Aesthetics, Culture and Media (ACCLAIM)
About this group
Group information
The Aesthetics, Culture and Media (ACCLAIM) research group looks at how culture and societal norms and values affect people's music habits, personal experiences, musical learning and music education. Research conducted within the group explores issues of: music and equality (looking especially at gender, class, nationality and ethnicity); music, social media and digitization; and musical didactics and education. The group fosters critical analysis and critical discussion using interdisciplinary musicological theory, combined with a particular focus on philosophical, cultural-theoretical and didactic perspectives.
Recent publications:
Georgii-Hemming, E. , Johansson, K. & Moberg, N. (2020). Reflection in Higher Music Education: What, Why, Wherefore?. Music Education Research.
Lilliedahl, J. (2020). Specialised music classes in comprehensive education: a case study of the Swedish shift from social-democratic uniformity to neoliberal diversity. Journal of Educational Administration & History.
de Boise, S. (2019). Tackling gender inequalities in music: A comparative study of policy responses in the UK and Sweden. The International Journal of Cultural Policy, 25 (4), 486–499.
Broch Ålvik, J. M. (2019). Touching from A Distance: Imagining Marit Larsen in Queer Spaces. Radical Musicology, 7.
Lebedinski, E. (2020). The Travels of a Tune: Purcell’s "If love’s a sweet passion’" and the Cultural Translation of English Seventeenth-Century Music. Early music 48(1), 75–90.
Volgsten, U. (2019). A technology and its vicissitudes: playing the gramophone in Sweden 1903–1945. Popular Music, 38 (2), 219–236.
Research projects
Active projects
Completed projects
- A Cross Cultural Exploration of Gendered Music Practices in the UK and Sweden
- Academization of performing musician programs - re-/negotiations of knowledge and competence
- Articulations of Culturally Diverse Music Spaces in Sweden
- Discourses of Academization and the Music Profession in Higher Music Education (DAPHME)
- Everyday Devices. Mediatisation, Disciplining and Localisation of Music in Sweden 1900-1970
- Feminist Musical Engagements. The Struggle Against Gender Inequalities in Music-Making Practices
- Music and the Pedagogic Discourse : Recontextualisations and Codes
- Music education, quality and equality
- Music, Identity and Multiculturalism: A study of the role of music in ethnic-based associations
- Music, media and digitalisation
- Ontology, Music, Education. Heideggerian inspirations
- Processes of Intercultural Learning: Research, Online Collaboration, and Musical Immersion in Brazil and Sweden
- Professional Knowledge in Music Teacher Education
- Shaping the Meaning of Chinese Music Subcultures
- Subcultural Transfer: Indie Music in Turkey
- The learning musician. A study about Military Musicians and their musical and educational development in a life-span musicianship
- The Minorities in the Minority: A study of the role of music in the development of multicultural competence in Swedish-speaking schools in Finland
- The music of boys, the silence of reproduction