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Linda Soneryd

Linda Soneryd Position: Professor School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

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Linda Soneryd

About Linda Soneryd


Linda Soneryd is professor of sociology at Örebro University. She has worked at Göteborg University (2011-2022) and Score, Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research (2003-2011). She finished her PhD in sociology  at Örebro University in 2002. Soneryd’s research focus on participatory and governing practices in relation to emerging technologies and environmental issues.  How is the public and concerned groups informed about ongoing plans and decision that can have environmental impact?  Who are invited to contribute to discussions or planning activities? Whose interests and knowledge are seen as relevant and how are conflicts managed? Soneryd has explored these questions in relation to a range of environmental issues such as climate change, emerging technologies and infrastructure, final disposal of nuclear waste, and water management, and in relation to urban planning and housing.

Ongoing research is about initiatives to divest the pension funds from fossil fuels, and what possibilities there are for pension savers to make such decisions themselves, i.e. to opt out from investments in oil or other fossil fuels in their own savings. 


Soneryd teaches sociology, science and technology studies, and supervises bachelor and master students. She has also designed and teached PhD courses and supervised PhD students. Courses include general sociology, qualitative methods, ethnography within science and technology studies, sociology of knowledge for teachers doing their PhD’s, and sustainable development for preschool teachers. She is program director for the Personnell Work Program at Örebro University.


Soneryd is researcher at Score, Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research and PI for the project Fossil Free Futures. Divestment across the Nordic Countries. The project gathers researchers with a background in science and technology studies, sociology and economic sociology in three Nordic countries: Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg,  CICERO, Center for International Climate Research, Oslo and the Technological University of Denmark, Copenhagen.

Soneryd has been guest researcher during longer stays Technische Universität Berlin and Humboldt Universität, Berlin. She has also been guest professor and teached sociology at the University in Bielefeld, Germany and science and technology studies at the University of Vienna.  


Articles in journals |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Books |  Chapters in books |  Collections (editor) |  Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |  Manuscripts |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Articles, reviews/surveys


Chapters in books

Collections (editor)

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries

