal and child health in a HIV/AIDS high endemic area (Mozambique)
- Metabolome in traumatic brain injury - from biomarkers and pathways to clinical translation (pathTBI)
- Microbes inside
- miGut-Health
- Missed nursing care in the Swedish operating theatre nursing context- a pilot study
- Mode of action of butyrate in the human colon
- Modelling the cost-effectiveness of HPV self-sampling and molecular triage in cervical cancer screening for women aged 60-69 years
- Molecular triage for HPV-positive samples in cervical cancer screening
- Municipality chief nurses (MAS) obstacles and possibilities to fulfill their duties in municipal health care.
- NanoSafety2
- Network medicine and systems biological approaches to modeling inflammation
- Nutritional status in older people in need of health and social care
- Nyttan av cochleaimplantat (CI) hos vuxna - hörsel, livskvalitet och cognition
- Pain and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation: A Case-Control Study
- PAN Prodig - True Ileal Digestibility of Different Plant-Based Proteins in a Human Ileostomy Model
- PAN Promet - The Effect of Oral Ingestion of Animal and Plant-Based Proteins on the Somatotropic Axis
- PAN Protein - plant-based proteins contributing to a healthy and sustainable diet
- PenBus: inflammation, HPV och genetik vid peniscancer
- Peniscancer och risk för andra HPV associerade tumörformer
- Peniscancer och utredning med PET-CT
- Phenotyping and treatment of primary health care IBS patients
- Physiotherapeutic aspects on balance and walking deficits in multiple sclerosis
- Plastic antibodies and nanoplasmonic sensors in targeting risk markers of periodontitis and systemic disorders
- Platelet function in cardiothoracic surgery and cardiology
- Platelet function in transfusion medicine
- POPgut - The impact of persistent organic pollutants exposure on gut health
- Population-based studies of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Adverse Health Behaviors
- Post stroke fatigue
- Predicting Psychiatric and Medical Outcomes of Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
- Productivity losses associated with complications of diabetes: Evidence from 20 years of Swedish national health registry data on >200,000 people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes
- Prostate Cancer Stress Surveillance and Survival (ProSeSS): evaluation of a fast-track clinical workup for men with suspected prostate cancer
- Proteome signatures in IBD
- Psychological and Physiological Factors Predicting Tolerability and Weight Loss with Intragastric Balloon in Combination with Low-Calorie Diet and Group Treatment in Adults with Obesity
- Real-world data and epidemiology in IBD
- Recreational diving in persons with type 1 and type 2 diabetes ? Advancing capabilities and recommendations
- Reference functions for blood borne and sexually transmitted infections (STI) in Sweden
- Referral to another level of health care - A prehospital patient safety study
- Regulation and early signs of immunosuppression in sepsis
- Risk of impaired vision due to diabetes retinopathy in the elderly with type 2 diabetes.
- Risks and benefits of ADHD medication
- Role of CARD8 for inflammation in vascular cells
- Role of NLRP3 inflammasome and interleukin-1 (IL-1) in cardiovascular disease
- Role of zinc finger proteins in cardiovascular diseases and cancer
- SAND-projektet
- SANNI - Safe analgesia for neonatal intensive care
- Self-efficacy and health literacy impact on outcome after bariatric surgery
- Self-measurement of uric acid for patients with gout ? a feasibility study in primary care.
- Sensory reactivity in autism spectrum conditions
- Sentinel Node och peniscancer
- Silicone sock as treatment of heel fissures among people with diabetes - a randomized controlled trial
- Skin and wound care at end-of-life: A systematic review
- Stress-related morbidity and mortality in newly diagnosed cancer patients
- Stroke Rehabilitation with Immersive Virtual Environments: STRIVE
- Systematic modelling: quantitative and semi-qualitative implementations of nutrition-microbe-gut-blood-brain interactions regarding the role of butyrate
- Systems Biology and Bioinformatics Analysis of Inhaled LPS Mouse Model Data from AstraZeneca
- The Blue Muffin Study - Impact of gut physiology and function on the formation of bioactive oligomers upon dietary fibre consumption
- The CDC4G study
- The development of an automatic cognitive screening test using Advanced Eye-Tracking Technology
- The effects of fermentable dietary fibre supplementation on intestinal permeability and inflammation in microscopic colitis
- To determine the butyrate transport capacity in vitro and in tissue samples from healthy individuals and from patients with digestive disorders
- Total knee arthroplasty in obese patients with and without prior bariatric surgery
- Towards technology-supported workplace based learning: needs analysis and design
- Two-point force systems in orthotics: theory and applications
- Understanding long-term opioid treatment to patients with chronic non-cancer pain in order to develop a method that promotes proper treatment.
- Unpuzzle - Unravelling molecular motifs from dietary fibers responsible for interaction with recognition receptors in human cells
- Validation of the self-report version of IPPA (Individually Prioritized Problem Assessment)
- Visuohaptic skills in early brain-based visual impairment
- X-HiDE
- Örebro Birth Cohort
Completed projects
- A systematic review of evaluation forms to assess interprofessional learning in undergraduate health professions education
- Allergic diseases in adolescence and depression in adulthood
- APRILD - Mönstertolkning med artificiella neurala nätverk vid interstitiella lungsjukdomar
- Assessment of difficulties in everyday life - validation of the Swedish self-administered version of World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 in a psychiatric population
- Bibliometric analysis of research within the area of assistive technology devices
- Biomarkers and elderly health
- Can prosthetic wrist reduce compensatory movements among upper limb prosthesis users?
- Characteristics during adolescence and the risk of early-onset dementia
- Characteristics in childhood and adolescence relevant to chronic disease risk later in life
- Comparison of drop-in and scheduled appointments for people in need of foot orthoses.
- Datortomografisk lungembolidiagnostik med minimal mängd kontrastmedel
- Deep learning algorithms in predicting severe complications after bariatric surgery
- Development of a comprehensive elderly cohort
- Development of an in vivo butyrate sensor
- DID-ACT, European collaborative project on Clinical reasoning in health professions education.
- Dietary Fibers supporting Gut and Immune Function - from polysaccharide compound to health claim (FibeBiotics)
- Early life and intergenerational influences on immune-mediated disease risk
- Effect of a GnRH Injection on Ghrelin Concentrations in Girls With Suspected Premature Puberty
- Effect of the enzyme AN-PEP on gluten degradation in gluten-sensitive individuals
- Effects on subclinical heart failure in type 2 diabetic subjects on liraglutide treatment versus glimepiride both in combination with metformin
- Exponering och upptag av kobolt - effekter på luftvägar och hud samt påverkan på inflammatoriska markörer vid hårdmetallframställning
- Factors of importance for morbidity and mortality in incident type 2 diabetes cases
- Faecal microbial transplantation (FMT) in IBS
- Faecal microbiota transfer in microscopic colitis
- Functional profiling of microbiota in the human gut
- Glucocorticoid-enhanced extinction-based exposure therapy in Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Gluten reaction in children and young adults with cerebral palsy (CP)
- Gut-Brain axis in children and young adults with cerebral palsy (CP)
- Health Consequences of Environmental Exposures in Early Life
- Health-related quality of life worsening with increased severity of postprandial hyperglycaemic symptoms in individuals with type 1 or 2 diabetes
- HESPER Web- converting the HESPER instrument to a self-administrated version for web use
- Home-phototherapy for newborn infants with hyperbilirubinemia
- ICF- core sets for hearing loss; validation and operationalization of Brief ICF-Core set for hearing loss into a self-assessment instrument
- Integrative bioinformatics: combining clinical, physiological, brain imaging and molecular profiles
- Intervention with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for subjects with IBS and its effects on visceral perception, abdominal complaints, psychological functioning and gut microbiota
- Labour market and health outcomes in adults with a family member who has a chronic illness: the role of family characteristics and social services
- Labour market outcomes and health after surviving cancer
- Life situation and ward consumption before suicide, among citizens in Örebro county
- Lifestyle, Biomarkers, and Atherosclerosis (LBA) Study
- Long term effect of Continuation Electroconvulsive therapy
- Microbe-host interactions in post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome (PI-IBS)
- Microbiota
- NanoSafety1
- Natural course, quality of life, heredity and mortality among children and adolescents who debuted with seizures 50 years ago, in Uppsala county
- Naturalförloppstudie
- Neurological complications pre-dating obesity and type 2 diabetes
- Newbreed
- Nya diagnostiska markörer
- Outcomes of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Örebro county
- Physical and psychological characteristics in adolescence and risk of cerebrovascular disease
- Physical and psychological characteristics in adolescence and subsequent gastrointestinal disease risk in adulthood
- Placental leptin, leptin receptor isoforms, and inflammation in obese women - in relation to birth weight of the outcome
- Prevalence and prognostic implications of cardiac injury in patients with influenza-like illness
- Prognostic predictors of ECT for depression
- Prostate cancer
- Psycho(bio)logical effects of a probiotic mixture - an fMRI study
- Psychometric properties of two assessment tools for use in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy - Childrens Hand-use Experience Questionnaire and the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory
- Risk och protective factors for adherence to wearing therapeutic shoes among people with diabetic foot complications
- Risk of frailty after cancer treatment
- SAND 4 - Can we make single energy CT perform as good as dual energy CT in differentiating urinary acid stones from other urinary stones?
- Sports camps for adults with type 1 diabetes associated with improved self-estimated knowledge and glycemic control.
- The association between eHealth literacy and postoperative recovery in Swedish spekaing vs non-Swedish speaking persons undergoing surgery
- The effect of probiotic supplementation on antibody response against SARS-CoV-2 in healthy adults
- The micro-RNAome in cord blood of babies born small-for-gestational age
- The micro-RNAome in full-term placentas of babies born small-for-gestational age
- The natural history of multiple sclerosis
- The role of early psychological stress on cancer occurrence and outcomes
- The specific antibody response in children with cerebral palsy(CP).
- To evaluate anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of butyrate on the transport of large neutral amino acids such as tryptophan, a precursor of the neurotransmitter serotonin, in in vitro models
- Transglutaminases in children with cerebral palsy (CP)
- Translation and validation of the Swedish version of the World Health Organization - Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS) 2.0
- Traumatic limb amputation and depression risk
- Workplace Violence in the Ambulance Services Project; WASP