Culinary Arts & Meal Science
Subject information
Areas of research
- Sustainable Development
- Food and beverage combinations
- Food and health
- Meal ecology
- Culinary Arts
- Sensory Science
The subject area of culinary arts and meal science discusses issues within the field of gastronomy with a particular focus on meals from a holistic perspective. It draws on the understanding of the meal through the interaction of aspects such as the room, the meeting, the product, the management control system and the atmosphere. The scientific approach is one informed by social sciences and the humanities, with elements of natural science and integrated with culinary craft and aesthetics. As a subject area, culinary arts and meal science is thus interdisciplinary and in interaction with other subjects, wider and/or more in-depth perspectives of sustainable meals in society are facilitated.
The research and doctoral programme in culinary arts and meal science at Örebro University are multifaceted and undertaken within a range of fields. The meal from social and cultural perspectives examines the various relationships that exist between individuals and food, from production to consumption, of which culinary craft and gastronomic practices are a part. Sustainable working life in the gastronomy sector is another field, where focus is on matters concerning social and economic sustainability. The field of sensory science deals with matters relating to how our senses work as well as the sensory characteristics of products and their significance for experience and behaviour. Providing a basis for our research, these fields contribute a holistic perspective on and knowledge of not only gastronomic competences and skills but also on the role of gastronomy in society
- Mischa Billing
- Mats Carlbäck
- Anders Crichton-Fock
- Marie-louise Danielsson-Tham
- Lars Eriksson
- Annika Göran-Rodell
- Kajsa Hult
- Jack Lainpelto
- Mihaela Mihnea
- Henrik Scander
- Johan Swahn
- Wilhelm Tham
- Ute Walter
- Lotte Wellton
- Stefan Wennström
- Åsa Öström
- Taeko Hamada, PhD student
- Ansung Kim, PhD student
- Hannah Kristofers, PhD student
- Bente Nilsen, PhD student
- Daniel Östergren, PhD student
Research projects
Active projects
- Aquafresh - collaboration with SLU and Future of Food
- Becoming a leader in the restaurant industry
- Closing the loop from Farm to Fork - digital tools for sustainability and crisis preparedness
- Eating and watching tv-series! How do movies or tv-series affect our perception of snacks?
- Experience accounting (EA)
- From ice deliveries to electricity dependent refrigerators - food storing practices and ideas of sustainability 1920s -2020
- Gustatory wisdom in a knowledge-driven society
- Human listoriosis. Sources and routes
- Improved sensory experience for elderly
- Rewine the world- By joint forces and expertise apply multi-disciplinary research and develop novel methods to rescue wine and other complex food products
- Sensory Hacking - Eating in Virtual Reality. How can we eat healthier and tastier through virtual reality?
- Service encounters and harassment
- Sommelier Training & Critical Attribute Techniques (CAT) for Future Meal contexts
- Sommeliers competition practices in regards to restaurant industry development
- Sound and Taste; how does sound affect the way we perceive taste?
- Sustainability Reporting in the Hospitality Industry
- The Creation of Culinary Spaces in Sweden
- The Creation of Culinary Spaces in Sweden
- The imagined hospitality and it's practices in a restaurant context
Completed projects
- Crispy, nutty and honey-coloured: the sensory language in Swedish cookbooks from the century until today
- Development of gastronomic design on the basis of cultivated diversity
- Female chefs: in a male restaurant world
- Five Aspect Meal Model (FAMM)
- Food and beverage combinations, cultural habits and nutritional contribution
- Gender in restaurants
- Guests' service experiences in restaurants: a guest perspective
- ImprUV - Increasing sensory quality and content of health-promoting components in vegetables and herbs
- Knowledge as a culinary engine: Swedish meal science programmes? effects on gastronomical developments
- Knowledge through experience: everyone is entitled to their own taste
- Life and working life conditions for women and men in a growing restaurant sector
- Nano design by haptic, aesthetic exercises
- Nimble and neat: on aesthetic ready meals packaging
- Nordic Culinary Success Factors
- Older patients meal experiences in hospitals - an explorative study with a focus on hospitality and sensory aspects
- Pro Children and PRO GREENS
- Ready meals from the consumers´ perspective - attitudes, beliefs, contexts and appropriateness
- Restaurant practices and Professional ideals
- Return on collaboration (ROC)
- Sensory, attitudional, and contextual aspects of the meal. Health implications and constructions with risk factors for coronary heart disease and obesity
- Service in restaurants
- Solo dining
- Sorry, we´re full! - Guest screening and guest discrimination in restaurants
- Sustainable food production in Sweden - the potential of agroforestrysystems
- The construction of food and meal culture for political and commercial ends
- The meal in prison
- The restaurant review as a gastronomy-journalistic genre: history, forms and critics from Swedish 19th century until today
- The sensory language. Can the sensory language influence consumer´s attitudes to and preference for fruit and vegetables?
- The Unique Properties of Swedish Oak, a Resource for Wine and Whisky Production