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Research projects

The air way: interventions, patients safety, documentation and experiences

About this project

Project information

Project status


Research subject

The aims of the project is in a national survey identify documentation and guidelines for airway assessment. To assess whether common scores used to predict a difficult airway could predict easy endotracheal intubation and to explore patients' experiences of awake intubation. Furthermore, to study the effect of endotracheal intubation (ETT) and the size of it on sore throat and hoarseness, to describe gender differences and independent risk factors in the development of postoperative sore throat and hoarseness after ETT in adults as well as incidence, type, location and duration of the sore throat and hoarseness. The project includes RCT studies, exploratory and qualitative studies.


Research funding bodies

  • Region Örebro County
  • Örebro University
