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Robert Jan Brummer

Robert Jan Brummer Befattning: Professor Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper

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Robert Jan Brummer
Forskningsämne Forskningsmiljöer

Om Robert Jan Brummer

Since 2008, I am working at Örebro University as professor of gastroenterology and clinical nutrition and was dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health from 2010 to 2016. Since then I am Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University, initially with the responsibility for internationalisation and innovation and now directing the University Food and Health Strategic Programme. Furthermore, I lead the national research centre PAN Sweden (Plant-based Proteins for Health and Wellbeing) which started December 2020.

I received a MD and specialized in internal medicine and gastroenterology in the Netherlands and specialized in clinical nutrition and obtained a PhD in Sweden 1992 and became professor of medical nutrition and clinical dietetics at Maastricht University 2002. As a true European I speak or read in four languages daily. A working day comprises a challenging mixture of administration and management, leading PAN Sweden as well as a very dynamic research group and environment, contacts with academic and non-academic collaborative organisations, some clinical work at the University Hospital and teaching less than I would like to, as time is limiting.


As Pro-Vice-Chancellor as well as research leader I have the priviledge to support the development of a young but highly professional organisation towards international class. Identify the niches to act in and develop, based on an international view around as well as SWOT analyses, is pivotal. My lead theme is that ambition should prevail over competition. Furthermore, within the context of being a  gastroenterologist active in the field of faecal transplantation, I consider the equation "shit in = shit out" important in quality assurance.


Initially, my research activities were at the interphase between nutrition, metabolism and the gastrointestinal tract. Working as a senior consultant, in close collaboration with a psychiatrist and clinical psychologist, at a ward unit dedicated to patients with somatic and psychiatric comorbidity, created new paradigms based on inter- and cross-diciplinary thinking. Gradually I reshaped my research interest and activities towards the understanding of the interaction between nutrition, gut microbiota, the gastrointestinal tract and the brain, in order to develop better preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic modalities for common disorders of the gut (such as in subjects with irritable bowel syndrome or elderly persons) as well as improving mental health with regard to e.g. stress, anxiety and mood, serving both public health as well as clinical medicine.


During two decades I have been engaged in the problem-based learning curriculum of the Medical School at Maastricht University, the Netherlands, This made me passionate about student-centered and life-long learning as well as shifting the role of teacher from passive knowledge bank towards creative facilitator and coach. This is true for both under- and post-graduate training. My ambition is to offer our students the best education at international standards with a clear European perspective in order to be able to solve the challenges of the future.


The key towards knowledge valorization, both in terms of commercial and societal benefit, is to separate ”What to know?” from ”How to know?” as well as ”Nice to know!” from ”Need to know!”. Having worked in and leaded clinical research as well as research in a public private partnership framework. I do not to accept the dichotomy between basic and applied research. Also here a paradigm shift is required in order to create more health, welfare and prosperity.


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Artiklar i tidskrifter

Artiklar, forskningsöversikter

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier


