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Research projects

Musicalo - Social musical strategies for children and their adults

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress


Anna-Karin Andershed

Research subject

Musicalo is a programme that aims toward creating preconditions for children’s further development of positive social strategies, based on research on risk and protective factors for normbreaking behavior, with music as a tool. Using songs written for this particular purpose, the children and their adults listen, sing and talk about themes that concern social skills and ways of approaching themselves and others. The goal is that Musicalo will contribute to preventing externalizing behavior problems among children between the ages of 3 to 8 years.

Musicalo is an extension of the method development project PUFF, see Metodutvecklingsprojekt av Positiv utveckling genom forskningsbaserade förebyggande insatser (PUFF) - Örebro universitet (

PI and concept owner of Musicalo is professor Anna-Karin Andershed. Fredrik Berglund ( is responsible for the music.
