Computer Science
Subject information
Research domains
- Engineering
Areas of research
- Artificial intelligence
- Autonomous systems
- Mobile Robot Olfaction
Research environments
The subject of Computer Science encompasses a broad field of knowledge ranging from studies of algorithms, computational processes and data structures to engineering methods for designing complex computer-based systems where software plays a central role. The subject is characterized by the interplay between theory, methodology and applications. At Örebro University, the focus is on of intelligent computer-based systems and advanced applications of these. Theories and methods for studying and developing such systems are treated in Computer Science areas such as autonomous systems, artificial intelligence (AI), and intelligent agents.
- Amr Alkhatib
- Henrik Andreasson
- Unal Artan
- Hadi Banaee
- Mehul Bhatt
- Manuel Castellano-Quero
- Mauro Conti
- Luc De Raedt
- Dimiter Driankov
- Han Fan
- Alberto Giaretta
- Hermine Grosinger
- Lars Karlsson
- Andrey Kiselev
- Denis Kleyko
- Franziska Klügl
- Oleksandr Kotlyar
- Vladimír Kubelka
- Uwe Köckemann
- Achim Lilienthal
- Amy Loutfi
- Stephanie Lowry
- Martin Längkvist
- Martin Magnusson
- Periklis Mantenoglou
- Oscar Martinez Mozos
- Fjollë Novakazi
- Ana Paiva
- Andreas Persson
- Fatemeh Rastgar
- Pascal Rebreyend
- Jennifer Renoux
- Alessandro Saffiotti
- Erik Schaffernicht
- Lei Shi
- Johannes Andreas Stork
- Todor Stoyanov
- Yuxuan Yang
- Pedro Zuidberg dos Martires
- Daniel Adolfsson, PhD student
- Tiago Almeida, PhD student
- Håkan Almqvist, PhD student
- Victor Aregbede, PhD student
- Enna Basic, PhD student
- David Baxter, PhD student
- Samuel Blad, PhD student
- David Caceres Dominguez, PhD student
- Francisco Calatrava Nicolás, PhD student
- Ravi Chadalavada, PhD student
- Gibson Chimamiwa, PhD student
- Mohamadreza Faridghasemnia, PhD student
- Paolo Forte, PhD student
- Amanuel Gebreyesus, PhD student
- Simona Gugliermo, PhD student
- Himanshu Gupta, PhD student
- Eduardo Gutiérrez Maestro, PhD student
- Rishi Hazra, PhD student
- Lukas Heuer, PhD student
- Marco Iannotta, PhD student
- Jean-Paul Ivan, PhD student
- Sushanth Kalidindi, PhD student
- Håkan Karlsson Faronius, PhD student
- Abhishek Kashyap, PhD student
- Ahmad Saeed Khan, PhD student
- Sai Krishna, PhD student
- Alan Lahoud, PhD student
- Fong Yuan Lim, PhD student
- Kiran Mini Sabu, PhD student
- Olga Mironenko, PhD student
- Julius Monsen, PhD student
- Matthias Möller, PhD student
- Suraj Neelakantan, PhD student
- Finn Rietz, PhD student
- Tim Schreiter, PhD student
- Kavyaa Somasundaram, PhD student
- Shuo Sun, PhD student
- Alkis Sygkounas, PhD student
- Judith Treffler, PhD student
- Nicolas Winkler, PhD student
- Shih-Min Yang, PhD student
- Yufei Zhu, PhD student
Research projects
Active projects
- A context-aware framework for visual localization
- A theory for proactive learning of new knowledge and new abilities in AI systems
- A Theory of Proactivity: a Step Toward Human-Centered AI
- Adaptive Automation for Face Drilling
- Adaptive Purposeful Communication Planning for Collaborative AI
- An AI-on-Demand Platform to support research excellence in Europe
- AutoHauler - Automated Planning and Coordination of Autonomous Haulers in Underground Mines
- BioLearning - Using bioindicators, biomarker profiles and machine learning to improve water quality analysis
- Bringing AI Planning to the European AI On-Demand Platform (AIPlan4EU)
- Cell Painting: a novel tool in toxicology (CPTox)
- CleanSat - SIG AI
- Counterfactual Commonsense
- Decoding the marketization of education in Sweden through computational analyses
- DIDUNAS - Digital Identification & Support of Under-Achieving Students
- Dynamic Agile Production Robots That Learn and Optimise Knowledge and Operations (DARKO)
- HoseProtect - Safe Remote Drilling through Predictive Modeling of Hydraulic Hoses
- HumanE AI Network
- Intelligent Management of Mixed Traffic in Mines
- Learning Object Affordances for Full-body Mobile Manipulation
- Machine Learning to enhance AI Planning for Intelligent Transport Systems
- MORE - Educating Europe`s Future Engineers in Next Generation Heavy Duty Mobile Machinery: Artificial Intelligence driven Robotisation, Energy Efficiency and Process Optimisation
- Neurocognitive Analytics of Active Vision in Ageing
- Newbreed
- NiCE: Robust Navigation in Changing Environments
- Project FIRE
- Radarize: Advanced Perception and Navigation for Autonomous Underground Vehicles
- RESISTIRÉ: Responding to outbreaks through co-creative inclusive equality strategies (2021-2024)
- RoboClean
- TAMMP - Tele-operated & Autonomous Machines in the Mining Process
- TeamRob - Teams of Robots Working for and with Humans
Completed projects
- A method to measure a sensor network's impact on perceived safety and security
- Agent-based Route- and Mode Choice Simulation
- AI.MEE - Autonomous Intelligent Systems for Enterprise and Exploration
- AIR - Action and Intention Recognition in Human Interaction with Autonomous Systems
- ALL-4-eHam - Fully Autonomous WheeL Loaders for efficient HAndling of Heterogeneous Materials
- ALLO - Automomous Long-Term Load-Haul-Dump Operations
- AMICI - Augmented Interaction For Human-Robot Collaborative Tasks In Industrial Environments
- Assessment of Food Quality: An Embedded Approach
- AutoBoomer - Automated Drill Planning for Multiple-Boom Rigs in Underground Mining
- Cognitive Olfaction: A new Paradigm for Artificial Odour Recognition
- Development of an in vivo butyrate sensor
- DIADEM - Distributed Information Acquisition and Decision-Making for Environmental Management
- Dustbot - Networked and Cooperating Robots for Urban Hygiene
- E-care@home
- ExCITE - Enabling SoCial Interaction Through Embodiment
- FIREM-II. Fire and Rescue in Mines II
- Gasbot
- GeRT - Generalizing Robot Manipulation Tasks
- GiraffPlus
- Ground-level power supply for electrical vehicles
- Human-aware task planning for mobile robots
- Human-in-the-loop: Modeling and Simulation
- ILIAD: Intra-Logistics with Integrated Automatic Deployment for safe and scalable fleets in shared spaces
- iQMobility
- Learning Agents for Supporting Modeling
- Long Term Symbol Anchoring for Dynamic and Realistic Environments
- MALTA - Multiple Autonomous forklifts for Loading and Transportation Applications
- Mednose
- Monarch
- MoveCare (Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARgiver for the Elder)
- Multimodal Rhetoric in Online Media Communications
- OPAC Intelligent Pedestrian Hydraulics
- OPaData4all
- Predictive Modeling of Hydraulic Hoses for Underground Mining
- RACE - Robustness by Autonomous Competence Enhancement
- RAISE - Robotic System for Air Quality Assessment in Industrial Environments
- Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Spaces with Interactively Acquired Knowledge-based Models
- RM4RS - Rapid Mapping for Realistic Simulation
- RobLog - Cognitive Robot for Automation of Logistic Processes
- Robot-Era - Implementation and integration of advanced Robotic systems and intelligent Environments in real scenarios for the ageing population
- RUBICON - Robotic UBIquitous COgnitive Network
- SAAPHO - Secure Active Aging: Participation and Health for the Old
- SAUNA - Safe Autonomous Navigation
- SAVIE - Safe Autonomous Vehicles for Industrial Environments
- Semantic Maps and Beyond
- Semantic Robots
- SeSAM - Sensorbased safety for autonomous mobility
- SmokeBot - Mobile Robots with Novel Environmental Sensors for Inspection of Disaster Sites with Low Visibility
- SOCRATES - SOcial Cognitive Robotics in The European Society
- SPENCER - Social Situation-aware Perception and Action for Cognitive Robots
- Surveyor
- Take back the Night
- Tracking and Control of Articulated Machines through Remote Sensing (TracMac)
- Ängen: a Physical Testbed Apartment for Prototyping Distributed Care Technologies