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Research projects

Focus on Collective Redress

About this project

Project information

Project status




Research subject

The project is led by Eva Lein, British Institute of Comparative and International Law.


Conference papers

Persson, A. H. & Ervo, L. (2014). The Finish and the Swedish legislation in the light of the ARD-directive – boards and ombudsmen. Konferensbidrag vid International Environmental Mass Litigation - Lessons for Europe, 8 th Dec 2014, London (ss. 1-14).

Persson, A. H. (2014). Public litigation in Sweden. Konferensbidrag vid In the name of consumers? Public interest litigation in Europe, 15-17 oct. 2014, University of Bayreuth, Germany (ss. 1-8).

Persson, A. H. , Ervo, L. & Lindblom, T. (2013). Collective redress mechanism in Sweden. Konferensbidrag vid The Commission recommendation on collective redress, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Annual Conference, 11 June 2013 at BMA House, Tavistock Square, London (ss. 22-.

Chapters in books

Persson, A. H. (2012). Collective enforcement: European prospects in light of the Swedish experience. I: Stefan Wrbka, Steven van Uytsel, Mathias Siems, Collective actions: enhancing access to justice and reconciling multilayer interests? (ss. 341-363). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Persson, A. H. (2008). Evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of collective redress mechanisms in the European Union: country report Sweden. Bryssel: Europeiska unionen, DG Sancto.


Research funding bodies

  • EU Others