Nursing Science
Subject information
At Örebro University, Nursing Science is the main subject in education programs for nurses at undergraduate and advanced level. Nursing science is also the main research subject at the Nursing Unit. At postgraduate level, the subject is called Medical Science with a specilization in Healthcare Sciences.
Within Nursing Science, knowledge is developed about preventive measures to preserve and restore health and how the nurse can best alleviate suffering and contribute to a dignified death. The research focuses primarily on the individual care recipient's different needs, situation and context, as well as on relatives and the care. The next of kin as carer and their need for support and guidance, ethical positions, the pedagogy of care and the management of nursing work are dealt with in nursing science. The results of nursing research thereby contribute to developing and improving safe, evidence-based and sustainable healthcare. Within the science of nursing, nursing research is conducted whose purpose is knowledge building in and for practice and theory, as well as methods with the goal of developing care structures that promote health and well-being in all stages of life, as well as a safe and democratic care organization. The research has as its basis the human being who experiences and creates meaning from his experiences and his context.
The application of Nursing Science is nursing that is based on and includes both the scientific field of knowledge and the personal and patient-related work. Nursing is based on people's various needs and problems related to health and ill-health as well as to daily life, people's resources and ability to deal with problems. Family, relatives, surroundings and environment are included in nursing. The human view of nursing is humanistic and is based on a holistic view with ethical aspects where all people are treated equally regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, socio-cultural affiliation, beliefs and functional level. Nursing's meta-concept of human, health and environment is reflected in the design of nursing and care organizations.
In order to practice nursing from a holistic view of the human being with an ethical approach, knowledge from the academic subject of nursing science as well as from other academic subjects is required, and an ability to integrate this knowledge into nursing actions.
Nursing actions span a wide field from high-tech interventions to support in existential crises. This means that people must receive good and safe care and nursing based on need and situation, and that there is knowledge and practical skills to carry out these nursing actions within a care relationship.
- Britt-Marie Ahlander
- Fredrik Alm
- Leila Asri
- Dimitri Beeckman
- Elisabeth Bergdahl
- Karin Blomberg
- Helena Claesson Lingehall
- Karuna Dahlberg
- Anna Duberg
- Alexandra Eilegård Wallin
- Elisabeth Ericsson
- Mats Eriksson
- Karin Falk-Brynhildsen
- Maria Gradin
- Annika Hickisch
- Karin Hugelius
- Maria Hälleberg-Nyman
- Erik Höglund
- Ann-Kristin Isaksson
- Maria Jaensson
- Charlotta Jerlström
- Malin Karlberg Traav
- Christina Karlsson
- Annica Kihlgren
- Carola Liebe-Harkort
- Kristina Luhr
- Margareta Möller
- Bente Nilsen
- Margaretha Norell-Pejner
- Ulla Ohlsson
- Emma Ohlsson-Nevo
- Emma Olsson
- Kerstin Prignitz Sluys
- Agneta Schröder
- Mikael Selvin
- Helena Sjölin
- Yvonne Skogsdal
- Ann-Sofie Sundqvist
- Mia Svantesson
- Annika Söderman
- Alexandra Ullsten
- Anne-Marie Wallin
- Elisabet Welin
- Jenny Windahl
- Camilla Wistrand
- Sofia Axelsson, PhD student
- Tove Axelsson Landberg, PhD student
- Karin Berntsson, PhD student
- Martina Carlsen Misic, PhD student
- Julie Deprez, PhD student
- Anna Drakenberg, PhD student
- Tanja Duljic, PhD student
- Linda Durnell, PhD student
- Erika Fjordkvist, PhD student
- Annika Granath, PhD student
- Anette Granberg, PhD student
- Jakob Hedlund, PhD student
- Sofie Högström, PhD student
- Annika Imhagen, PhD student
- Dana Islam, PhD student
- Jenny Karlsson, PhD student
- Jeanette Kittang, PhD student
- Annika Lindh, PhD student
- Tiina Luukkanen, PhD student
- Anna-Karin Mouazzen, PhD student
- Christina Nilsson, PhD student
- Maria Nilsson, PhD student
- Anna Nordlind, PhD student
- Louise Norlander, PhD student
- Henna Odisho, PhD student
- Daniel Pichler, PhD student
- Erin Rajhathy, PhD student
- Nina Ramezani, PhD student
- Elisa Reinikainen, PhD student
- Eva Runngren, PhD student
- Anna Slettmyr, PhD student
- Maria Svedjebrant, PhD student
- Hanna Unosson, PhD student
- Camilla Wall, PhD student
- Ulrika Westerling, PhD student
- Maria Åkesson, PhD student
Research projects
Active projects
- A theoretical perspective to enhance the theory of co-creation in palliative care with dignity
- Agile Competency-Based Learning for Individuals and Teams, ACTIVATE
- Being a manager in health and social care for older persons
- Can KMC decrease morbidity and mortality in low birth weight infants?
- Children's healthcare experiences - how are their voices heard today and can the British instrument CYP-PREM be used by Swedish children and young people?
- Clinical group supervision in nursing - a model for strengthening newly graduated nurses? professional role and professional development
- Clinical learning in the OR: from a student nurse anesthetists' and supervisors' perspective
- CloROP - Clonidine as pain relief during eye examinations in preterm infants
- Creating Learning Environments for Compassionate Care
- Development and clinical validation of a risk prediction model for incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) in a group of hospitalised adult patients
- Emergency care and transport to emergency hospitals by dying patients in the home; a necessity or an unnecessary suffering
- Emergency interventions and transport to hospitals of patients receiving palliative care at home or in nursing homes
- Evaluating clinical placements for nursing education ( first and second cycle)
- Frequent users within the ambulance services (FRAM)
- Healthy and sustainable work environment for nurses in Swedish health and medical care
- How crooked do I really see? Subjective and objective improvement after epiretinal membrane surgery.
- Implementing core values
- Individualized developmental care interventions for promoting development and preventing morbidity in preterm infants
- Just-In-TIME - Intervention with combined dance and yoga for girls with functional abdominal pain disorders
- Learning of practical skills
- Living with narcolepsy as a result of vaccination against the swine-flu - quality-of-life and the need of support among children and adolescents and their families
- Managers perceptions of the organizations readiness for implementation
- Mapping the existential dimension of health regarding interventions and instruments - An integrative literature review in palliative care
- Narcolepsy after vaccination against the swine-flu - trust in health care and the role of social media
- One fracture is enough!
- Onset PrevenTIon of urinary retention in Orthopaedic Nursing and rehabilitation, OPTION - a knowledge implementation study on a facilitating strategy for multi-professional clinical champion teams
- Palliative Care in Emergency Medicine (Pacem)
- Parenthood after neonatal care - PANC
- Parents of infants with BPD
- Perioperative routines and complications after saphenous vein graft harvesting during coronary arterial surgery
- POP - Parent led pain management
- POPS - Postoperative care and patient safety
- Prepared or ready for disasters?
- PRICOV-19 - Quality of care and patient safety in primary care practices in times of a pandemic
- ReActivate: Physiotherapist led intervention for adolescents with pain and psychological distress
- REALE: The relation between preparations, experiences and health when working in disasters
- Referral to another level of health care - A prehospital patient safety study
- SANNI - Safe analgesia for neonatal intensive care
- Self-efficacy and health literacy impact on outcome after bariatric surgery
- Serenity in old age
- Skin and wound care at end-of-life: A systematic review
- Specialist Nurses in Municipal Primary Care - An Unclear Professional Role
- Stem cell transplanted teenagers and their way to adulthood
- Stroke Rehabilitation with Immersive Virtual Environments: STRIVE
- Supporting parental behaviour in relation to anesthesia induction to reduce children's preoperative anxiety
- SWEpap - Parents, a pain-relieving resource in neonatal care
- The caring process of co-creation in palliative care; A Qualitative Meta Synthesis
- The older person's path through the health care system -from home to emergency room admission and discharge from in-patient care
- The pendulum words of Qvarnström and dying in relation to awareness, fear and time; a theoretical analysis.
- The role and competence of the nurse working with neonatal care
- The Swedish version of the Attitude towards Pressure ulcer Prevention instrument for use in an operating theatre (APuP-OR): A Nationwide Psychometric Evaluation
- The TAPE study. Pain associated with the use of medical adhesives
- To describe relatives? experiences of the meeting with prehospital healthcare professionals in the event of death at home concerning people with palliative care needs
- To describe student-active learning during the supervision process of thesis work within the framework of nursing education.
- Translation and cultural adaption of the Quality Of Life In Chronic Child's Disease Questionnaire (QLCCDQ)for a Swedish context
- Validity and reliability of the Swedish version of HLS19-Q12
- Working in health and social care for older persons
Completed projects
- Intra-operative recolonisation
- A web-based intervention to improving the care o children in relation to tonsil surgery
- Consequences of an acute traumatic hand injury - cohort study over ten years
- Dance intervention for teenage girls with internalizing problems
- Disinfection and (re)colonisation
- Effects of early support to parents whose infants need neonatal care
- Empirical studies in Skaraborg
- Evaluation of method for patient education on a nurse-led heart failure clinic
- Evidence based nursing ? how do we get there?
- Exploring medical students' approaches to ECG learning
- Frames for the clinical education in the Nursing program
- Health economic aspects of interventions for children and young people's mental health
- HESPER Web- converting the HESPER instrument to a self-administrated version for web use
- Home-phototherapy for newborn infants with hyperbilirubinemia
- Interventions for the management of Pain and Sedation in Newborns undergoing Therapeutic hypothermia for hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
- Investigating education needs in prone positioning care, an interview study (Pronetection study)
- Life situations of relatives assisting family members with long-term chronic illness, old age or disability
- Natural course, quality of life, heredity and mortality among children and adolescents who debuted with seizures 50 years ago, in Uppsala county
- NeoOpioid - No pain during infancy by adapting off-patent medicines
- Nurse anaesthetists - perspective of advocacy
- Parental experiences of Skin-to-Skin Contact: a meta-study
- Physical contact in professional education and training
- Post-assault sexual and reproductive health practices by women victims of sexual violence in DR Congo
- Psychoeducational programme (PEP) to persons recently treated for colorectal and their next-of-kin
- Role and competence of the nurse working at the PACU
- Skills training and simulation as an educational tool to develop professional knowledge
- Skin-to-skin care as pain relief for newborn infants - measured with NIRS - Near Infrared Spectroscopy
- Terms and conditions for adults with Spina Bifida in everyday life
- The air way: interventions, patients safety, documentation and experiences
- The association between eHealth literacy and postoperative recovery in Swedish spekaing vs non-Swedish speaking persons undergoing surgery
- The right to safe living conditions in old age
- The role of nurses in parental participation in the pain care of infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- The role of parents in neonatal pain management - a global survey
- To work together to develop a meaningful everyday life for older people in aged care. A participant-based research program
- Urinary catheter management in connection with hip surgery
- Workplace Violence in the Ambulance Services Project; WASP
- Work-related motivation - identification and development of instruments