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Research subject

Media and Communication Studies


Subject information


Peter Berglez

Research domains

  • Humanities-Social sciences

Research environments

The Media & Communications Department at Örebro University contributes to developing the national and international research fronts in innovative and creative ways. The research subject has three sub-groups representing different themes: Discourse, Communication and Media, Moving Images and Screen Cultures, and Strategic Communication. Research in the sub-groups comprises a variety of areas that have a common interest in cross-disciplinary and critical approaches. By applying a multitude of theories and methods, different types of communicative and mediated practices and phenomena are explored both in local and global contexts. The forms and conditions of mediated communication and their impact on societal changes are central issues of investigation. The subject consists of an international group of researchers and Ph.D. students from different parts of the world which enrichens our perspectives and approaches. Collaborations with other researchers and milieus are integral parts of the subject’s research work, as well as collaborations with organizations and institutions outside of academia. 

The research group Discourse, Communication and Media (DCM) focuses on critical, multimodal discourse studies, analyses of talk, and journalistic studies with a global perspective. Studies explore various forms of communication in contemporary journalism, politics, popular culture, and society that take place on a variety of media platforms. Moving Images and Screen Cultures (MISC) hosts researchers from various strands of film studies and media studies and is characterized by both theoretical and methodological breadth. Research expands over historic and ethnographic studies of film culture to explorations of transmedia storytelling and studies of film as thought/theory/philosophy. Research within Strategic Communication (SCOM) revolves around how the modern media landscape impacts on the development of strategic communication and its audiences/target groups. Researchers’ interests include strategic communication within the corporate, government authority and political spheres.

Completed projects

New Publications

Ekström, M. , Kroon, Å. & Östlund, E. (2024). Enacting Journalistic Authority: The Communicative Challenges and Competences of Live Two-Way Correspondents in Swedish Public Service Broadcasting. Journalism Practice.  Link to article in DIVA

Eriksson, M. & Denk, T. (2024). Medborgarengagemang i hemberedskap i kampanj- och kristider. In: Ulrika Andersson; Björn Rönnerstrand; Anders Carlander, Inferno (pp. 133-148). Göteborg: SOM-institutet.  Link to article in DIVA

Eriksson, M. & Stenersen, J. (2024). En studie av hemberedskapsengagemang i kampanj- och kristider. Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap/Örebro universitet (DURCOM Arbetsrapport 3).  Link to article in DIVA

Eriksson, M. (2024). Living a “Digital Life” and Ready to Cope with Crises? Highlighting Young Adults’ Conceptions of Crisis and Emergency Preparedness. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 32 (1).  Link to article in DIVA

Eriksson, M (2024). A Multi-motive Risk Communication Model for “Making” Crisis Preparedness. I (red.) Diers-Lawson. A, Schwarz, A., Meissner, F., och Ravazzani, S., Risk and Crisis Communication in Europe: Towards Integrating Theory and Practice in Unstable and Turbulent Times. Routledge: New York. Link to article in Taylor & Francis 

Rabe, L. , Sataøen, H. L. , Lidskog, R. & Eriksson, M. (2024). Making risk communication in practice: dimensions of professional logics in risk and vulnerability assessments. Journal of Risk Research.  Link to article in DIVA

Sataøen, H. L. , Østgaard Skotnes, R. , Hansen, K. & Eriksson, M. (2024). Municipal risk communication challenges in the Nordic context: Organizing risk ownership. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy.  Link to article in DIVA

Berglez, P. Hedenmo, O. (2023) “The mediatedness of interorganizational collaboration. How collaboration materializes through affordances, chains, and switches”, Organization. Link to article in DIVA in Sage Journals

Berglez, P. (2023) “Ten news criteria for sustainable journalism”, Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies. Link to article in Intellect DISCOVER

Eriksson, M. , Falkheimer, J. & Gardell, E. (2023). Kristider. In: Jesper Strömbäck; Ingela Wadbring, Snabbtänkt. Eftertänkt. En vänbok till Lars Nord (pp. 26-27). Sundsvall: Demicom. Link to article in DIVA

Jernudd, Å, and Van Belle, J. (2023). Managing constraints and stories of freedom: Comparing cinema memories from the 1950s and 60s in Sweden. In: Treveri Gennari, D., Van de Vijver, L., and Ercole, P. (eds). The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative New Cinema Histories. Palgrave Macmillan.

Kroon, Å. (2023). Welcome Inside The Casino Cottage: Challenging the Notions of “Risk” in Online Casino Advertising through a Context-Attentive Discourse Analysis of a Swedish Brand’s Ad Videos from 2014-2022. Critical Gambling Studies, 4 (1), 38-52. Link to article in DIVA

Kroon, Å. & Nilsson, J. (2023). How slow is ‘slow TV’? Audiences’ experiences of meditation, obsession and authenticity when watching swimming moose on Swedish television. Journal of Popular Television, 11 (3), 279-298. Link to article in DIVA

Nilsson, J. (2023). Inculcative Address, Commercial Worldbuilding, and Transmedia Economy in the Children’s Franchise Bamse. Popular Communication, 21(3–4), 171–184.
Link to article in Taylor & Francis Online

Nilsson, J. (2023), Cinecepts, Deleuze, and Godard-Miéville. Developing Philosophy through Audiovisual Media. Edinburgh University Press.

Nilsson, J. (2023). “A Planetary Whole for the Alienated. John Akomfrah’s Vertigo Sea Through Jameson and Deleuze”. In: Bolton, L., Martin-Jones, D., Sinnerbrink, R. (eds). Contemporary Screen Ethics: Absences, Identities, Belonging, Looking Anew. Edinburgh University Press.

Rääf, C. , Martinsson, J. , Eriksson, M. , Ewald, J. , Javid, R. G. , Hjellström, M. , Isaksson, M. , Rasmussen, J. & et al. (2023). Restoring areas after a radioactive fallout: A multidisciplinary study on decontamination. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 270. Link to article in DIVA

Sataøen, H. L. & Eriksson, M. (2023). “Striking the right balance”: tensions in municipal risk communication management for preparedness. Journal of Communication Management, 27 (4), 601-616. Link to article in DIVA

Sjöberg, J., Berglez, P. Gambarato, R.) (2023) ”’Malmö is Not Sweden’s Chicago’: Policing and the Challenge of Creating a Sense of Safety Through Social Media Strategies”, Nordicom Review. Link to article in Sciendo

Van Belle, J., & Jernudd, Å. (2023). Remembering television as a new medium: Conceptual boundaries and connections. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 13(1), 67–81. Link to article in intellect DISCOVER