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Oliver St john

Oliver St john Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap

E-post: b2xpdmVyLnN0LWpvaG47b3J1LnNl

Telefon: 019 303302

Rum: F3236

Oliver St john

Om Oliver St john

Information om Oliver St John finns på den engenska sidan. Klicka på länken This page in English.

New project

Family support worker: A way of developing partnership between school and home?

Research shows a strong relationship between parental involvement in children’s schooling and their academic achievement/school results. These findings validate the task of the school to create the most favourable conditions for pupils’ learning in partnership with parents.

In 2019, an F-9 school appointed a family support worker (FSW) for stage F-3 to strengthen cooperation between the school and parents. In 2022, the school appointed two more FSWs with a focus on stages 4-6 and 7-9. An FSW supports an educational partnership between parents and school personnel that increases conditions for children to succeed at school and in life. In line with a national strategy for parental support, family support work aims at building trustful relationships with parents and can guide parents towards other social service agencies if needed.

This project’s goal is to generate knowledge about the school’s mission to cooperate closely with parents and how the role of a FSW can serve to promote this task. The project will build on the work the school has already done to develop an FSW’s role and establish it within other schools. Towards these aims, the project seeks to explore ways of realizing parents’ potential to create supportive learning environments at home and contribute to school teaching contexts and contents.


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Artiklar i tidskrifter

Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier



Samlingsverk (redaktör)