Business Administration
Subject information
Research domains
- Humanities-Social sciences
Research environments
Business administration is a multifaceted subject and revolves around a number of generic 'problem areas' of business enterprises and other organizations. Such central problem areas include issues related to financing and accounting, strategy and marketing, and organizing and management. At Örebro university research focus is on the alternatives, consequences and transformations of intra-organizational management controls, and on inter-organizational network issues related to the external flows of industrial firms.
Courses in Business Administration in collaboration with Örebro University given at other universities:
- Gun Abrahamsson
- Ida Andersson-Norrie
- Maira Babri
- Karin Berglund
- Niklas Bomark
- Tommy Borglund
- Per Carlborg
- Sabina Du Rietz
- Hans Englund
- Per Forsberg
- Jonas Gerdin
- Jan Greve
- Claes Gunnarsson
- Magnus Hansson
- Nina Hasche
- Hans Hasselbladh
- Sven Helin
- Martin Hunter
- Malin Härström
- Leanne Johnstone
- Mari-Ann Karlsson
- Shruti Kashyap
- Johan Kask
- Vojtech Klezl
- Anna Kremel
- Pia Lindell
- Gabriel Linton
- Simon Lundh
- Andreas Nilsson
- Frans Prenkert
- Zeinab Rezvani
- Virginia Rosales
- Peter Samuelsson
- Helen Stockhult
- Kristina Sutter-Beime
- Gabriella Wennblom
- Niklas Wällstedt
- Adeel Asghar, PhD student
- Stella El Masry, PhD student
- Sophie-Marie Ertelt, PhD student
- Miranda Kanon, PhD student
- Louise Pelgander, PhD student
- Thi Phuong Van, PhD student
Research projects
Active projects
- A study of how self-regulated cooperation is made possible through notched sticks
- Accounting for Science: Performance Management Systems and Researchers' Identities
- Aligning GHG emission reduction with economic resilience - the case of Science-Based Targets in the dairy sector
- Change and renewal of management accounting systems
- Circular Electrification Solutions for Decarbonized Freight Transport
- Configurations of PMS
- Ensuring Sustainable Substitution: Learning from the corporate phase-out of PFAS in outdoor clothing
- Healthcare professionals' entrepreneurial capacity for the co-creation of home-based care
- Institutions, technology and organizations
- Internationalisation in a network context
- Leadership and work environment during restructuring - A study of training intervention
- Management control systems as a package ? configurations, interrelationships, and effectiveness of MCS
- Military culture and organizing
- Performance management in the educational sector
- Project FIRE
- The sharing economy
- Transition acceleration challenges in hard-to-abate industry sectors: The case of road freight transport
- Understanding Business Network Dynamics Using Agent-based Modelling and Simulation
- Valorization of landfill and surface material in a circular economy
- Valuation of intangibles - rules and principles for value creation from an accounting perspective
- Visual market communication and aesthetic leadership with the film as a tool
Completed projects
- 3D printing and new business models
- A configurative view on control packages
- Benchmarking in Swedish local government
- Beyond new public management
- Business idea and internal efficiency in service processes
- Causes and consequenses of downsizing and corporate restructuring
- Commercialization of research and innovation
- Consumer behaviour as a challenge and opportunity for circular food packaging - what do we know?
- Corporate codes of ethics and globalization
- Corporate divorce
- Creating value in public intrapreneurial ventures
- Diffusion of management accounting innovations
- E-commerce and FMCG - Impact on economy, sustainability and network organization of distribution
- Entrepreneurial marketing - A Conceptual Study
- Entrepreneurial Orientation
- Entrepreneurship
- Ethical support structures in retail
- Forms of contingency fit in management accounting research
- Future Rail - Collective Organizing in Logistics Networks
- Global vision
- How corporate codes of ethics travel in organizations: the responsible vs the morally-distanced corporation
- Identity of leaders - principals in school
- Implementing evolutionary theory in the social sciences
- Individuals' reactions and actions during plant closure
- Industrial Evolution
- Institutional Logics and Accounting Professionals - The case of K2 and K3
- Inter-organizational management control in public sector outsourcing
- ISO-certification and business relationships
- Knowledge transfer in the ABC implementation literature
- Management accounting and gender
- Management accounting and institutional change
- Management accounting and organizational identity change
- Management accounting change in institutional theory research: literature review
- Management by intrapreneurship in public sector
- Management fads - can we better understand them?
- Mapping management accounting and trust research: a literature review
- Micro-dynamics of emergent organizational identity changes
- Network logic and innovation
- Normas and practices - three non-profit associations and their accounting
- Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in organizations
- Organizational routines in management accounting
- Outsourcing in local government
- Power and ethics in stakeholder management
- Pregnancy and employment
- Prerequisites for sustainability reporting within the Swedish district heating sector: Problems and opportunities
- Productivity effects and management during plant closures
- Professional work identity under extreme conditions
- Public sector institutional change
- Strategic learning at Robotdalen
- Structuration theory and management accounting research
- Target costing and perceived environmental uncertainty
- Technology, regulation and disruption in the financial sector: Understanding the future through digital methodologies.
- The labor contract and the governing of the modern work force
- The new generation electric utility
- The prosumption of prosumers
- The use of accounting information for organizational sensemaking
- University entrepreneurship: The case of university spin-offs in a network perspective
- Value creation and loyalty in exchange relationships: a dynamic perspective