Subject information
Research domains
- Humanities-Social sciences
Research environments
The research in criminology is organized in two different research environments and a stand-alone research team:
Centre for Violence Studies (CVS)
This research environment includes one group from Criminology: Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence, SToP, and groups from other subjects/disciplines.
Biopsychosocial Criminology and Psychology
Biopsychosocial criminology and psychology is a multidisciplinary research environment that attempts to understand criminal behavior (and related outcomes, like antisocial behavior and its consequences) by considering the interactions between biological (e.g., genetics, hormones, physiology, brain structure/functioning), psychological, and sociological factors.
Center for Criminological and Psychosocial Research (CAPS)
CAPS is a research team in criminology with the overall purpose of conducting practically useful research on norm-breaking, criminal behavior, and on psychosocial adjustment and development in a broader sense.
- Henrik Andershed
- Anna-Karin Andershed
- Anneli Andersson
- Amber Beckley
- Maria Camacho Doyle
- Brittany Evans
- Louise Frogner
- Anna Hellertz
- Karin Hellfeldt
- Amanda Ihs
- Belma Isakovic
- Darun Jaf
- Ida Lundin
- Shichun Anna Mccammond
- Per-Åke Nylander
- Karl Olsson
- Sofi Oskarsson
- Mattias Persson
- Joakim Petersson
- Susanne Strand
- Catherine Tuvblad
- Laura Uggla
- Frida Bood, PhD student
- Emma Källvik, PhD student
- Johan Stjernqvist, PhD student
- Nilo Tayebi, PhD student
Research projects
Active projects
- 65+ and safe
- Authorities work with people living with a double vulnerability - honour related violence and oppression in relation to prostitution and human trafficking
- Community Intervention Teams (CIT)
- Consequences of Threats, Harassments and Stalking in the Modern Society
- Evaluation of treatment provided by social service and nongovernmental organisations to men who seek help for their violent behaviour against an intimate partner
- Examining the causes and consequences of criminal behavior
- Musicalo - Social musical strategies for children and their adults
- Personality and Psychophysiology (The PoP-study)
- PETSS - Preschool TwinS in Sweden
- Research reviews of risk- and protection and effectiveness of interventions
- Retrospective Study of Young men and Womens' Experiences (The RESUMÉ project)
- Risk Management for Domestic Violence
- RISKSAM: Structured collaboration to prevent stalking and intimate partner violence - Implementation and evaluation of a risk management model for the social services and the police
- The GeoPred-study
- The IDA program
- The SOFIA-study
- What are the Long-Term Consequences of Having Been Convicted for a Crime in Youth?
Completed projects
- Assessment of safety in the local community
- Characteristics and development of aggressive girls in adolescence
- Checklists in police work to increase efficiency
- Framgångsfaktorer i evidensbaserad praktik med barn med eller i riskzonen för normbrytande beteende med specifikt fokus på betydelsen användning av strukturerade bedömningsinstrument . Ett forskningsprogram.
- Fristad och brottsplats
- LAWGEM: New Quality in Education for Gender Equality (2019-2022)
- Metodutvecklingsprojekt av Positiv utveckling genom forskningsbaserade förebyggande insatser (PUFF)
- Parent in prison: Child-parent-relationships when a parent is in prison
- Pilot study of Kids club in Sweden
- Sofia likes school
- Understanding aggression and violence in adolescent girls and boys: A cross-cultural examination in developmental pathways, social, physical and mental health outcomes.
- Uppförandestört beteende i barndomen: Praktiskt relevant forskning i ett land med stort behov
- Workplace Violence in the Ambulance Services Project; WASP