Social Work
Subject information
Research domains
- Humanities-Social sciences
Areas of research
- Children and youth
- Prison research
- Institutional care
- Migration and social change
- Bullying
- Profession
- Violence
- Aging
Research environments
The global definition of Social work was approved by the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) General Meeting and the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) General Assembly in July 2014. It reads: ”Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work. Underpinned by theories of social work, social sciences, humanities and indigenous knowledges, social work engages people and structures to address life challenges and enhance wellbeing. The above definition may be amplified at national and/or regional levels.”
Social work is both an interdisciplinary research discipline and a cross-disciplinary research area. Social work is thus based on a wide range of scientific theory developed in one's own field and in other disciplines. Research in social work is often applied and focused on freeing up human resources and developed in collaboration with clients and users in an interactive, dialogue process and based on experience from practice.
The research in Social work at Örebro University includes studies of social problems among children, young people, adults and the elderly, as well as the conditions for social work and related social measures. The predominant focus of a specific research project can be a social phenomenon, problem or policy, a client group, a social working method or intervention or social law and/or issues related to organizations. It may have a strong, weak or no connection to a specific work area. At Örebro University, most of the research in Social work is gathered in the research groups above.
- Sanna Aila-Gustafsson
- Rúna Baianstovu
- Maria Bennich
- John Brauer
- Anders Bro
- Anders Bruhn
- Kristina Collén
- Munir Dag
- Jürgen Degner
- Rikard Engblom
- Erik Flygare
- Matilda Fredriksson
- Camilla Fridström
- Jenny Geffen
- Katarina Hjortgren
- Claes Holm
- Björn Johansson
- Jessica Hanna Jönsson
- Åsa Källström
- Anna L Jonhed
- Anna-Karin Larsson
- Robert Lindahl
- Daniel Lindberg
- Helene Lindström
- Marie Matérne
- Per-Åke Nylander
- Alexandru Panican
- Anna Petersén
- Camilla Pettersson
- Hanna Samzelius
- Maria Stetsko
- Thomas Strandberg
- Sara Thunberg
- Anders Trumberg
- Daniel Uhnoo
- Camilla Warnicke
- Matilda Wurm
- Gabriella Alner Knutsson, PhD student
- Joakim Billevik, PhD student
- Belma Isakovic, PhD student
- Filippa Klint, PhD student
- Klara Le, PhD student
- Ada Lui Gallassi, PhD student
- Lisa Sandelin, PhD student
- Martina Vikander, PhD student
Research groups
- Children's living conditions and well-being (BLIVA)
- Globalisation, migration and social cohesion (GLOMISCO)
- Honour, Violence and Society
- Interaction and Learning in Higher Education Pedagogy Practice (ILHP)
- Profession and Organization in Social Work
- SAFe - The Social Services' Work with People with Disability
- Social work and care in a life-course
- Vasa (Welfare, Labour Market Policies, and Social Responsibility)
Research projects
Active projects
- Adoption and child protection: European perspectives
- Almaspelet - a digital platform, Computer Game, for girls with Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDD)
- Children in focus- for a sustainable integration for families with children
- Coordinated psychosocial rehabilitation for adults affected by stroke
- DIALOGUE: Dialogue support for the social service's assessment of risk for violence in close relationships
- Efter barnförhöret - Evaluation of an early intervention from the social services in cases of child abuse
- Evaluation of a home-based parenting support program - Parenting Young Children - for parents with intellectual and developmental disabilities when there is a risk for neglect
- Exploring the Role of Pets in Children's Well-being and Mental Health
- Implementation of IPS within the psychosis care
- Minority joy and minority stress in transgender people: An intervention study
- Newbreed
- Rehabilitation for women under 65 years with Traumatic Brain Injury
- RISKSAM: Structured collaboration to prevent stalking and intimate partner violence - Implementation and evaluation of a risk management model for the social services and the police
- The importance of the physical environment in the Social Services' contacts with children and young people
- VISA: Violence In close relationships and the Social service's Adapted work
- Women's Online Wellbeing: a European Examination of digitalised violence against women
Completed projects
- A gender-aware and masculinity informed lens on informal caregiving
- A Program Theoretical analysis of the Friends Program
- Abuse and neglect in childhood - prevalence, long-term consequences and resilience factors
- Adults in school that bully students
- Article 19: What sheltered housing means for abused children
- Att höra eller nästan inte höra
- Better safe than sorry? Quantitative and qualitative aspects of child-father relationships after parental separation in cases involving intimate partner violence
- Bullying and academic performance
- Children's views on child poverty in Örebro municipality
- Decision-making in social child welfare
- Development of support and risk and protection assessments (IRISK)
- Evaluation of anti-bullying methods
- Evaluation of Childrens' advocacy Center in Skaraborg
- Evaluation of the model "Efter barnförhöret" ? A planning grant
- Evaluation of the national trial with supervision representatives for children in foster care
- Hur hörselskadade och döva ungdomar formar sitt liv som vuxen
- HVS: Honour, Violence and Society. The expressions and prevalence of honour-related violence and the challenges to society (2017-2020)
- Kunskap och Kvalitet i Socialtjänsten. Kvalitetsarbete och Verksamhetsutveckling i Katrineholms kommun.
- Men for Gender Equality as a prevention project on intergenerational violence - what works?
- Orika-study
- Parent in prison: Child-parent-relationships when a parent is in prison
- Pilot study of Kids club in Sweden
- Post-Victimization Support in Sweden - The Matching between youth's need of support after victimization and the support that is available to them
- Prison based drug treatment in the Nordic prisons. Control and rehabilitation in welfare state institutions
- Prison Officers - Occupational culture, occupational identity and job satisfaction
- Relationships and affiliations in Vox
- Roles and Relationships in Foster Care - a study on role expectations and constructive relationship building in foster care
- Same, same, but different
- Samverkan mot hemlöshet: en programutvärdering
- Sense of Belonging among Youth in Kinship Care within a Transnational Space
- The effect of criminal victimization on youth's schooling
- The long-term victims of bullying
- The role of municipalities in Swedish labour market policies
- The Social Context of Evaluation, Research and Education in Social Work Practice
- The Tobacco Triangle
- Theory and Practice of Social Work in Times of Pandemic
- To land in the profession. A study of social work professionals' transition from university education to working life.
- Towards indigenous social work practices to better address elder abuse in Uganda
- Towards professionalism? Two Scandinavian countries two ways to develop the Prison Officer role
- Utvärdering av stödinsatser för barn som upplevt allvarliga konflikter i sin familj
- Utvärdering av Trappan-modellen för krissamtal för barn som upplevt våld i familjen
- Violent Girls. Girls' Violence in News Media from the 1980s to Today.
- Vårdkedjeprojektet - en programutvärdering
- Vårdöverenskommelsen - en nationell utvärdering
- Ways in and Ways out, Honour Related Violence and the establishment of women in working life