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Katja Fall

Katja Fall Befattning: Professor Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper

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Katja Fall

Om Katja Fall

Katja Fall MD, PhD, is an epidemiologist at the Clinical Epidemiology group. Her research is focused on determinants of cancer occurrence and progression, particularly in prostate cancer, and concentrates mainly on markers of psychological stress and inflammation.The methods used span studies of gene expression in individual tumours to population level assessment of disease characteristics and prescribed medication use among cancer patients. The research program uses a variety of epidemiological study designs to explore cancer pathogenesis. Fall’s research benefits from collaborations within a multidisciplinary team of researchers at institutions in Sweden (Karolinska Institutet) and abroad (University of Iceland and Harvard University). Fall is a member of the Transdisciplinary Prostate Cancer Partnership ( Her research is supported by grants from Örebro University Strategic Funds, FORTE, and the Swedish Cancer Society.


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