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Research projects

Global Media, Global Transformations

About this project

Project information

Project status




Research subject

The research group discusses old and new media in a global environment and the transformation of:

  • Identity (nationality, ethnicity, religion, ideology, etc.)
  • Democracy (freedom of speech, political participation, citizenship) and
  • Journalism (technology, professional roles, etc.)

    The group meets two times per semester. One meeting is dedicated to practical discussions (on news, plans, etc.), whereas the other meeting is dedicated to discussion of timely academic texts.

    The group is composed of researchers and doctoral students whose individual research projects and interests concern one or more of the listed transformations. The participants co-operate to arrange workshops, work on research applications, share news and plans, discuss new contributions to the field, etc.

4-5 November 2013, Peter Berglez, Ahmed Elgody, Anna Roosvall and Johanna Stenerssen arrange on behalf of the research group a workshop called Transformations in Journalism. Keynotes: Mark Deuze, Ansgard Heinrich, Adrienne Russell, Karin Wahl-Jörgensen. The workshop has received funding from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
