Robert Lindahl
Robert Lindahl Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesEmail: cm9iZXJ0LmxpbmRhaGw7b3J1LnNl
Phone: +46 19 303188
Room: L2312

About Robert Lindahl
Robert Lindahl has a PhD in social work. He researches the importance of relationships in social work with special focus on the relationship between children/youth and child welfare workers. Robert teaches at various semesters and courses on the Social Work Programme.
Robert defended his doctoral thesis “The Child Welfare Worker and the Foster Child – on the Relationship, the Recognition, and the Institutional Prerequisites" in 2019.
Robert was the programme director of the Social Work Programme at Örebro University, 2021-2023. Since 2022 he is responsible for the coordination of the separated courses at the unit of social work.
Research projects
Active projects
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Lindahl, R. , Pettersson, C. & Nakeva von Mentzer, C. (2025). Understanding the importance of the physical environment in meetings between children and child welfare workers at the social services – A scoping review. Children and youth services review, 169. [BibTeX]
- Lindahl, R. (2021). Individualising or categorising recognition? [Individualiserande eller kategoriserande erkännande?]: Conceptual discussions concerning the relationship between foster children and their child welfare workers [Begreppsdiskussion om relationen mellan familjehemsplacerade barn och deras socialsekreterare]. European Journal of Social Work, 24 (4), 566-577. [BibTeX]
- Lindahl, R. & Bruhn, A. (2018). Professional dilemmas and occupational constraints in child welfare workers' relationships with children and youth in foster care. Children and youth services review, 88, 333-340. [BibTeX]
- Lindahl, R. & Bruhn, A. (2017). Foster children's experiences and expectations concerning the child-welfare officer role: Prerequisites and obstacles for close and trustful relationships. Child & Family Social Work, 22 (4), 1415-1422. [BibTeX]
Articles, book reviews
- Lindahl, R. (2021). Review of: Kinship care. Between child welfare and family: [Slektsfosterhjem. Mellom barnevern og familie]. Nordic Social Work Research, 11 (1), 90-92. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Lindahl, R. (2020). Bildningsidealets betydelse för det sociala arbetets bidrag till hållbar utveckling. In: Magnus Boström, Christian Lundahl & Johan Öhman, Humanistiska och samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv på bildning och hållbar utveckling (pp. 62-70). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Lindahl, R. (2018). Institutionella ramar för relationen mellan familjehemsplacerade ungdomar och deras socialsekreterare. In: Anders Bruhn & Åsa Källström, Relationer i socialt arbete: i gränslandet mellan profession och person (pp. 107-122). Stockholm: Liber. [BibTeX]
- Oscarsson, L. & Lindahl, R. (2013). Utvärdering av den nationella försöksverksamheten med tillsynsombud: Avrapportering per 1 augusti 2013. In: Gör tillsynsombud skillnad för barn som bor i familjehem? Delrapport med tillsynsombudens erfarenheter från en försöksverksamhet (pp. 45-. Stockholm: Inspektionen för vård och omsorg (IVO). [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Bruhn, A. , Lindahl, R. & Flygare, E. (2015). Promoting constructive relations between children in foster care and welfare officials. Paper presented at European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR), Ljubljana, Slovenien, 22-24 April, 2015. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
- Lindahl, R. (2019). Socialsekreteraren och det familjehemsplacerade barnet: Om relationen, erkännandet och de institutionella förutsättningarna. (Doctoral dissertation). (Comprehensive summary) Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
- Lindahl, R. Individualizing or categorizing recognition? : Conceptual discussions concerning the relationship between foster children and their child welfare workers. [BibTeX]
- Oscarsson, L. & Lindahl, R. (2014). Utvärdering av den nationella försöksverksamheten med tillsynsombud: Slutrapport december 2014. Örebro: Örebro universitet (Working Paper and Reports Social Work 5). [BibTeX]