Subject information
Research domains
- Humanities-Social sciences
Areas of research
- Arbetsliv
- Working science
- Family sociology
- Sustainable Development
- Sociology of consumtion
- Environmental sociology
- Omsorg
- Organizational theory
- Risk sociology
- Science and Technology Studies
Research environments
Sociological research at Örebro University is practiced within a variety of different areas, and sociologists are active within a number of inter- and multidisciplinary research teams and environments. The research is organised within two areas:
These areas gather most of the senior researchers and doctoral students in sociology. Above you will find more information about research groups and research projects connected to sociology.
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- Jenny Alsarve
- André Alvinzi
- Monika Berg
- Magnus Boström
- Åsa Callmer
- Dominik Döllinger
- Lisa Elliot
- Jan-Magnus Enelo
- Carina Green
- Karin Gustafsson
- Liisa Husu
- Sara Karimzadeh
- Natalia Krzyzanowska
- Rolf Lidskog
- Martin Lind
- Erik Löfmarck
- Helen Peterson
- Linn Rabe
- Lina Sandström
- Magdalena Sjöberg
- Daniel Sjödin
- Linda Soneryd
- Adam Standring
- Merve Tuncer
- Ylva Uggla
- Katharina Wesolowski
- James White
- Lisa Broberg, PhD student
- Hailey Rheault, PhD student
- Helena Römmelmann, PhD student
- Sandra Österlund, PhD student
Research projects
Active projects
- (Un)sustainable lifestyles: social (im)possibilities to consume less
- Academic Ignorance: A necessary prerequisite for research and teaching in higher education
- Adoption and child protection: European perspectives
- After the early childhood years. A longitudinal study of parenthood and work
- Challenges and opportunities of the sharing economy
- Chess, sociology and social interaction
- Children in focus- for a sustainable integration for families with children
- Conceptual development of environmental sociology
- Environmental expertise: conditions and challenges
- Explaining social action: A triptych
- Green public ethics: exploring and elaborating value conflict handling of public administrators
- How diversity make a difference. A comparative study of how issues of ethnic and national diversity are managed in mass media organizations in Sweden and Germany
- Learning to consume less: Can experiences during the C ovid-19 pandemic trigger lifestyle transformation?
- Making knowledge usable. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary challenges for international environmental expertise
- RESISTIRÉ: Responding to outbreaks through co-creative inclusive equality strategies (2021-2024)
- Social (im)possibilities of the formation of ethical consumption: A comparative study of Sweden and Iran
- Sustainable practices in the minimalist family
- The legitimacy of the welfare state - New mechanisms of trust in a hollow state development?
- The line between secondary and higher education
- The logic of measuring, managing and governing ecosystems (EcoLogic)
- The roles of social science expertise for transformative change
- Water challenges in sustainable planning and built environment (WATCH)
Completed projects
- An animal without an animal within
- Becoming an expert. IPCCs and IPBESs socialization of young scholars as experts.
- Between dream and reality. International and national studies of parenting and work
- Chemicals and Textiles: Management of environmental and health risks from products with complex product chains
- Collaborative production and social ontology - A study of mobilisations for economic democracy in the UK
- Conditions for Participatory Environmental Governance in a Regional Context: The Baltic and Adriatic Sea Regions
- Coping with uncertainty: regulation, decision making and learning in natural resource management
- Do citizens matter? The policy-science-citizen dynamics in governing transboundary environmental problems. The case of climate change, biodiversity loss and air pollution
- Environment, consumption and everyday life practices
- Environmental Representation
- Exchange of care between generations in Stepfamilies
- Expertise, democracy and environmental regulation. A comparative study
- From the sea to the land beyond. Cooperation and conflicts around whales and whaling within the global whaling debate.
- HVS: Honour, Violence and Society. The expressions and prevalence of honour-related violence and the challenges to society (2017-2020)
- Lone Mothers and Long Hours. Gender and work in a new welfare regime.
- Newbreed
- Research project - Configuring and governing public space. Urban order, social life and crime prevention
- Risk governance, legitimacy and social learning in the handling of the forest fire in Västmanland
- Science role in international environmental governance. Climate change, biodiversity and air pollution
- Scientific ambiguity and its consequences
- The child as a project. Parenting ideals, parenting practices, and the professionalization of parenthood.
- The shaping of environmental expertise. Institutionalized expertise, boundary organizations and global environmental matters