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Research group

Public International Law at ORU (ORUPIL)

About this group

Group information


Märta Johansson

Research subject

Welcome to ORUPIL (Public International law at ORU). Research in public international law involves, inter alia, the study of the international legal order and its parts. The interests of ORUPIL members include a wide variety of issues, such as within human rights, the law of the sea, international criminal law, international organizations, States as subjects of international law, space law, the rule of law, gaps in international law, sustainability, climate change, artificial intelligence, economic theory, digitalization, and trafficking. By extension, the ORUPIL group has a keen interest in the multi- and interdisciplinary study of law. The focus on public international law has over the years generated a distinctiveness among those engaged in the study of international law at Örebro University. 

ORUPIL has produced several dissertations and doctoral graduates in the above-mentioned areas of interest, including: 

Richard Zajac Sannerholm, Rule of Law after War – Ideologies, Norms and Methods for Legal and Judicial Reform (2009);

Maria Eriksson (Sjöholm), Defining Rape: Emerging Obligations for States under International Law (2010);

Mona Samadi, Defamation of Religion – The Right to Freedom of Expression in International and Islamic Law (2012);

Aljosa Noga, The Tragedy of the Global Commons in Public International Law (2022).

Research funding bodies

  • Crime Victim Fund
  • Örebro University