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Research subject


Advancing understanding of living systems through education and research

To increase the impact of our research, we advance the understanding of biological mechanisms from molecules to living systems. We integrate fundamental sciences to explore the complexity of organisms and their interactions with their environment using interdisciplinary approaches. Therefore, our research prioritizes the impact of environmental stressors, such as contaminants and climate change, on model organisms and ecosystems, combining molecular, biomedical, and ecological perspectives.

Cornfield - link to Ecosystem ecology

Ecosystem ecology

Cornfield - link to Ecosystem ecology

Fishes - link to Molecular Aquatic Toxicology

Molecular Aquatic Toxicology

Cornfield - link to Ecosystem ecology

Main picture for Plant Signaling and Physiology

Plant Signaling and Physiology

Main picture for Plant Signaling and Physiology


Subject information


Steffen Keiter

Research domains

  • Science

Areas of research

  • Cell biology
  • Ecology
  • Physiology
  • Genetics
  • Immunology
  • Infection
  • Inflammation
  • Microbiology
  • Environmental toxicology
  • Molecular biology
  • Ecosytem ecology
  • Toxicology

In Biology, our main research areas include:

  • Environmental and Human Health – Investigating the impact of pollutants on environmental and human health, including exposure routes, toxicological effects, and links to various diseases.
  • Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms – Exploring the molecular basis of physiological processes involved in acclimation and responses of various organisms to environmental stressors.
  • Ecological and Evolutionary Processes – Studying plant-soil-microbe interactions, carbon cycling, and the role of adaptation and acclimation in maintaining ecosystem functionality under changing environmental conditions.
  • Microbiological Processes and Applications – Understanding the effects of pharmaceutical contamination on microbial systems and developing probiotic-based approaches to prevent infections and inflammatory diseases.

We apply cutting-edge technologies, including omics, high-content imaging, and molecular and bioanalytical methods in combination with various model organisms. Our research is highly multidisciplinary, and we are expanding the use of AI-driven data analysis to enhance our ability to detect patterns in large-scale environmental and biological data. Strengthening collaborations with industry, policymakers, and international research networks will ensure that our findings translate into innovative pollution mitigation strategies, improved regulatory frameworks, and sustainable solutions for biodiversity conservation and public health.

Research projects

Active projects

Completed projects

Research environments

Picture of hand gripping test tube.

