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Tuulia Hyötyläinen

Tuulia Hyötyläinen Befattning: Professor Organisation: Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknik

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Tuulia Hyötyläinen
Forskningsämne Forskningsmiljöer

Om Tuulia Hyötyläinen

I have started at Örebro University as professor of chemistry in 2016. I have a PhD in analytical chemistry from University of Helsinki, Finland. My main research interests are in metabolomics and in environmental studies.

My research focus in the metabolomics research is at the comprehensive analysis of all metabolites in a studied biological system that can describe metabolic changes caused by disease, environmental, nutritional, or genetic factors in an organism. For this, the goal in my research has been the development of efficient, high-throughput methodologies for profiling of the biological samples, based on both more conventional chromatographic methods as well as in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, ultra high performance liquid chromatography combined with various mass spectrometers. We have been developing both  non-targeted profiling methods in discovery studies, as well as for targeted analysis of specific compounds, with the goal for as comprehensive coverage of the metabolome as possible. Here, the major goal is the development of more reliable and sensitive methodologies, particularly for comprehensive profiling of complex samples. Identification of unknown compounds with the mass spectrometric tools is the main challenge in the research. For this, development of software tools for the treatment of MS data has been a key issue as manual identification of hundreds or even thousands of unknown compounds in large sample series is not a viable option.

My main research areas currently are diabetes, fatty liver disease, traumatic brain injury and exposome studies. We have been able to identify specific biomarkers than enable diagnosis or even early prediction of the disease. Moreover, the goal is the identification of the metabolic pathways leading to the metabolic alterations, in specific diseases or due to different challenges such as environmental exposure of toxic substances, or various nutritional interventions.



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