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Anna-Maria Moro Strittmatter

Anna-Maria Moro Strittmatter Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Health Sciences

Email: YW5uYS1tYXJpYS5zdHJpdHRtYXR0ZXI7b3J1LnNl

Phone: +46 732 302251

Room: G2212

Anna-Maria Moro Strittmatter
Research subject

About Anna-Maria Moro Strittmatter

Dr. Anna-Maria Strittmatter is an Associate Professor in Sport Management at Örebro University. Until 2024, she held a position as Associate Professor at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in Oslo, Norway where she gained her PhD in Sport Management in 2017.

Anna-Maria has work experience as General Secretary at the World Snowboard Federation and as event organizer of international snowboard events. She was Vice-president of the Norwegian Board Sports Federation and was founding member and board member of Tverga – the Norwegian resource center for self-organized sports and activity.


Anna-Maria’s research combines sport governance and sport event management.

Her range of expertise encompasses areas including sport policy, organizing of sports, social inclusion in decision making, sustainable development within sports, as well as Olympic legacy and leverage. A special focus is on youth sport and action sports.

In the last years, Anna-Maria has comprehensively researched young people’s engagement as driver for sustainable management and governance of sport organizations where she repeatedly received funding from the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports and from the Norwegian Research Centre for Children and Youth Sport. By doing so, she examined the social impact of the Youth Olympic Games on young people’s involvement in sport. Also, she studied organizational and political functions of youth committees, as well as evaluated courses addressed to young leaders which serve as tool to better integrate young people in the governance structures of organized sports.

Anna-Maria is part of an interdisciplinary, international research group focusing on social inclusion and the Olympic and Paralympic Games with the aim to increase knowledge on diversity challenges and needs for stakeholders involved in the Games.

Anna-Maria is part of the research team ReShape.


Anna-Maria teaches and supervises students in the Sport Management program at the School of Health Sciences at Örebro University. Her teaching duties comprise Sport Management in an international context, sustainable Sport Management, qualitative methods, leadership, organizational theory, and Sport Management as research field.  She is currently co-supervising two PhD Candidates:

  • Julius Stromberg – Good governance of voluntary sports clubs
  • Dilara Valiyeva – Social inclusion and Olympic legacy

Nettworks and collaborations

 Anna-Maria is member of the editorial boards in the research journals European Sport Management Quarterly and Journal of Olympic Studies.



Articles in journals |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Books |  Chapters in books |  Collections (editor) |  Conference papers |  Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Articles, reviews/surveys


Chapters in books

Collections (editor)

Conference papers

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
