Legal Science
Subject information
Research domains
- Humanities-Social sciences
Areas of research
- Law
Research environments
Within Legal Science at Örebro University there is research in traditional areas such as civil law, criminal law, tax law, procedural law, constitutional and administrative law, international law and legal history.
Juridicum Anthology Cover 2019
The NEOLAiA Law Network (NLN)
- Johan Adestam
- Rigmor Argren
- Joel Berg
- Karin Blad
- Katalin Capannini-Kelemen
- Martin Ebers
- Senem Eken
- Laura Ervo
- Stjepan Gadzo
- Märta Johansson
- Therese Johnstone
- Jessica Jonsson
- Jan Kellgren
- Eleonor Kristoffersson
- Magnus Kristoffersson
- Ylva Larsson
- Gustav Lindkvist
- Erika Lunell
- Joakim Nergelius
- Aljosa Noga
- Kerstin Nordlöf
- Yurii Orzikh
- Mais A.M. Qandeel
- Tarik Radwan
- Linus Roos
- Maria Sjöholm
- Vadym Tsymbal
- Josef Zila
- Natasa Zunic Kovacevic
- Jacob Öberg
- Daniel Andersson, PhD student
- Joel Berg, PhD student
- Erik Berglund, PhD student
- Karin Blad, PhD student
- Petter Danckwardt, PhD student
- Jeanna Hoffmann, PhD student
- Andrew Leyden, PhD student
- Elin Lindfors, PhD student
- Karin Lundström, PhD student
- Linus Roos, PhD student
- David Silverlid, PhD student
- Emmanuel Vargas Penagos, PhD student
Research projects
Active projects
- Adoption and child protection: European perspectives
- Autonomous Weapon Systems and the Liability Issue in International Criminal Law
- Civil procedural reforms in the societal context
- Collaborative Consumption, E-services and Peer-to-Peer technology: tax and legal issues
- Conceptualising Cross-Border Regions in the European Union's Legal Order: From Covidfencing to Constitutionalisation
- Constitutional AI in Accounting ? Pathways to Ethical and Transparent Decision-Making
- Criminal Law in Sweden
- Criminalisation as a regulatory instrument for implementing Union policies
- Dealing with dangerous offender
- Digitalising Tax Administration: Insights from Ukraine for a Resilient Future
- Extraterritorial Enforcement in Cyberspace: Is it Changing the International Law of Jurisdiction?
- Federal dimension of EU Law
- Investigating Digital Rights in Palestine: The Constitutional Court?s Interpretation of the Basic Law
- Legal Principles
- Member States' Constitutions and EU Integration
- Mis(sing) Information
- Modern criminal proceedings
- Nordic CONREASON: Nordic exceptionalism? Mapping constitutional reasoning in the Nordic countries
- Overlapping Intellectual Property Rights for Design
- Ownership-flats
- Private Rule-Making and European Governance of AI & Robotics, a WASP-HS project
- Project FIRE
- Recognition of States and Governments in International Law
- The Many Faces of Trafficking in Human Beings: A Crime Victim Approach to the Variations of Human Trafficking
- The Nordic Corporate Tax Bases in a Digitalised and Automated Future
- The Normative Foundations for Integrated EU Criminal Justice: Powers, Limits and Justifications
- The Role of National Constitutions in European and Global Governance
- The Swedish Tax Agency?s Use of AI in Relation to the AI Regulation and GDPR
- Tvångsvård av gravida missbrukare. En rättsvetenskaplig komparativ studie
- Unconventional trade marks
Completed projects
- A Child as a Victim
- Acess to Justice as a Human Right Within the Contexts of EU and Swedish Law
- Adolescent with a severe mental disorder at the time of the crime
- Between North and East - Comparative studies on pre-trial procedure between the Nordic and Former East European countries
- Children and Improved Crisis Response
- Civil and commercial mediation in Europe
- Coercive care orders. Participation as a dilemma between the child's need for protection, respect for evolving capacities and vulnerability
- Composite supplies in EU VAT law
- Defining rape: Emerging Obligations for States under International Law
- E-Discourse and the Dynamics of Violence, Gender Discrimination and Abuse as a Dominant Discourse: Communicating through Rumours and Visual Images
- En ändamålsinriktad undersökning av fullmakt som partsbindningsmedel
- EuroNEEDs
- Finansiell rådgivning till konsumenter
- Focus on Collective Redress
- From Transnational Principles to European Rules of Civil Procedure - The law of evidence
- Gränslös demokrati
- Gärningsman, offer och samhälle
- Health Law: Privacy in Shared Electronic Health Records
- Human rights law and gender-based violence in online spaces? Piercing the private sphere of cyberspace
- Integrated criminal procedure
- Judicial dissent in European constitutional courts: A comparative analysis
- La protección de las víctimas en la UE: La orden Europea de Protección
- Labour Law in the twilight zone between Private Law and Public Law
- Labour needs, dependency and equal treatment - Application of the Swedish Regulation of Labour Immigration
- LAWGEM: New Quality in Education for Gender Equality (2019-2022)
- Legal costs
- Loans and transfers of value in international insolvency situations
- Menu for Justice - Toward an European Curriculum Studiorum on Judicial Studies
- Nordic cohabitation law
- Om framväxten av ett internationellt rättsskydd för utövande konstnärer
- Oxenstiernaprojektet Svensk förvaltning och EU
- Personal liability for payment of taxes of a legal entity. A Comparative Study
- Psychosocial risks at work: Swedish legislation
- Quality of reasoning in automated judicial decisions (research initiation)
- Sekretessprövning inom socialförsäkringarna. En studie i sekretesslagens system för prövning av skada och men vid utlämnandet av handlingar och uppgifter inom socialförsäkringsområdet.
- Subsidiarity and EU criminal law
- Supranationalization of EU Criminal Law
- The meaning of language, behaviour and culture in a fair trial
- The right to deduct input VAT in Austria, Germany and Sweden
- The Swedish cohabitation law
- The Tragedy of the Global Commons in Public International Law
- Third country influence on EU law making: Actors, modes, rationales and effect on the autonomy of the EU legal order