Anna-Maria Moro Strittmatter
Anna-Maria Moro Strittmatter Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Institutionen för hälsovetenskaperE-post: YW5uYS1tYXJpYS5zdHJpdHRtYXR0ZXI7b3J1LnNl
Telefon: 0732 302251
Rum: G2212

Om Anna-Maria Moro Strittmatter
Anna-Maria Strittmatter är docent i sport management vid Örebro universitet. Hon har en doktorsexamen i sport management från Norges idrottshögskola i Oslo (2017) där hon fram till 2024 också varit docent.
Anna-Maria Strittmatter har varit generalsekreterare för World Snowboard Federation (WSF) och har arbetat med att organisera internationella snowboard-tävlingar. Hon har varit vice ordförande för norska brädförbundet och är en av grundarna till Tverga – ett resurscenter för egenorganiserad idrott och fysisk aktivitet i Norge – där hon också suttit i styrelsen.
Anna-Maria Strittmatters forskning fokuserar dels styrning inom idrotten, dels management kring idrottsevenemang.
Hennes forskningsexpertis omfattar områden såsom politiska processer inom idrotten, idrottens organisering, social inkludering i beslutsfattande, hållbar utveckling inom idrotten, samt det olympiska arvet och inflytandet. Hon har dessutom ett särskilt fokus på ungdomsidrott och action sport.
Med finansiering från Norges idrottsförbund och olympiska och paralympiska kommittee (NIF) samt från Forskningscentret för barn- och ungdomsindrott (FOBU) vid Norges idrotthögskola har Anna-Maria Strittmatter under de senaste åren bedrivit omfattande forskning om ungdomars engagemang som drivkraft för hållbar management och styrning inom idrottsförbunden. Hon har bland annat undersökt vilken inverkan Olympiska spelen för ungdomar har på barn och ungdomars idrottsdeltagande. Hon har också studerat ungdomskommittéers organisatoriska och politiska funktion, samt utvärderat kurser som riktar sig till unga ledare och syftar till att på ett bättre sätt integrera unga människor i den organiserade idrottens ledningsstrukturer.
Anna-Maria Strittmatter ingår i en internationell, tvärvetenskaplig forskargrupp som fokuserar social inkludering och de olympiska och paraolympiska spelen med målet att öka kunskapen om vilka utmaningar och behov kopplat till mångfald som möter olika aktörer i dessa tävlingar.
Anna-Maria Strittmatter ingår i forskargruppen ReShape.
Anna-Maria Strittmatter undervisar och handleder studenter på Sport Management-programmet vid Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper, Örebro universitet. Hennes undervisningsuppdrag omfattar sport management i en internationell kontext, hållbar sport management, kvalitativa metoder, ledarskap, organisationsteori och sport management som forskningsfält.
Anna-Maria Strittmatter är biträdande handledare för två doktorander:
- Julius Stömberg – Good governance of voluntary sports clubs
- Dilara Valiyeva – Social inclusion and Olympic legacy
Nätverk och samarbeten
Anna-Maria Strittmatter sitter med i redaktionsrådet för de vetenskapliga tidsskrifterna European Sport Management Quarterly och Journal of Olympic Studies.
Pågående projekt
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Valiyeva, D. , Strittmatter, A. & Hermanrud, I. (2024). Inclusion of Indigenous Peoples in Olympic legacy-shaping processes. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. [BibTeX]
- Rasmussen, S. , Strittmatter, A. & Skirstad, B. (2024). Institutional work as response to institutional complexities in hybrid elite sport and sport for all organizations. European Sport Management Quarterly. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. , Horbel, C. , Traberg, J. , Strömberg, J. Z. , Bodemar, A. , Grønkjær, A. B. & Hanstad, D. V. (2024). Prioritization of the Sustainable Development Goals in the sustainability transition process of sport organizations: national strategies and sport managers’ perspectives. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. , Skille, E. Å. , Stenling, C. & Fahlén, J. (2024). Structural and Cultural Othering: An Organizational Culture Perspective on Young People’s Participation in Decision-making in Sport Organizations. Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 32 (4), 360-377. [BibTeX]
- Skille, E. Å. , Strittmatter, A. , Stenling, C. & Fahlén, J. (2024). The professionalization of the role of the coach: transforming the last bastion of the Scandinavian welfare-sport model. Sport in Society: Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce, 27 (12), 1994-2013. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. , Stenling, C. , Skille, E. & Fahlén, J. (2024). Youth representatives as agents of institutional change: the circumscribing effects of role prescriptions in sport governance. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 16 (3), 449-463. [BibTeX]
- Skille, E. Å. , Strittmatter, A. , Stenling, C. & Fahlén, J. (2023). Private football academies - friend or foe?: an analysis of Norwegian media's framing of arguments about private football academies and the monopoly of organized sport. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 58 (8), 1263-1281. [BibTeX]
- Stenling, C. , Fahlén, J. , Strittmatter, A. & Skille, E. Å. (2023). The gatekeepers of sport governance: nomination committees' shaping potential in national sport organizations' board composition processes. European Sport Management Quarterly, 23 (2), 586-603. [BibTeX]
- Stenling, C. , Fahlén, J. , Strittmatter, A. & Skille, E. Å. (2023). The meaning of democracy in an era of good governance: Views of representation and their implications for board composition. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 58 (1), 108-125. [BibTeX]
- Skille, E. Å. , Fahlén, J. , Stenling, C. & Strittmatter, A. (2022). (Lack of) government policy for indigenous (Sámi) sport: A chain of legitimating and de-legitimating acts. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 57 (1), 112-128. [BibTeX]
- Adam, S. , Grønkjær, A. B. , Strittmatter, A. & Wohlfart, O. (2022). Playing by the rules of academia?: The impact of an international research project on the professional identity development of early-career academics in sport management. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 3. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. , Hanstad, D. V. & Skirstad, B. (2021). Facilitating Sustainable Outcomes for the Organization of Youth Sports through Youth Engagement. Sustainability, 13 (4). [BibTeX]
- Bodemar, A. , Strittmatter, A. & Fahlén, J. (2020). Doomed to fail?: a study of how junior managers at a major sport event cope with leadership issues. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 20 (3/4), 271-288. [BibTeX]
- Stenling, C. , Fahlén, J. , Strittmatter, A. & Skille, E. (2020). Hierarchies of criteria in NSO board-nomination processes: insights from nomination committees' work. European Sport Management Quarterly, 20 (5), 636-654. [BibTeX]
- Wohlfart, O. , Adam, S. , García-Unanue, J. , Hovemann, G. , Skirstad, B. & Strittmatter, A. (2020). Internationalization of the Sport Management Labor Market and Curriculum Perspectives: Insights From Germany, Norway, and Spain. Sport Management Education Journal, 14 (2), 129-141. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. , Kilvinger, B. , Bodemar, A. , Skille, E. Å. & Kurscheidt, M. (2018). Dual governance structures in action sports: institutionalization processes of professional snowboarding revisited. Sport in Society: Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce, 22 (10), 1655-1673. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. , Stenling, C. , Fahlén, J. & Skille, E. (2018). Sport policy analysis revisited: the sport policy process as an interlinked chain of legitimating acts. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 10 (4), 621-635. [BibTeX]
- Sand, T. S. , Strittmatter, A. & Hanstad, D. V. (2017). 2016 Winter Youth Olympic Games: planning for a volunteer legacy. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 17 (4-6), 242-260. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. (2017). A neo-institutionalist analysis of sport event leveraging strategies and tactics. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 17 (4/5/6), 261-282. [BibTeX]
- Lesjø, J. H. , Strittmatter, A. & Hanstad, D. V. (2017). Patterns of influence: relationship with the IOC as seen by the organisers of the Youth Olympic Winter Games 2016. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 17 (4-6), 331-350. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. & Skille, E. Å. (2016). Boosting youth sport? Implementation of Norwegian youth sport policy through the 2016 Lillehammer Winter Youth Olympic Games. Sport in Society: Cultures, Media, Politics, Commerce, 20 (1), 144-160. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. (2016). Defining a problem to fit the solution: A neo-institutional explanation for legitimising the bid for the 2016 Lillehammer winter Youth Olympic Games. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 8 (3), 421-437. [BibTeX]
- Kristiansen, E. , Strittmatter, A. & Skirstad, B. (2016). Stakeholders, Challenges and Issues at a Co-Hosted Youth Olympic Event: Lessons Learned from the European Youth Olympic Festival in 2015. International Journal of the History of Sport, 33 (10), 1152-1168. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. & Skirstad, B. (2014). Managing football organizations: a man’s world? Comparing women in decision-making positions in Germany and Norway and their international influence: a contextual approach. Soccer & Society, 18 (1), 81-101. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Säfvenbom, R. , Strittmatter, A. & Bernhardsen, G. P. (2023). Developmental Outcomes for Young People Participating in Informal and Lifestyle Sports: a Scoping Review of the Literature, 2000–2020. Social Sciences, 12 (5), 299-299. [BibTeX]
- Lindsey, I. , Strittmatter, A. , Hayton, J. & O’Gorman, J. (2023). Two decades of youth sport policy research: an augmented scoping review and synthesis. European Sport Management Quarterly. [BibTeX]
- Hanstad, D. V. , Renslo Sandvik, M. & Strittmatter, A. (2021). Idrett og bærekraft: Perspektiver på miljø- og samfunnsansvar i idrettens organisasjoner. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Strittmatter, A. (2017). Legitimation Processes of Sport Organizations: The Case of Norwegian Youth Sport Policy and the 2016 Lillehammer Winter Youth Olympic Games. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Oslo: Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. [BibTeX]
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
- Strömberg, J. Z. , Horbel, C. & Strittmatter, A. (2024). Die Entwicklung von Good Governance im Sport. I: Anton Behrens, Sebastian Björn Bauers, Gregor Hovemann, Entwicklungstendenzen im Sportmanagement: Struktur- und Wertewandel, Nachhaltigkeit, Globalisierung und Digitalisierung (ss. 109-128). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. , Løvold Syversen, T. & Nordhagen, S. E. (2023). Sport Event Policy. I: Vassil Girginov; Milena Parent, The Routledge Encyclopedia of Sport Studies. . Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. , Lindsey, I. , O'Gorman, J. & Hayton, J. (2022). Coaching Children and Youth Sport Policy. I: Martin Toms; Ruth Jeanes, Routledge Handbook of Coaching Children in Sport (ss. 395-404). . Taylor & Francis Group. [BibTeX]
- Hamstad, D. & Strittmatter, A. (2022). En bærekraftig idrettsorganisasjon: Lang vei fra vedtak til implementering. I: Tjønndal, Bærekraft i idrett og friluftsliv (ss. 121-138). . Universitetsforlaget. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. , Houlihan, B. & Fahlén, J. (2022). Insights gained from employing stakeholder theory in analyses of the sport environment. I: Anna-Maria Strittmatter; Josef Fahlén; Barrie Houlihan, Stakeholder analysis and sport organisations (ss. 245-259). Abingdon: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Houlihan, B. , Strittmatter, A. & Fahlén, J. (2022). Introduction. I: Anna-Maria Strittmatter, Josef Fahlén, Barrie Houlihan, Stakeholder analysis and sport organisations (ss. 3-27). . Taylor & Francis. [BibTeX]
- Skille, E. Å. & Strittmatter, A. (2022). Stakeholder relationships in the work of anti-doping. I: Anna-Maria Strittmatter, Josef Fahlén, Barrie Houlihan, Stakeholder Analysis and Sport Organisations. London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Houlihan, B. & Strittmatter, A. (2022). Stakeholding and youth sport in England and Norway. I: Anna-Maria Strittmatter, Josef Fahlén, Barrie Houlihan, Stakeholder Analysis and Sport Organisations. London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Skille, E. Å. , Fahlén, J. , Stenling, C. & Strittmatter, A. (2021). Dørvakter til særforbundsstyrer: valgkomitérepresentanters syn påseleksjonskriterier og kjønnsbalanse. I: Anne Tjønndal, Idrett, kjønn og ledelse: festskrift til Jorid Hovden (ss. 306-322). Bergen: Fagbokforlaget. [BibTeX]
- Stenling, C. , Fahlén, J. , Strittmatter, A. & Skille, E. Å. (2021). Gate-keeping nonprofit governance: evaluative criteria and their rankings in nomination committee selection processes. I: Gemma Donnelly-Cox; Michael Meyer; Filip Wijkström, Research handbook on nonprofit governance (ss. 279-293). . Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. & Parent, M. M. (2020). Youth Sport Events and Festivals. I: Eric W. MacIntosh; Gonzalo A. Bravo; Ming Li, International sport management (ss. 227-243). Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. (2017). For og med, men ikke bare av ungdom: utdanning av unge ledere. I: D. V. Hanstad, J. H. Lesjö, Ungdoms-OL på Lillehammer: Barneskirenn eller olympisk innovasjon? (ss. 205-226). . Akilles forlag. [BibTeX]
- Girginov, V. , Marlier, M. , Strittmatter, A. , Walzel, S. , Chanavat, N. , Willem, A. & Winand, M. (2023). Practicing good governance: insights from sport clubs in five European countries. I: Proceedings of the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Montreal, 2023. Konferensbidrag vid The North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 31- June 3, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. , Horbel, C. , Bodemar, A. , Grönkjaer, A. B. , Strömberg, J. Z. & Hanstad, D. V. (2023). Prioritization and Relevance of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Sustainability Transition Process of Sport Organizations. I: Paradis, K.F., Kitchin, P.K., Donnelly, P.D., Tleford, R.T., Haughey, T., Fyfe, C., Book of Abstracts of the 31st Conference of the European Association for SportManagement Belfast, Northern Ireland, 12th – 15th 2023, Ulster University. Konferensbidrag vid The 31th European Association for Sport Management Conference, Belfast, Ireland, September 12-15, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. & Horbel, C. (2023). Stakeholder Involvement in Decision-Making Processes in Sport Organizations: Representation Beyond Board Composition. Konferensbidrag vid The North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 31- June 3, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Pranjic, I. , Glibo, I. , Effert, S. , Broms, L. & Strittmatter, A. (2023). Youth participation in national umbrella sport organisations in Euro. I: Proceedings of the Play the Game Conference, Trondheim 2023. Konferensbidrag vid The Play the Game Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Horbel, C. , Strittmatter, A. & Skjerahaug, S. (2022). Collaborations between Sport Organizations and Athletes in Career Transition Processes. Konferensbidrag vid 30th European Association for Sport Management Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, September 5-8, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. (2021). How to increase youth governance in organized sport?. I: Proceedings of the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Online 2021. Konferensbidrag vid North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Online, June 3, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Marlier, M. , Walzel, S. , Strittmatter, A. , Girginov, V. , Chanavat, N. , Willem, A. & Winand, M. (2020). Good Governance Challenges in Sport Clubs: a Cross-Country Comparison. I: Proceedings of the 28th European Association for Sport Management Conference, Online 2021. Konferensbidrag vid The 28th European Association for Sport Management Conference, Online, September 21-25, 2020. [BibTeX]
- Skille, E. , Fahlén, J. , Stenling, C. & Strittmatter, A. (2019). Government policy for indigenous (Sámi) sport: A chain of legitimating acts?. I: 2019 World Congress of Sociology of Sport University of Otago, New Zealand, 24-27 April, 2019 : conference program, abstracts & proceedings. Konferensbidrag vid The World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Dunedin, New Zealand, April 24-27, 2019. University of Otago. [BibTeX]
- Skirstad, B. , Strittmatter, A. & Grønkjær, A. B. (2019). Unpacking Sport Managers' Future Preferred Competences. I: Tim Breitbarth, Guillame Bodet, Álvaro Fernández Luna, Pablo Burillo Naranjo, Gerardo Bielons, The 27th European Sport Management Conference, Sevilla, Spain, September 3-6, 2019 Book of abstracts. Konferensbidrag vid The 27th European Sport Management Conference, Sevilla, Spain, September 3-6, 2019. (ss. 726-728). European Association for Sport Management. [BibTeX]
- Bodemar, A. , Strittmatter, A. & Fahlén, J. (2018). Doomed to fail?: A study of how junior managers at a major sport event cope with leadership issues. I: World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 5 - 8, 2018 ISSA 2018 Book of Abstracts, Lausanne, 2018. Konferensbidrag vid World Congress of Sociology of Sport, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 5 - 8, 2018. (ss. 15-15). [BibTeX]
- Stenling, C. , Fahlén, J. , Strittmatter, A. & Skille, E. (2018). Exclusion and inclusion in searching for the "right" candidate: (re)production of (mis)representation in board nomination processes. I: Proceedings of the European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Bordeaux 2018. Konferensbidrag vid The European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Bordeaux, France, May 23-26, 2018. European Association for Sociology of Sport. [BibTeX]
- Baarlid, L. , Strittmatter, A. & Horbel, C. (2018). Value co-creation among the stakeholders of X Games Norway. I: Proceedings of the 26th European Association for Sport Management Conference. Konferensbidrag vid The 26th European Association for Sport Management Conference, Malmo, Sweden, September 5-8, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. (2017). Doing Legitimacy: Legitimation Processes of Sport Organizations. I: Proceedings of the 25th European Association for Sport Management Conference, Bern 2017. Konferensbidrag vid The 25th European Association for Sport Management Conference, Berne, Switzerland, September 5-8, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Stenling, C. , Fahlén, J. , Strittmatter, A. , Beyer Broch, T. & Skille, E. Å. (2017). Exclusion and inclusion in puzzling together the NSO-board: hierarchies of criteria in board nomination processes. I: Proceedings of the Sport Management Australia and New Zealand Conference, Gold Coast 2017. Konferensbidrag vid The Sport Management Australia and New Zealand Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, November 30-December 1, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. (2017). Legitimation Processes of Sport Organizations: The Case of Norwegian Youth Sport Policy and the 2016 Lillehammer Winter Youth Olympic Games. I: Proceedings of the 7th Innsbruck Sport Business and Management Symposium, Innsbruck 2017. Konferensbidrag vid The 7th Innsbruck Sport Business and Management Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. , Kilvinger, B. , Bodemar, A. , Skille, E. & Kurscheidt, M. (2017). Nation-based versus industry-based governance of freestyle sports: An institutional analysis of the Olympic impact on international snowboarding. I: Proceedings of the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Denver 2017. Konferensbidrag vid The North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Denver, USA, May 31-June 3, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. (2016). A little less conversation, a little more action please!: Recruiting young leaders into national Olympic sport systems. I: Proceedings of the World Congress of the Sociology of Sports. Konferensbidrag vid The World Congress of the Sociology of Sports, Budapest, Hungary, June 8-11, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. (2016). Boosting Youth Sport?: Implementation of Norwegian youth sport policy through the 2016 Lillehammer Winter Youth Olympic Games. I: Proceedings of the World Congress of the Sociology of Sports. Konferensbidrag vid The 7th International Sport Business Symposium, Lillehammer, Norway, February 16, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Klivinger, B. & Strittmatter, A. (2016). Freestyle Sports and Olympic Games: A Governance Analysis of International Freestyle Snowboarding. I: Proceedings of the 6th Innsbruck Sport Business and Management Symposium. Konferensbidrag vid The 6th Innsbruck Sport Business and Management Symposium, Innsbruck, Austria, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Bodemar, A. & Strittmatter, A. (2016). Institutional settings and young professional leaders’ perceptions at sports events. I: Proceedings of the World Congress of the Sociology of Sports. Konferensbidrag vid The World Congress of the Sociology of Sports, Budapest, Hungary, June 8-11, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Kristiansen, E. , Strittmatter, A. & Skirstad, B. (2016). Stakeholders, Challenges and Issues at a Co-hosted Youth Olympic Event: Lessons Learned from European Youth Olympic Festival 2015. I: Proceedings of the 7th International Sport Business Symposium. Konferensbidrag vid The 7th International Sport Business Symposium, Lillehammer, Norway, February 16, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Kristian, E. , Strittmatter, A. & Skirstad, B. (2015). Co-hosting Olympic Events: Lessons Learned from European Youth Olympic Festival 2015. I: Proceedings of the 23rd European Association for Sport Management Conference, Dublin 2015. Konferensbidrag vid The 23rd European Association for Sport Management Conference, Dublin, Ireland, September 9-12, 2015. European Association for Sport Management. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. & Skille, E. Å. (2015). With Random Actions towards Inefficiency: the implementation of Norwegian youth sport policy through the 2016 Lillehammer Winter Youth Olympic Games. I: Proceedings of the 23rd European Association for Sport Management Conference, Dublin 2015. Konferensbidrag vid The 23rd European Association for Sport Management Conference, Dublin, Ireland, September 9-12, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. (2014). Bidding for the Youth Olympic Games: a Contribution to Norwegian Youth Sport?. I: Proceedings of the 22nd European Association for Sport Management Conference, Coventry 2014. Konferensbidrag vid The 22nd European Association for Sport Management Conference, Coventry, England, September 9-12, 2014. European Association for Sport Management. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. (2014). Lifting up the Youth?: The Norwegian youth sport policy and the Youth Olympic Games. I: Proceedings of the 22nd European Association for Sport Management Conference, Coventry 2014. Konferensbidrag vid The 22nd European Association for Sport Management Conference, Coventry, September 9-12, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Skirstad, B. & Strittmatter, A. (2013). Managing Football Organizations: a Man’s World?. I: Proceedings of the 21st European Association for Sport Management Conference, Istanbul 2013. Konferensbidrag vid The 21st European Association for Sport Management Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, September 11-15, 2013. European Association for Sport Management. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. , Skirstad, B. & Sogn, H. (2021). Gender Gap Identification and Analysis: PROmoting GendeR Equality in Sports.. PROGRES: Norwegian Fotball Association. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. (2020). Ung medbestemmelse i norsk idrett: Evaluerings- og utredningsarbeid om barrierene og behovene for å øke ung medbestemmelse i særforbund og idrettskretser. Oslo: Norges idrettsforbund. [BibTeX]
- Skirstad, B. , Strittmatter, A. & Grønkjær, A. B. (2019). Sport Management in Norway: Present and Future Trends. Oslo: Norges idrettsforbund. [BibTeX]
- Skirstad, B. & Strittmatter, A. (2018). New Age of Sport Management Education in Europe (NASME): Sub-report by Norway. Oslo: Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. [BibTeX]
- Hanstad, D. V. , Kristiansen, E. , Sand, T. S. , Skirstad, B. & Strittmatter, A. (2016). Frivillige på Ungdoms-OL 2016. Oslo: Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. [BibTeX]
- Strittmatter, A. & Hanstad, D. V. (2015). Lederkurs for ungdom : Rapport på samling i Lillehammer. Oslo: Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. [BibTeX]
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
- Strittmatter, A. (ed.) , Fahlén, J. (ed.) & Houlihan, B. (ed.) (2022). Stakeholder analysis and sport organisations (1ed.). Abingdon: Routledge (Routledge research in sport business and management ). [BibTeX]