Anders Bruhn
Anders Bruhn Position: Professor Emeritus School/office: School of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesEmail: YW5kZXJzLmJydWhuO29ydS5zZQ==
Phone: No number available
Room: -

Research subject
Research projects
Completed projects
- To land in the profession. A study of social work professionals' transition from university education to working life.
- Prison Officers - Occupational culture, occupational identity and job satisfaction
- Better safe than sorry? Quantitative and qualitative aspects of child-father relationships after parental separation in cases involving intimate partner violence
- Towards professionalism? Two Scandinavian countries two ways to develop the Prison Officer role
- Roles and Relationships in Foster Care - a study on role expectations and constructive relationship building in foster care
- Evaluation of the national trial with supervision representatives for children in foster care
Articles in journals |
Articles, book reviews |
Books |
Chapters in books |
Collections (editor) |
Conference papers |
Daily newspapers |
Doctoral theses, monographs |
Reports |
Articles in journals
- Höglund, F. & Bruhn, A. (2024). Sport-based interventions' - A tool for suburban social integration?. Nordic Social Work Research, 14 (1), 32-44. [BibTeX]
- Zhao, X. , Nylander, P. Å. & Bruhn, A. (2024). Swedish prison officers’ perceptions of management and support: key predictors and subgroups. Psychology, Crime and Law, 30 (10), 1277-1291. [BibTeX]
- Nylander, P. Å. & Bruhn, A. (2023). Emotionellt arbete och belastning i fängelsearbete: utvecklingen över tid. Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 29 (3-4), 27-41. [BibTeX]
- Brauer, J. , Johansson, B. & Bruhn, A. (2021). Social Representations in Street-Level Bureaucracies: Production and Reproduction of Knowledge Within Public Administration. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 25 (2), 99-122. [BibTeX]
- Thunman, E. , Ekström, M. & Bruhn, A. (2020). Dealing With Questions of Responsiveness in a Low-Discretion Context: Offers of Assistance in Standardized Public Service Encounters. Administration & Society, 52 (9), 1333-1361. [BibTeX]
- Ekström, M. , Bruhn, A. & Thunman, E. (2019). A caring interview: Polar questions, epistemic stance and care in examinations of eligibility for social benefits. Discourse Studies, 21 (4), 375-397. [BibTeX]
- Lindahl, R. & Bruhn, A. (2018). Professional dilemmas and occupational constraints in child welfare workers' relationships with children and youth in foster care. Children and youth services review, 88, 333-340. [BibTeX]
- Lindahl, R. & Bruhn, A. (2017). Foster children's experiences and expectations concerning the child-welfare officer role: Prerequisites and obstacles for close and trustful relationships. Child & Family Social Work, 22 (4), 1415-1422. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Nylander, P. Å. & Johnsen, B. (2017). From prison guards to… what?: Occupational development of prison officers in Sweden and Norway. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 18 (1), 68-83. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. & Ekström, M. (2017). Towards a Multi-level Approach on Frontline Interactions in the Public Sector: Institutional Transformations and the Dynamics of Real-time Interactions. Social Policy & Administration, 51 (1), 195-215. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2015). Changing Occupational Roles in Audit Society: The Case of Swedish Student Aid Officials. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 5 (1), 31-50. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2013). Gender relations and division of labour among prison officers in Swedish male prisons. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 14 (2), 115-132. [BibTeX]
- Nylander, P. Å. , Lindberg, O. & Bruhn, A. (2011). Emotional labour and emotional strain among Swedish prison officers. European Journal of Criminology, 8 (6), 469-483. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. & Frick, K. (2011). Why it was so difficult to develop new methods to inspect work organization and psychosocial risks in Sweden. Safety Science, 49 (4), 575-581. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Nylander, P. Å. & Lindberg, O. (2010). The prison officer's dilemma: professional representations among Swedish prison officers. Les Dossiers des sciences de l'education, 23 (1), 77-93. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2009). Occupational unity or diversity in a changing work context?: The case of Swedish labour inspectors. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 7 (2), 31-50. [BibTeX]
- Nylander, P. Å. , Bruhn, A. & Lindberg, O. (2008). Säkerhet eller rehabilitering?: Om subkulturell differentiering bland kriminalvårdare. Arbetsmarknad och arbetsliv, 14 (3), 45-62. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. & Frick, K. (2007). Regeringens sparkrav motverkar arbetslinjen. Arbetarskydd (1), 25-25. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2006). The inspector's dilemma under regulated self-regulation. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 4 (2), 3-23. [BibTeX]
Articles, book reviews
- Bruhn, A. (2019). Book review: Social and caring professions in European welfare states: Policies, services and professional practices. Nordic Social Work Research, 9 (2), 199-201. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (1998). Industritjänstemännen, facket och värdeförändringen: slutrapport från forskningsprojekt "Fackets plats i förändrade värde- och normsystem". Örebro: Högskolan i Örebro (Skriftserie / Högskolan i Örebro 64). [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Bruhn, A. & Nylander, P. Å. (2024). Farewell to Exceptionalism: An Analysis of Swedish Prisons Officers' Attitudes Towards Prison Policy, Organisation, and Their Occupational Rolen in 2009 and 2019. In: Helen Arnold; Matthew Maycock; Rosemary Ricciardelli, Prison Officers: International Perspectives on Prison Work (pp. 325-348). Cambridge: Palgrave Macmillan. [BibTeX]
- Nylander, P. Å. & Bruhn, A. (2020). The Emotional Labour of Prison Work. In: Phillips, J., Waters, J., Westaby, C. and Fowler, A., Emotional Labour in Criminal Justice and Criminology (pp. 69-84). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2018). Förutsättningar för relationsarbete i yrkesutövning på det sociala arbetets fält. In: Anders Bruhn och Åsa Källström, Relationer i socialt arbete: I gränslandet mellan profession och person (pp. 37-58). Stockholm: Liber. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. & Källström, Å. (2018). Inledning: Relationsbyggande på det sociala arbetes fält - utmaningar och möjligheter. In: Bruhn, Anders & Källström, Åsa, Relationer i socialt arbete : I gränslandet mellan profession och person (pp. 9-15). Stockholm: Liber. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. & Källström, Å. (2018). Slutord. In: Bruhn, Anders & Källström, Åsa, Relationer i socialt arbete : I gränslandet mellan profession och person (pp. 279-284). Stockholm: Liber. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Lindberg, O. & Nylander, P. Å. (2017). Treating Drug Abusers in Prison: Competing Paradigms Anchored in Different Welfare Ideologies: The Case of Sweden. In: Scharff Smith, Peter & Ugelvik, Thomas, Scandinavian penal history, culture and prison practice: Embraced by the welfare state? (pp. 177-204). London: Palgrave Macmillan. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Nylander, P. & Lindberg, O. (2015). Swedish ‘prison exceptionalism’ in decline: trends towards distantiation and objectification of the Other. In: Eriksson, Anna, Punishing the other: the social production of immorality revisited (pp. 101-124). London & New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Kjellberg, A. & Sandberg, Å. (2013). A new world of work challenging Swedish unions. In: Åke Sandberg, Michael Allvin [och 24 andra], Nordic lights: work, management and welfare in Scandinavia (pp. 126-186). Stockholm: SNS förlag. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Lindberg, O. & Nylander, P. Å. (2011). A harsher prison climate and a cultural heritage working against it: sub-cultural divisions among Swedish prison officers. In: Thomas Ugelvik, Jane Dullum, Penal exceptionalism?: Nordic prison policy and practice (pp. 215-231). Abingdon: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2007). Om vetenskap som profession. In: Mikael Carleheden, Rolf Lidskog, Christine Roman, Social interaktion: förutsättningar och former (pp. 240-265). Malmö: Liber. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2002). Datorprogram för teorigenerering. In: Johan Arvidsson, Sune Fahlgren, Kunskap utan väggar: perspektiv och metoder för fältstudier i grupp (pp. 143-154). Lund: Studentlitteratur. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2002). Datorprogram i kvalitativ analys. In: Johan Arvidsson, Sune Fahlgren, Kunskap utan väggar: perspektiv och metoder för fältstudier i grupp (pp. 79-95). Lund: Studentlitteratur. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2000). Sänkt rösträttsålder för större engagemang. In: Anette Persson, Allt eller inget: om ungas syn på engagemang och partipolitik (pp. 67-77). Stockholm: Ungdomsstyrelsen. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (1999). Ungdomarna, politiken och valet. In: Erik Amnå, Valdeltagande i förändring (pp. 205-265). Stockholm: Fakta info direkt. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. & Lindberg, O. (1996). Kvalitativ metod och datateknologi. In: Per-Gunnar Svensson, Bengt Starrin, Kvalitativa studier i teori och praktik (pp. 122-143). Lund: Studentlitteratur. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Bruhn, A. (ed.) & Källström, Å. (ed.) (2018). Relationer i socialt arbete : I gränslandet mellan profession och person (1ed.). Stockholm: Liber. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Bruhn, A. , Lindahl, R. & Flygare, E. (2015). Promoting constructive relations between children in foster care and welfare officials. Paper presented at European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR), Ljubljana, Slovenien, 22-24 April, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Nylander, P. Å. & Johnsen, B. (2014). Professionalization of prison officers in Sweden and Norway: two routes, two different goals?. Paper presented at The 7th Nordic Working Life Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, June 11-13, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. & Nylander, P. Å. (2013). Professionalization of prison officers in Sweden and Norway: two routes, two different goals?. Paper presented at ISA RC52 "Professional Groups" Interim Conference Challenging Professionalism, New Directions in Policies, Publics and the Professions, Lisbon, Portugal, November 28-30, 2013. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2012). Swedish Student Aid Officials: changes of the occupational role in the era of New Public Management and Neo-liberal hegemony. Paper presented at The 6th Nordic Working Life Conference, Elsinore, Denmark, April 25-27, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2011). Prison officers in wing-differentiated prisons: a development towards professionalism?. Paper presented at Scandinavian Studies of Confinement research network seminar, Växjö, Sweden, November 21-23, 2011. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2010). The construction of gender and an emotional labor division among prison officers: the case of Sweden. Paper presented at American Society of Criminology, Annual Meeting, San Fransisco, USA, November 17-20, 2010. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Lindberg, O. & Nylander, P. Å. (2009). A harsher prison climate and a cultural heritage working against it. Paper presented at Scandinavian studies of confinement research network seminar, Oslo, Norway, October 22-23, 2009. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Lindberg, O. & Nylander, P. Å. (2009). Emotional labour and emotional strain in late-modern prison work. Paper presented at 9th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Lisbon, Portugal, September 2-5, 2009. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2008). Occupational Unity or Diversity: The Case of Swedish Work Environment Inspectors. Paper presented at Svenska sociologförbundets årsmöte, Östersund, Sweden, March, 2008. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2006). Inspector's Dilemma under Self-regulation. Paper presented at Svenska sociologförbundets årsmöte, Södertörns högskola, Huddinge, Sweden, February, 2006. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2003). Fackligt arbete på regional nivå: framtidens fokus. Paper presented at Svenska sociologförbundets årsmöte, Örebro, Sweden, January 30-31, 2003. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. & Lindberg, O. (1995). Computer aided qualitative data-analysis: some issues from a Swedish perspective. Paper presented at Australian Association of Social Research Conference, Victoria, Australia, December, 1995. [BibTeX]
Daily newspapers
- Bruhn, A. & Lindberg, O. (2018). Kriminalvården sluter sig för insyn utifrån. Dagens Nyheter DN Debatt (5 augusti). [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. & Nylander, P. (2015). Synen på brott och straff har blivit inhuman. ETC. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2013). EBP - socionomutbildningar i bakvatten?. Socionomen (6), 76-80. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Bruhn, A. (1999). Individualiseringen och det fackliga kollektivet: en studie av industritjänstemäns förhållningssätt till facket. (Doctoral dissertation). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Ekström, M. & Thunman, E. (2021). Dimensions of discretionary practices: Swedish social insurance officials assessing work ability in a highly regulative context. Örebro: Örebro University (Working Papers and Reports Social work 20). [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Baianstovu, R. Í. , Petersén, A. & Johansson, B. (2020). Att ta mark i professionen - nya socionomers yrkesval och karriärvägar: Rapport från en studie med särskilt fokus på socialtjänsten. Lund: Lunds universitet (Arbetsliv i omvandling 2020:2). [BibTeX]
- Thunberg, S. , Uhnoo, D. & Bruhn, A. (2018). Nationell forskningskonferens i socialt arbete: Abstractsammanställning. Örebro: Örebro university (Working Papers and Reports 13). [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. & Nylander, P. Å. (2018). Quality employment and quality public services in prisons: Rapportdel: Sweden. Leuven, Belgium: (EU-rapport. Research commissioned by EPSU, University of Leuven ). [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Thunman, E. & Ekström, M. (2017). Swedish social insurance officials struggling with the vagueness of the work ability concept: The case of sickness compensation. Örebro, Sweden: Örebro universitet (Working Papers and Reports Social work 11). [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Nylander, P. Å. & Lindberg, O. (2013). Fyra korta artiklar om kriminalvård. Örebro: (Working Papers and Reports Social work 2). [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2011). Springlife's medarbetarenkät våren 2011: rapport om personalens fritextinlägg. Örebro: . [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Karlqvist, L. & Wahlgren, I. (2007). Malvorna II: utvärdering av ett utvecklingsprojekt för bättre arbetsmiljö, jämställdhet och hälsa. Östersund: Jämtlands läns landsting. [BibTeX]
- Frick, K. , Bruhn, A. & Lehto, A. (2006). Metodutveckling: en delrapport i utvärderingen av utvecklingsprogrammet ARbetsorganisation och NEgativ stress (ARNE). Stockholm: Arbetsmiljöverket (Rapport / Arbetsmiljöverket 2006:5). [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. , Lind, M. & Svensson, L. (2005). Arbetsmiljö och arbetsmiljöarbete i Svenska kyrkan: En fallstudie. Örebro: Örebro universitet (Sociology at Örebro University 11). [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2003). Omställning i Kumla: en utvärdering av de personalinriktade åtgärderna under omställningsprocessen vid Ericssons Kumlafabrik 2001-2002. Örebro: Örebro universitet (Skriftserie / Örebro universitet 74). [BibTeX]
- Bruhn, A. (2001). En granskning av granskarna: utvärdering av Socialstyrelsens regionala tillsynsenhets i Örebro verksamhetstillsyn avseende hälso- och sjukvården i särskilda boendeformer inom Örebro kommun. Örebro: Örebro universitet (Skriftserie / Örebro universitet 70). [BibTeX]