Eva Georgii-Hemming
Eva Georgii-Hemming Position: Professor School/office: School of Music, Theatre and ArtEmail: ZXZhLmdlb3JnaWktaGVtbWluZztvcnUuc2U=
Phone: +46 19 303839
Room: M3212

About Eva Georgii-Hemming
Eva Georgii-Hemming is Professor in Musicology at Örebro University. Her research focuses on the power relations present in music education, music creation, and the use of music. Eva has published research both nationally and internationally, addressing, among other topics, professional practice, forms of knowledge, academization, and inequalities in musical contexts.
Her research has also led to recurring presentations and keynote addresses at international conferences in Europe and the USA. She has held several international roles as an editor, reviewer, and leader of research projects and networks, primarily in music education and the philosophy of music education.
Eva previously served as the Head of the School of Music at Örebro University (2017–2023).
University and Institutional Roles
Member, Örebro University’s Staff Disciplinary Board 2022–2024
International and National Assignments
Member of the Research Board, Royal Swedish Academy of Music 2018–2020
Chair, International Society for the Philosophy of Music Education 2015–2017
Member of the Committee for Artistic Research, Swedish Research Council 2016–2018
Editorial board member of international peer review journals
Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education
Beiträge empirischer Musikpädagogik
Research Studies in Music Education
Nordic Research in Music Education Yearbook
Research projects
Active projects
Completed projects
- Academization of performing musician programs - re-/negotiations of knowledge and competence
- Discourses of Academization and the Music Profession in Higher Music Education (DAPHME)
- Music education, quality and equality
- Music and the Pedagogic Discourse : Recontextualisations and Codes
- Music, media and digitalisation
- Articulations of Culturally Diverse Music Spaces in Sweden
- The music of boys, the silence of reproduction
- Professional Knowledge in Music Teacher Education
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Moberg, N. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2021). Institutional personas: Dis/harmonic representations of higher music education. Högre Utbildning, 11 (1), 27-40. [BibTeX]
- Johansson, K. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2021). Processes of academisation in higher music education: the case of Sweden. British Journal of Music Education, 38 (2), 173-186. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, C. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2020). Improvisation i musikundervisningen: tre lärares didaktiska förhållningssätt. Nordic Research in Music Education, 1 (1), 81-102. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. , Johansson, K. & Moberg, N. (2020). Reflection in Higher Music Education: What, Why, Wherefore?. Music Education Research, 22 (3), 245-256. [BibTeX]
- Angelo, E. , Varkøy, Ø. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2019). Notions of Mandate, Knowledge and Research in Norwegian Classical Music Performance Studies. Journal for Reserach in Arts and Sports Education, 3 (1), 78-100. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2017). What is quality?: the political debate on education and its implications for pluralism and diversity in education. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 25 (1), 67-86. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. , Angelo, E. , Gies, S. , Johansson, K. , Rolle, C. & Varkøy, Ø. (2016). Artist or researcher? Tradition or innovation? Challenges for performing musician and arts education in Europe. Nordic Research in Music Education, 17 (5), 279-292. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Kvarnhall, V. (2015). Music listening and matters of equality in music education. Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning, 97, 27-44. [BibTeX]
- Angelo, E. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2014). Profesjonsforståelse: en innfallsvinkel til å profesjonalisere det musikkpedagogiske yrkesfeltet. Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning: Årbok, 15. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Lilliedahl, J. (2014). Why "What" Matters: On the Content Dimension of Music Didactics. Philosophy of Music Education Review, 22 (2), 132-155. [BibTeX]
- Thorgersen, C. F. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2012). Social networking and democratic practices as spheres for innovative musical learning. Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE), 111 (1), 160-176. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Westvall, M. (2010). Music education – a personal matter?: Examining the current discourses of music education in Sweden. British Journal of Music Education, 27 (1), 21-33. [BibTeX]
- Lilliedahl, J. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2009). Parental expectations of the Swedish municipal school of arts. British Journal of Music Education, 26 (3), 257-271. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2007). Hermeneutic knowledge: dialogue between experiences. Research Studies in Music Education, 29 (1), 13-28. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2006). Personal experiences and professional strategies. Music Education Research, 8 (2), 217-236. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Larsson, C. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2019). Improvisation in General Music Education: A literature review. British Journal of Music Education, 36 (1), 49-67. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Westvall, M. (2010). Teaching music in our time: student music teachers' reflections on music education, teacher education and becoming a teacher. Music Education Research, 12 (4), 353-367. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Moberg, N. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2024). Klass och musik. In: Eva Georgii-Hemming & Nadia Moberg, Makt: när musik och människor möts (pp. 33-47). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Moberg, N. (2024). Tid att bilda: om att (o)möjliggöra en kritisk (lärarut)bildning. In: H. Rinholm, Ø. Varkøy, B. Fredriksen och M. H. A. Bjerke, Kritisk danning i lærerutdanningen (pp. 47-67). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. [BibTeX]
- Moberg, N. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2019). Musicianship: Discursive constructions of autonomy and independence within music performance programmes. In: Stefan Gies & Jon Helge Sætre, Becoming musicians: Student involvement and teacher collaboration in higher music education (pp. 67-88). Oslo: Norges musikkhøgskole. [BibTeX]
- Rolle, C. , Angelo, E. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2017). Mapping the methodological field of discourse analysis in music education research: A review study, part I. In: Alexander J. Cvetko, Christian Rolle, Musikpädagogik und Kulturwissenschaft: Music education and cultural studies (pp. 153-164). Münster: Waxmann Verlag. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Kvarnhall, V. (2014). Musiklyssnande i undervisningen. In: Øivind Varkøy, Johan Söderman, Musik för alla: Filosofiska och didaktiska perspektiv på musik, bildning och samhälle (pp. 121-133). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2013). Meeting the challenges of music teacher education. In: Eva Georgii-Hemming, Pamela Burnard, Sven-Erik Holgersen, Professional knowledge in music teacher education (pp. 203-213). Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2013). Music as knowledge in an educational context. In: Eva Georgii-Hemming, Pamela Burnard, Sven-Erik Holgersen, Professional knowledge in music teacher education (pp. 19-37). Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2013). Preface. In: Eva Georgii-Hemming, Pamela Burnard, Sven-Erik Holgersen, Professional knowledge in music teacher education (pp. xvii-xviii). Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Westvall, M. (2012). Music education: a personal matter?: Examining the current discourses of music education in Sweden. In: Sidsel Karlsen, Lauri Väkevä, Future prospects for music education: corroborating informal learning pedagogy (pp. 97-114). London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2011). Shaping a music teacher identity in Sweden. In: Lucy Green, Learning, teaching, and musical identity: voices across cultures (pp. 197-209). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Kvarnhall, V. (2011). YouTube som musikalisk erfarenhet. In: Claes Ericsson, Monica Lindgren, Perspektiv på populärmusik och skola (pp. 143-164). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2006). Musikalisk erfarenhet och Estetisk verksamhet. In: Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning: årbok (pp. 153-172). Oslo: Norges Musikkhøgskole. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (ed.) & Moberg, N. (ed.) (2024). Makt: när musik och människor möts. Örebro: Örebro universitet, Repro. [BibTeX]
- Varkøy, Ø. (ed.) , Georgii-Hemming, E. (ed.) , Kallio, A. (ed.) & Pio, F. (ed.) (2018). Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning: Årbok 18. Oslo: Norges musikkhøgskole (Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning 18). [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (ed.) , Burnard, P. (ed.) & Holgersen, S. (ed.) (2013). Professional knowledge in music teacher education. Farnham: Ashgate. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (ed.) (2007). Kunskapens Konst: Vänbok till Börje Stålhammar (300ed.). Örebro: Musikhögskolan (Skriftserie Forskning. Musikhögskolan Örebro universitet 2007:1). [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- de Boise, S. , Dobre Billström, R. , Georgii-Hemming, E. & Moberg, N. (2024). Power Relations in Music Society: the Elite and the Underprivileged. Paper presented at Gendering Music Matter. Power, Affects, and Infrastructures of Music Industries, the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen, 13–15 March 2024. [BibTeX]
- Rolle, C. , Georgii-Hemming, E. & Varkøy, Ø. (2021). Affirmation and resistance: Neoliberal discourse and the re-negotiation of musician´s function in society. Paper presented at International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education, June 21-24, 2021. Online. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2021). Akademisering av högre musikerutbildning: En navigering mellan autonomi och anpassning. Paper presented at Forskning om högre utbildning. Örebro universitet 19–20 maj 2021. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. , Rolle, C. , Varkøy, Ø. , Johansson, K. , Angelo, E. , Gies, S. , Moberg, N. & Versaci, D. (2021). Artistic knowledge for entrepreneurs. Paper presented at Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNRME), Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Teacher Education, Trondheim. 2–3 March 2021. [BibTeX]
- Moberg, N. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2021). Till vilket pris ska varumärket byggas?: Musikhögskolors motsägelsefulla representationer. Paper presented at Forskning om högre utbildning, Örebro, Örebro universitet, 19–20 maj 2021. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Johansson, K. (2019). Reflection, artistic research and higher music education. Paper presented at 24th Conference of Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNMPF 2019), Royal College of Music, Stockholm, Sweden, February 26-28, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Johansson, K. (2017). Negotiating Critical Reflection: On research activities within performing musician programmes. Paper presented at The Tenth International Research in Music Education Conference, Bath Spa University, UK, April 24–27, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. , Johansson, K. , Angelo, E. , Gies, S. , Rolle, C. & Varkøy, Ø. (2017). The construction of Academic Academies: Art, research and marketization as competing discourses. Paper presented at The 22nd conference of Nordic Network for Research in Music Education Academy of Music and Drama (NNMPF 2017), University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, March 14–16, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, C. , Georgii-Hemming, E. , Siljamäki, E. , MacGlone, U. & Gravem Johansen, G. (2016). Challenges and Possibilities for Improvisation in Music Education: A symposium presenting different aspects of improvisation. Paper presented at European Education Research Association (ECER 2016), Dublin, Ireland, August 22-26, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Ålander, J. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2016). “The public foreigner” : Conceptualising migrant music research. In: BSA Annual Conference 2016. Paper presented at British Sociological Association 2016 Annual conference, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, April 6–8, 2016. (pp. 248- BSA Publications Ltd. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2015). Confusing quality with quantity: What can philosophy contribute to contemporary (music) education?. Paper presented at European Educational Research Association (ECER 2015), Budapest, Hungary, September 7–11, 2015. [BibTeX]
- de Boise, S. , Varkøy, Ø. , Rolle, C. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2015). Contesting the Concept of ‘Activism’ in Music Education. Paper presented at 19th conference of Nordic Network for Research in Music Education (NNMPF 2015), Activism in Music Education, Helsinki, Finland, March 3-5, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, C. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2015). Staging Improvisation: Issues and Challenges in Action Research. Paper presented at The 9th International Conference for Research in Music Education (RIME). University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, April 14-18, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. , Angelo, E. , Varkøy, Ø. & Rolle, C. (2015). The impact of academization on higher music education and the music profession. Paper presented at 10th Symposium of the International Society for the Philosophy of Music Education, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 3–6 June 2015. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Kvarnhall, V. (2015). What do you hear?: How music listening can promote fundamental values in education. Paper presented at 23rd European Association for Music in Schools (EAS) Conference. 25-28 March 2015, Rostock, Germany. [BibTeX]
- Angelo, E. , Georgii-Hemming, E. , Gries, S. , Johansson, K. , Varkøy, Ø. & Rolle, C. (2014). Academization and the music profession in higher music education: an analysis from a discourse theory perspective. Paper presented at The Germen Music Education Research Group, Annual conference. Neuwied-Engers, Germany, 10–12 October, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2014). How mobile is man?: On social sounds of music. Paper presented at International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) 24–26 October 2014, Universität Siegen, Köln. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2013). “A world of pluralism and diversity”… What?: Perspectives on diversity and uniformity, heterogeneity and homogeneity – and the question of content in general music education. Paper presented at Ninth International Symposium on the Philosophy of Music Education, Columbia University, New York. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2013). The debate on (music) education quality: Aims and limitations. Paper presented at RIME. The 8th International Conference for Research in Music Education. Exeter, UK, 9-13th April 2013. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2013). The Professional Knowledge of Music Teachers: Previous and future research. Paper presented at Nordic Network for Research in Music Education. Bergen, 27 February–1 March, 2013. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2013). What is Quality?: The political debate on education and its implications for music education. Paper presented at Nordic Network for Research in Music Education. Bergen, 27 February–1 March, 2013. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2012). Challenges for the music teacher profession. Paper presented at Nordic Network for Research in Music Education. Reykjavik, 21–24 February 2012. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2012). Digital music and media use. Paper presented at Sixteenth Nordic Musicological Congress. 7–10 August, Stockholm. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2012). Mobile identities: adults' use of music in digital media. Paper presented at Nordic Network for Research in Music Education. Reykjavik, 21–24 February, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Olausson, U. & Georgii-Hemming, E. (2012). Mobile identities: adults' use of music in digital media. Paper presented at International symposium on Mobile Communication: Mobile Internet, Locative Media, Mobility and Place. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2012). Music in European classrooms: a comparison of two lessons from Sweden and Germany. Paper presented at Bundeskongress Musikunterricht, Weimar, Germany, 19–23 September. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2011). Bildung, popular culture and music education: practical implications and a critical discussion of Swedish music education. Paper presented at World Views and an Education in Music: Can Bildung be Cultivated in the 21st Century? The 7th International Conference for Research in Music Education, Exeter, UK. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2011). Music education as practical wisdom: student music teachers’ views on phronesis. Paper presented at The seventh international conference for research in music education, University of Exeter, 12-16 April 2011. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2011). Popular music in school: beyond the familiar?. Paper presented at Symposium; Music education in Nordic schools – a critical examination from diversity and democracy perspectives. Nordic Network for Research in Music Education 2011. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Johansen, G. (2010). Knowledge and music teacher education today. In: Werner Jank, International Society for Philosophy of Music Education The Eighth International Symposium on the Philosophy of Music Education. Paper presented at The Eighth International Symposium on the Philosophy of Music Education, Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2010. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Westvall, M. (2010). Teaching music in our time - an appeal for active musicianship?. Paper presented at Nordic working seminar on the research on music teacher education. Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo, Norway, 6-8 December 2010. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Westvall, M. (2009). A transition from school music to music in school and back?. Paper presented at The Sixth International Research in Music Education Conference (RIME). University of Exeter, School of Education and LifeLong Learning, England. 14-18 April 2009. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Westvall, M. (2009). Teaching music in our time: A study of student teachers' reflections on participation, inclusion and the right to musical development in their school-based music teacher education. Paper presented at How does Research in Music Education Approach Music?Nordic Network for Research in Music Education. Örebro University, Sweden. 21-23 January 2009. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. & Bouij, C. (2008). National and local perspectives on transition in music education after World War II. Paper presented at Kūrybos erdvės, The Spaces of Creation, Siauliai University, Litauen. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2008). Views of music as theory and practice: understanding music within music teacher education. In: Proceedings of the IX International Symposium, November 8–10, 2007, University of Miami. Paper presented at The IX RAIME International Symposium, November 8–10, 2007, University of Miami. (pp. 32-42). Miami: Frost School of Music, University of Miami. [BibTeX]
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2006). Music as experience inside and outside school. In: Bengt Olsson, RAIME : research alliance of institutions for music education proceedings of the eight international symposium held at Schaeffergaarden, Copenhagen September 29-October 1, 2005. Paper presented at Eight International Symposium held at Schaeffergarden, Copenhagen, September 29 - October 1, 2005. (pp. 123-134). Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Georgii-Hemming, E. (2005). Berättelsen under deras fötter: fem musiklärares livshistorier. (Doctoral dissertation). Örebro: Örebro universitetsbibliotek. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, C. & Georgii-Hemming, E. Improvisation i musikundervisningen : tre lärares didaktiska förhållningssätt. [BibTeX]