Dimitri Beeckman
Dimitri Beeckman Befattning: Professor Organisation: Institutionen för hälsovetenskaperE-post: ZGltaXRyaS5iZWVja21hbjtvcnUuc2U=
Telefon: 0739 436091
Rum: P2233

Om Dimitri Beeckman
Dimitri Beeckman är professor i omvårdnadsvetenskap vid Örebro universitet (Sverige) och Gent universitet (Belgien). Som vice-rektor för internationalisering vid Örebro universitet leder han universitetets internationaliseringsstrategi och har en ledande roll i NEOLAiA European University-initiativet, där Örebro universitet är en av nio partnerinstitutioner.
Som programansvarig för masterprogrammet i omvårdnad och barnmorskekonst vid Gent universitet ansvarar han för ett av de fyra masterprogrammen för sjuksköterskor och barnmorskor i Flandern, Belgien. Programmet är utformat för att vara framtidssäkert, med specifika inriktningar inom avancerad klinisk omvårdnad, implementeringsvetenskap och forskning.
Han har även gästprofessurer vid Syddansk Universitet, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland och Monash University (Australien). Hans expertis omfattar hud- och sårforskning, kliniska prövningar, psykometri, vårdutbildning och implementeringsvetenskap.
Professor Beeckman är vetenskaplig samordnare för Swedish Centre for Skin and Wound Research (SCENTR) vid Örebro universitet och Skin Integrity Research Group (SKINT) vid Gent universitet. Han är tidigare ordförande för både European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) och International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP). För närvarande är han ordförande för European Wound Management Association (EWMA), Europas största ideella paraplyorganisation som sammanför nationella sårvårdsorganisationer, enskilda experter och grupper med intresse för sårbehandling.
Med över 230 vetenskapliga publikationer i högt rankade internationella, peer-reviewade tidskrifter har professor Beeckman gjort betydande bidrag till omvårdnadsvetenskapen. Han är konsultredaktör för Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing samt Journal of Tissue Viability. Dessutom är han biträdande redaktör för International Journal of Nursing Studies, världens mest inflytelserika tidskrift inom omvårdnadsforskning.
Han är fellow vid Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS) och American Academy of Nursing (FAAN).
Läs mer om Dimitris forskning.
Pågående projekt
- Den svenska versionen av instrumentet Attityd till trycksårsprevention för användning på operation (APuP-OR): En nationell psykometrisk utvärdering
- Hud- och sårvård vid livets slutskede: En systematisk granskning
- Sårspolning för rengöring av icke-infekterade kroniska sår: Klinisk effektivitet och utforskning av internationell praxis inom hem- och samhällsvård
- TAPE - smärta i samband med självhäftande medicinska material
- Utveckling och klinisk validering av en riskprognosmodell för inkontinensassocierad dermatit (IAD) i en sjukhusvuxen patientpopulation
Avslutade projekt
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Sennesael, J. , Moerman, A. , Bossuyt, F. , Vandecasteele, B. , Raepsaet, C. , Beeckman, D. , Rogier, H. & Torre, P. V. (2025). An Environmentally Friendly Carbon-Printed Contactless Smart Diaper. IEEE Sensors Journal, 25 (2), 3309-3319. [BibTeX]
- Van Hecke, A. , Decoene, E. , Embo, M. , Beeckman, D. , Bergs, J. , Courtens, A. , Dancot, J. , Dobbels, F. & et al. (2025). Development of a competency framework for advanced practice nurses: A co-design process. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 81 (1), 353-365. [BibTeX]
- Yaniv, T. , Beeckman, D. & Gefen, A. (2024). A Markov cost-effectiveness modeling framework for evaluating wound dressings: A concept for practical implementation of economic evaluations in an informed dressing selection process. Journal of tissue viability, 33 (4), 938-948. [BibTeX]
- Ahmed, A. , Koza, E. , Shi, V. , Ma, M. , Haq, M. , Kottner, J. , Garg, A. , Ingram, J. R. & et al. (2024). Clinical relevance and uptake of core outcome sets in dermatology. Archives of Dermatological Research, 316 (2). [BibTeX]
- Wojastyk, L. D. C. , Beeckman, D. & Santos, V. L. C. G. (2024). Cultural adaptation and validation of the Ghent global IAD monitoring tool (GLOBIAD-M) for Brazilian Portuguese. Journal of tissue viability, 33 (4), 871-876. [BibTeX]
- Soegaard, K. , Beeckman, D. , Verhaeghe, S. , Biering-Sørensen, F. & Sørensen, J. A. (2024). Development of a clinical practice guideline on pressure ulcers in people with spinal cord injuries inspired by the ADAPTE method. Spinal Cord. [BibTeX]
- Kottner, J. & Beeckman, D. (2024). Doing more good than harm: In search of best skin care practice: A special issue. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 153. [BibTeX]
- Fourie, A. , Ahtiala, M. , Black, J. , Campos, H. H. , Coyer, F. , Gefen, A. , LeBlanc, K. , Smet, S. & et al. (2024). Enhancing prone positioning and skin damage prevention education: A randomized controlled non-inferiority trial comparing a digital education hub (PRONEtect) and a traditional lecture on final-year nursing participants' confidence and knowledge. Journal of tissue viability, 33 (2), 298-304. [BibTeX]
- Soegaard, K. , Sig, J. R. , Nielsen, C. , Verhaeghe, S. , Beeckman, D. , Biering-Sørensen, F. & Sørensen, J. A. (2024). "I am just trying to live a life!": a qualitative study of the lived experience of pressure ulcers in people with spinal cord injuries. Journal of tissue viability, 33 (1), 50-59. [BibTeX]
- Flæten, Ø. Ø. , Stafseth, S. K. , Vinje, H. , Johansen, E. , Sunde, K. , Wøien, H. , Beeckman, D. & Petosic, A. (2024). Incidence, characteristics, and associated factors of pressure injuries acquired in intensive care units over a 12-month period: a secondary analysis of a quality improvement project. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 81. [BibTeX]
- Ahmed, A. , Koza, E. , Shi, V. , Ma, M. , Haq, M. , Kottner, J. , Garg, A. , Ingram, J. R. & et al. (2024). Methodological innovations and stakeholder involvement in core outcome sets for skin diseases: a survey of the C3 working groups. Archives of Dermatological Research, 316 (4). [BibTeX]
- Coventry, L. , Towell-Barnard, A. , Winderbaum, J. , Walsh, N. , Jenkins, M. & Beeckman, D. (2024). Nurse knowledge, attitudes, and barriers to pressure injuries: A cross-sectional study in an Australian metropolitan teaching hospital. Journal of tissue viability, 33 (4), 792-801. [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Serraes, B. & Beeckman, D. (2024). Pressure ulcer risk assessment in the ICU: The importance of balancing systemic and body-site specific risk factors. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 86. [BibTeX]
- Woodward, S. , Graham, T. , Sooriah, S. , Beeckman, D. , Chatterton, C. , Fader, M. , Fiorentino, F. , Fitzpatrick, J. M. & et al. (2024). PREVENTion and treatment of incontinence-associated dermatitis through a codesigned manual (PREVENT-IAD): a study protocol for a feasibility cluster randomised controlled trial with a nested process evaluation. BMJ Open, 14 (12). [BibTeX]
- Neyt, M. , De Meester, C. , Devriese, S. , Marynen, E. & Beeckman, D. (2024). Silicone adhesive multilayer foam dressings to prevent hospital-acquired sacrum pressure ulcers: An economic evaluation based on a publicly funded pragmatic randomized controlled trial linked with real-world data. Journal of tissue viability, 33 (4), 772-777. [BibTeX]
- De Lange, E. , Boeykens, K. , Beeckman, D. & Torsy, T. (2024). The clinical effectiveness of the corrected nose-earlobe-xiphoid distance formula in determining the internal length of a nasogastric tube in adults: A retrospective study. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 85. [BibTeX]
- Smet, S. , Verhaeghe, S. , Beeckman, D. , Fourie, A. & Beele, H. (2024). The process of clinical decision-making in chronic wound care: A scenario-based think-aloud study. Journal of tissue viability, 33 (2), 231-238. [BibTeX]
- Beeckman, D. , Cooper, M. , Greenstein, E. , Idensohn, P. , Klein, R. J. , Kolbig, N. , LeBlanc, K. , Milne, C. & et al. (2024). The role community-based healthcare providers play in managing hard-to-heal wounds. International Wound Journal, 21 (1). [BibTeX]
- Woo, K. , Santamaria, N. , Beeckman, D. , Alves, P. , Cullen, B. , Gefen, A. , Lázaro-Martínez, J. L. , Lev-Tov, H. & et al. (2024). Using patient-reported experiences to inform the use of foam dressings for hard-to-heal wounds: perspectives from a wound care expert panel. Journal of Wound Care, 33 (11), 814-822. [BibTeX]
- Desmet, K. , Bracke, P. , Deproost, E. , Goossens, P. J. J. , Vandewalle, J. , Vercruysse, L. , Beeckman, D. , Van Hecke, A. & et al. (2023). Associated factors of nurse-sensitive patient outcomes: A multicentred cross-sectional study in psychiatric inpatient hospitals. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 30 (6), 1231-1244. [BibTeX]
- Santamaria, N. , Woo, K. , Beeckman, D. , Alves, P. , Cullen, B. , Gefen, A. , Lázaro-Martínez, J. L. , Lev-Tov, H. & et al. (2023). Clinical performance characteristics for bordered foam dressings in the treatment of complex wounds: An international wound dressing technology expert panel review. International Wound Journal, 20 (9), 3467-3473. [BibTeX]
- Fourie, A. , Ahtiala, M. , Black, J. , Campos, H. H. , Coyer, F. , Gefen, A. , LeBlanc, K. , Smet, S. & et al. (2023). Development of prone positioning and skin damage prevention digital education: the PRONEtect project. Journal of Wound Care, 32 (9), 570-578. [BibTeX]
- Fourie, A. , Karlberg-Traav, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Hanssens, V. , Smet, S. , Jaensson, M. & Beeckman, D. (2023). Exploring the learning needs of clinicians in Belgium and Sweden regarding prone positioning and skin damage prevention: A qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 128. [BibTeX]
- Gefen, A. , Alves, P. , Beeckman, D. , Cullen, B. , Lázaro Martínez, J. L. , Lev-Tov, H. A. , Najafi, B. , Santamaria, N. & et al. (2023). How should clinical wound care and management translate to effective engineering standard testing requirements from foam dressings? Mapping the existing gaps and needs. Advances in wound care, 13 (1). [BibTeX]
- Dunk, A. M. , Broom, M. , Kottner, J. , Schlüer, A. B. & Beeckman, D. (2023). Is it time to reconsider the terminology for diaper dermatitis?. Journal of tissue viability, 32 (2), 169-170. [BibTeX]
- Gefen, A. , Alves, P. , Beeckman, D. , Lázaro-Martínez, J. L. , Lev-Tov, H. , Najafi, B. , Swanson, T. & Woo, K. (2023). Mechanical and contact characteristics of foam materials within wound dressings: Theoretical and practical considerations in treatment. International Wound Journal, 0 (6), 1960-1978. [BibTeX]
- Desmet, K. , Bracke, P. , Deproost, E. , Goossens, P. J. J. , Vandewalle, J. , Vercruysse, L. , Beeckman, D. , Van Hecke, A. & et al. (2023). Patient-reported outcomes of the nurse-patient relationship in psychiatric inpatients hospitals: a multicentred descriptive cross-sectional study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 30 (3), 568-579. [BibTeX]
- Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Raepsaet, C. , Wistrand, C. , Bååth, C. , Leo Swenne, C. , Gifford, M. , Gunningberg, L. , von Vogelsang, A. & et al. (2023). Swedish translation, cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the pressure ulcer knowledge assessment tool for use in the operating room. International Wound Journal, 20 (5), 1534-1543. [BibTeX]
- Raepsaet, C. , Alves, P. , Cullen, B. , Gefen, A. , Lázaro-Martínez, J. L. , Lev-Tov, H. , Najafi, B. , Santamaria, N. & et al. (2023). The development of a core outcome set for clinical effectiveness studies of bordered foam dressings in the treatment of complex wounds. Journal of tissue viability, 32 (3), 430-436. [BibTeX]
- Petosic, A. , Berntzen, H. , Beeckman, D. , Flaatten, H. , Sunde, K. & Wøien, H. (2023). Use of Facebook in a quality improvement campaign to increase adherence to guidelines in intensive care: A qualitative study of nurses' and physicians' experiences. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 78. [BibTeX]
- Búřilová, P. , Pokorná, A. , Benešová, K. , Mužík, J. , Klugar, M. , Krupová, L. , Dolanová, D. , Saibertová, S. & et al. (2022). A ten-year follow-up of the prevalence of pressure injuries in the Czech Republic: Analysis of the National Registry. International Wound Journal, 19 (7), 1870-1877. [BibTeX]
- Parisod, H. , Holopainen, A. , Kielo-Viljamaa, E. , Puukka, P. , Beeckman, D. & Haavisto, E. (2022). Attitudes of nursing staff towards pressure ulcer prevention in primary and specialised health care: A correlational cross-sectional study. International Wound Journal, 19 (2), 399-410. [BibTeX]
- Sari, S. P. , Everink, I. H. J. , Lohrmann, C. , Amir, Y. , Sari, E. A. , Halfens, R. J. G. , Beeckman, D. & Schols, J. M. G. A. (2022). Development and psychometric evaluation of an instrument to assess Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Family Caregivers at Preventing Pressure Injuries (KAP-PI) in Indonesian community-dwelling older adults. BMC Nursing, 21 (1). [BibTeX]
- Barakat-Johnson, M. , Beeckman, D. , Campbell, J. , Dunk, A. , Lai, M. , Stephenson, J. & Coyer, F. (2022). Development and Psychometric Testing of a Knowledge Instrument on Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis for Clinicians: The Know-IAD. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (WOCN), 49 (1), 70-77. [BibTeX]
- Gefen, A. , Alves, P. , Ciprandi, G. , Coyer, F. , Milne, C. T. , Ousey, K. , Ohura, N. , Waters, N. & et al. (2022). Device-related pressure ulcers: SECURE prevention. Second edition. Journal of Wound Care, 31 (Sup3a), S1-S72. [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Deswarte, W. , Karlberg-Traav, M. & Beeckman, D. (2022). Effect of a dynamic mattress on chest compression quality during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Nursing in Critical Care, 27 (2), 275-281. [BibTeX]
- Theys, S. , van Belle, E. , Heinen, M. , Malfait, S. , Eeckloo, K. , Beeckman, D. , Verhaeghe, S. & Van Hecke, A. (2022). Individualised care in Flemish and Dutch hospitals: Comparing patients' and nurses' perceptions. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 36 (3), 635-649. [BibTeX]
- Raepsaet, C. , Alves, P. , Cullen, B. , Gefen, A. , Lázaro-Martínez, J. L. , Lev-Tov, H. , Najafi, B. , Santamaria, N. & et al. (2022). Study protocol for the development of a core outcome set (COS) for clinical effectiveness trials of bordered foam dressings in the treatment of complex wounds. Journal of tissue viability, 31 (4), 625-629. [BibTeX]
- Raepsaet, C. & Beeckman, D. (2022). The implementation of a static air-foam hybrid mattress in a nursing home population: a feasibility study. Nursing and Residential Care, 24 (11). [BibTeX]
- Riviere, M. , Duprez, V. , Dufoort, H. , Van Hecke, A. , Beeckman, D. , Verhaeghe, S. & Deschodt, M. (2022). The interpersonal care relationship between nurses and older patients: A cross-sectional study in three hospitals. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78 (8), 2408-2425. [BibTeX]
- Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Raepsaet, C. , Wistrand, C. , Leo Swenne, C. , Gifford, M. , Gunningberg, L. , Bååth, C. , von Vogelsang, A. & et al. (2022). The Swedish version of the attitude towards pressure ulcer prevention instrument for use in an operating room context (APUP-OR): A nationwide psychometric evaluation. Journal of Tissue Viability, 31 (1), 46-51. [BibTeX]
- Raepsaet, C. , Zwaenepoel, E. , Manderlier, B. , Van Damme, N. , Verhaeghe, S. , Van Hecke, A. & Beeckman, D. (2021). A Fully Automated Pulsating Support System for Pressure Injury Prevention and Treatment in 10 Belgium Nursing Homes: An Observational Study. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (WOCN), 48 (2), 115-123. [BibTeX]
- Duprez, V. , Vansteenkiste, M. , Beeckman, D. , Verhaeghe, S. & Van Hecke, A. (2021). Capturing motivating versus demotivating self-management support: Development and validation of a vignette-based tool grounded in Self-determination Theory. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 116. [BibTeX]
- Vandewalle, J. , Duprez, V. , Beeckman, D. , Van Hecke, A. & Verhaeghe, S. (2021). Contact between patients with suicidal ideation and nurses in mental health wards: Development and psychometric evaluation of a questionnaire. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 30 (1), 219-234. [BibTeX]
- Van Tiggelen, H. , Alves, P. , Ayello, E. , Bååth, C. , Baranoski, S. , Campbell, K. , Dunk, A. M. , Gloeckner, M. & et al. (2021). Development and psychometric property testing of a skin tear knowledge assessment instrument (OASES) in 37 countries. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77 (3), 1609-1623. [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Saman, R. , Boykens, K. , Eriksson, M. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2021). Factors associated with insufficient nasogastric tube visibility on X-ray: a retrospective analysis. European Radiology, 31 (4), 2444-2450. [BibTeX]
- Raepsaet, C. , Serraes, B. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2021). Integrating Sensor Technology in Disposable Body-Worn Absorbent Products: A Qualitative Study to Define User Profile, (Technical) Criteria, Conditions, and Potential Benefits. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (WOCN), 48 (6), 560-567. [BibTeX]
- Sari, S. P. , Everink, I. H. , Amir, Y. , Lohrmann, C. , Halfens, R. J. , Moore, Z. , Beeckman, D. & Schols, J. M. (2021). Knowledge and Attitude of Community Nurses on Pressure Injury Prevention: A Cross-sectional Study in an Indonesian City. International Wound Journal, 18 (4), 422-431. [BibTeX]
- Petosic, A. , Småstuen, M. C. , Beeckman, D. , Flaatten, H. , Sunde, K. & Wøien, H. (2021). Multifaceted intervention including Facebook-groups to improve guideline-adherence in ICU: a quasi-experimental interrupted time series study. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 65 (10), 1466-1474. [BibTeX]
- Theys, S. , Malfait, S. , Eeckloo, K. , Verhaeghe, S. , Beeckman, D. & Van Hecke, A. (2021). Patient empowerment in Flemish hospital wards: a cross-sectional study. Acta Clinica Belgica, 76 (6), 453-461. [BibTeX]
- Beeckman, D. , Fourie, A. , Raepsaet, C. , Van Damme, N. , Manderlier, B. , De Meyer, D. , Beele, H. , Smet, S. & et al. (2021). Silicone adhesive multilayer foam dressings as adjuvant prophylactic therapy to prevent hospital-acquired pressure ulcers: a pragmatic non-commercial multicentre randomised open label parallel group medical device trial. British Journal of Dermatology, 185 (1), 52-61. [BibTeX]
- Desmet, K. , Duprez, V. , Deproost, E. , Beeckman, D. , Goossens, P. J. J. , Vandewalle, J. , Van Hecke, A. & Verhaeghe, S. (2021). The development and psychometric evaluation of the Mental Health Nurse-Sensitive Patient Outcome-Scale (MH-NURSE-POS) for inpatient psychiatric hospital settings. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 30 (4), 988-1000. [BibTeX]
- Riviere, M. , Duprez, V. , Dufoort, H. , Beeckman, D. , Van Hecke, A. & Verhaeghe, S. (2021). The development and psychometric validation of the interpersonal geriatric care relationship (InteGer) tool. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77 (8), 3571-3583. [BibTeX]
- Maenhout, G. , Billiet, V. , Sijmons, M. & Beeckman, D. (2021). The effect of repeated high-fidelity in situ simulation-based training on self-efficacy, self-perceived leadership qualities and team performance: A quasi-experimental study in a NICU-setting. Nurse Education Today, 100. [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Saman, R. , Boeykens, K. , Duysburgh, I. , Eriksson, M. , Verheaghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2020). Accuracy of the corrected nose-earlobe-xiphoid distance formula for determining nasogastric feeding tube insertion length in intensive care unit patients: A prospective observational study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 110. [BibTeX]
- Serraes, B. , Van Hecke, A. , Van Tiggelen, H. , Anrys, C. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2020). An exploration of nursing home residents' experiences of a non-powered static air mattress overlay to prevent pressure ulcers. International Wound Journal, 17 (5), 1166-1182. [BibTeX]
- Beeckman, D. , Serraes, B. , Anrys, C. , Van Tiggelen, H. , Van Hecke, A. & Verhaeghe, S. (2020). Authors' reply to comment on "A multicentre prospective randomised controlled clinical trial comparing the effectiveness and cost of a static air mattress and alternating air pressure mattress to prevent pressure ulcers in nursing home residents". International Journal of Nursing Studies, 107. [BibTeX]
- Theys, S. , Lust, E. , Heinen, M. , Verhaeghe, S. , Beeckman, D. , Eeckloo, K. , Malfait, S. & Van Hecke, A. (2020). Barriers and enablers for the implementation of a hospital communication tool for patient participation: a qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing (11-12), 1945-1956. [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Eriksson, M. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2020). Comment on Rigobello MCG, Elias Junior J, Bonacim CAG, et al. Accuracy of the combined method (auscultation and pH measurement) and ultrasonography for confirmation of gastric tube placement: a study protocol for a prospective study. BMJ Open, 10. [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Eriksson, M. & Beeckman, D. (2020). Comment on Taylor SJ, Allan K, Clemente R. Undetected Cortrak tube misplacements in the United Kingdom 2010–17: An audit of trace interpretation. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2019 Dec;55:102766. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 58. [BibTeX]
- Van Hecke, A. , Duprez, V. , Pype, P. , Beeckman, D. & Verhaeghe, S. (2020). Criteria for describing and evaluating training interventions in healthcare professions - CRe-DEPTH. Nurse Education Today, 84. [BibTeX]
- Shanley, E. , Moore, Z. , Patton, D. , Connor, T. O. , Avsar, P. , Nugent, L. & Beeckman, D. (2020). Development and psychometric evaluation of the patient knowledge of, and attitudes and behaviours towards pressure ulcer prevention instrument (KPUP).. International Wound Journal, 17 (2), 339-350. [BibTeX]
- Beeckman, D. , Blomberg, K. , Ericsson, E. & Eriksson, M. (2020). Frånvaron av bevis inget bevis för frånvaro av samband. Läkartidningen. [BibTeX]
- Duprez, V. , van der Kaap-Deeder, J. , Beeckman, D. , Verhaeghe, S. , Vansteenkiste, M. & Van Hecke, A. (2020). Nurses' interaction styles when supporting patients in self-management: A profile approach. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 110. [BibTeX]
- Duprez, V. , Beeckman, D. , Van Hecke, A. & Verhaeghe, S. (2020). Nurses' perceptions of success in self-management support: An exploratory qualitative study. Research in Nursing & Health, 43 (3), 274-283. [BibTeX]
- Zwaenepoel, E. , Van Hecke, A. , Manderlier, B. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2020). Pressure ulcer Cat. II-IV incidence on the CuroCell S.A.M. PRO powered reactive air support surface in a high-risk population: A multicentre cohort study in 12 Belgian nursing homes. International Wound Journal, 17 (1), 124-131. [BibTeX]
- Van Tiggelen, H. , LeBlanc, K. , Campbell, K. , Woo, K. , Baranoski, S. , Chang, Y. Y. , Dunk, A. M. , Gloeckner, M. & et al. (2020). Standardising the classification of skin tears: validity and reliability testing of the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP) Classification System in 44 countries. British Journal of Dermatology, 183 (1), 146-154. [BibTeX]
- Debyser, B. , Van Hecke, A. , Duprez, V. , Malfait, S. , Beeckman, D. & Verhaeghe, S. (2020). The evaluation of nursing students by patients instrument (ENSPA): Development and validation. Nurse Education Today, 89. [BibTeX]
- Ghijselings, L. , Van De Putte, D. , Hervé, F. , Goessaert, A. , Beeckman, D. , Pattyn, P. & Everaert, K. (2020). The OptiLUTS trial: improving care for therapy-resistant symptoms of the pelvis in Belgium. Acta Clinica Belgica, 75 (5), 334-339. [BibTeX]
- Beeckman, D. , Serraes, B. , Anrys, C. , Van Tiggelen, H. , Van Hecke, A. & Verhaeghe, S. (2019). A multicentre prospective randomised controlled clinical trial comparing the effectiveness and cost of a static air mattress and alternating air pressure mattress to prevent pressure ulcers in nursing home residents. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 97, 105-113. [BibTeX]
- LeBlanc, K. , Campbell, K. E. , Wood, E. & Beeckman, D. (2019). Best Practice Recommendations for Prevention and Management of Skin Tears in Aged Skin: An Overview. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (WOCN), 45 (6), 540-542. [BibTeX]
- Vandewalle, J. , Beeckman, D. , Van Hecke, A. , Debyser, B. , Deproost, E. & Verhaeghe, S. (2019). Contact and communication with patients experiencing suicidal ideation: a qualitative study of nurses' perspectives. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75 (11), 2867-2877. [BibTeX]
- De Meyer, D. , Kottner, J. , Beele, H. , Schmitt, J. , Lange, T. , Van Hecke, A. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2019). Delphi Procedure In Core Outcome Set Development: Rating Scale And Consensus Criteria Determined Outcome Selection. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 111, 23-31. [BibTeX]
- Van Damme, N. , Van Hecke, A. , Himpens, A. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2019). Design and psychometric testing of the attitude towards the prevention of incontinence-associated dermatitis instrument (APrIAD). International Wound Journal, 16 (2), 492-502. [BibTeX]
- Anrys, C. , Van Tiggelen, H. , Verhaeghe, S. , Van Hecke, A. & Beeckman, D. (2019). Independent risk factors for pressure ulcer development in a high-risk nursing home population receiving evidence-based pressure ulcer prevention: Results from a study in 26 nursing homes in Belgium. International Wound Journal, 16 (2), 325-333. [BibTeX]
- Duprez, V. , Vansteenkiste, M. , Beeckman, D. , Verhaeghe, S. & Van Hecke, A. (2019). Is nurses' self-esteem interwoven with patients' achievements? The concept of patient-invested contingent self-esteem. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28 (21-22), 3858-3865. [BibTeX]
- De Meyer, D. , Verhaeghe, S. , Van Hecke, A. & Beeckman, D. (2019). Knowledge of nurses and nursing assistants about pressure ulcer prevention: A survey in 16 Belgian hospitals using the PUKAT 2.0 tool. Journal of tissue viability, 28 (2), 59-69. [BibTeX]
- Van Hecke, A. , Goemaes, R. , Verhaeghe, S. , Beyers, W. , Decoene, E. & Beeckman, D. (2019). Leadership in nursing and midwifery: Activities and associated competencies of advanced practice nurses and midwives. Journal of Nursing Management, 27 (6), 1261-1274. [BibTeX]
- Manderlier, B. , Van Damme, N. , Verhaeghe, S. , Van Hecke, A. , Everink, I. , Halfens, R. & Beeckman, D. (2019). Modifiable patient-related factors associated with pressure ulcers on the sacrum and heels: secondary data analyses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75 (11), 2773-2785. [BibTeX]
- Prinsen, C. A. C. , Spuls, P. I. , Kottner, J. , Thomas, K. S. , Apfelbacher, C. , Chalmers, J. R. , Deckert, S. , Furue, M. & et al. (2019). Navigating the landscape of core outcome set development in dermatology.. The Journal of American Academy of Dermatology, 81 (1), 297-305. [BibTeX]
- Lechner, A. , Kottner, J. , Coleman, S. , Muir, D. , Bagley, H. , Beeckman, D. , Chaboyer, W. , Cuddigan, J. & et al. (2019). Outcomes for Pressure Ulcer Trials (OUTPUTs): protocol for the development of a core domain set for trials evaluating the clinical efficacy or effectiveness of pressure ulcer prevention interventions. Trials, 20. [BibTeX]
- Vandewalle, J. , Beeckman, D. , Van Hecke, A. , Debyser, B. , Deproost, E. & Verhaeghe, S. (2019). 'Promoting and preserving safety and a life-oriented perspective': A qualitative study of nurses' interactions with patients experiencing suicidal ideation. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 28 (5), 1119-1131. [BibTeX]
- De Meyer, D. , Van Hecke, A. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2019). PROTECT - Trial: A cluster RCT to study the effectiveness of a repositioning aid and tailored repositioning to increase repositioning compliance. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75 (5), 1085-1098. [BibTeX]
- Smet, S. , de Graaf, A. , Bernaerts, K. , Casaer, M. P. & Beeckman, D. (2019). The Belgian pressure ulcer risk assessment project: Is assessing mobility and skin status a more accurate, reliable, and feasible approach to assess pressure ulcer risk in hospitalised patients?. International Wound Journal, 16 (6), 1577-1578. [BibTeX]
- Van Tiggelen, H. , Van Damme, N. , Theys, S. , Vanheyste, E. , Verhaeghe, S. , LeBlanc, K. , Campbell, K. , Woo, K. & et al. (2019). The prevalence and associated factors of skin tears in Belgian nursing homes: A cross-sectional observational study. Journal of tissue viability, 28 (2), 100-106. [BibTeX]
- Debyser, B. , Berben, K. , Beeckman, D. , Deproost, E. , Van Hecke, A. & Verhaeghe, S. (2019). The transition from patient to mental health peer worker: A grounded theory approach. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 28 (2), 560-571. [BibTeX]
- Goemaes, R. , Lernout, E. , Goossens, S. , Decoene, E. , Verhaeghe, S. , Beeckman, D. & Van Hecke, A. (2019). Time use of advanced practice nurses in hospitals: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75 (12), 3588-3601. [BibTeX]
- Petosic, A. , Sunde, K. , Beeckman, D. , Flaatten, H. K. & Wøien, H. (2019). Use of social media for communicating about critical care topics: A Norwegian cross-sectional survey. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 63 (10), 1398-1405. [BibTeX]
- Antierens, A. , Beeckman, D. , Verhaeghe, S. & Van Hecke, A. (2019). Wanted in health care: Lean experts with a broad perspective. Journal of Nursing Management, 27 (6), 1332-1336. [BibTeX]
- Van Lancker, A. , Van Hecke, A. , Verhaeghe, S. , Mattheeuws, M. & Beeckman, D. (2018). A comparison of symptoms in older hospitalised cancer and non-cancer patients in need of palliative care: a secondary analysis of two cross-sectional studies. BMC Geriatrics, 18 (1). [BibTeX]
- Knibbe, N. E. , Zwaenepoel, E. , Knibbe, H. J. & Beeckman, D. (2018). An automatic repositioning system to prevent pressure ulcers: a case series. British Journal of Nursing, 27 (6), S16-S22. [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Saman, R. , Boeykens, K. , Duysburgh, I. , Van Damme, N. & Beeckman, D. (2018). Comparison of Two Methods for Estimating the Tip Position of a Nasogastric Feeding Tube: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Nutrition in clinical practice : official publication of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 33 (6), 843-850. [BibTeX]
- Van den Bussche, K. , Kottner, J. , Beele, H. , De Meyer, D. , Dunk, A. M. , Ersser, S. , Lange, T. , Petrovic, M. & et al. (2018). Core outcome domains in incontinence-associated dermatitis research. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74 (7), 1605-1617. [BibTeX]
- Taradaj, J. , Shay, B. , Dymarek, R. , Sopel, M. , Walewicz, K. , Beeckman, D. , Schoonhoven, L. , Gefen, A. & et al. (2018). Effect of laser therapy on expression of angio- and fibrogenic factors, and cytokine concentrations during the healing process of human pressure ulcers. International Journal of Medical Sciences, 15 (11), 1105-1112. [BibTeX]
- Goemaes, R. , Shawe, J. , Beeckman, D. , Decoene, E. , Verhaeghe, S. & Van Hecke, A. (2018). Factors influencing the implementation of advanced midwife practitioners in healthcare settings: A qualitative study. Midwifery, 66, 88-96. [BibTeX]
- Johansen, E. , Bakken, L. N. , Duvaland, E. , Faulstich, J. , Hoelstad, H. L. , Moore, Z. , Vestby, E. M. & Beeckman, D. (2018). Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis (IAD): Prevalence and Associated Factors in 4 Hospitals in Southeast Norway. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing (WOCN), 45 (6), 527-531. [BibTeX]
- Beele, H. , Smet, S. , Van Damme, N. & Beeckman, D. (2018). Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis: Pathogenesis, Contributing Factors, Prevention and Management Options. Drugs & Aging, 35 (1), 1-10. [BibTeX]
- Van Damme, N. , Clays, E. , Verhaeghe, S. , Van Hecke, A. & Beeckman, D. (2018). Independent risk factors for the development of incontinence-associated dermatitis (category 2) in critically ill patients with fecal incontinence: A cross-sectional observational study in 48 ICU units. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 81, 30-39. [BibTeX]
- De Roose, M. , Tency, I. , Beeckman, D. , Van Hecke, A. , Verhaeghe, S. & Clays, E. (2018). Knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding miscarriage: A cross-sectional study among Flemish midwives. Midwifery, 56, 44-52. [BibTeX]
- Debyser, B. , Duprez, V. , Beeckman, D. , Vandewalle, J. , Van Hecke, A. , Deproost, E. & Verhaeghe, S. (2018). Mental health nurses and mental health peer workers: Self-perceptions of role-related clinical competences. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 27 (3), 987-1001. [BibTeX]
- Van den Bussche, K. , Verhaeghe, S. , Van Hecke, A. & Beeckman, D. (2018). Minimum Data Set for Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis (MDS-IAD) in adults: Design and pilot study in nursing home residents. Journal of Tissue Viability, 27 (4), 191-198. [BibTeX]
- Goossens, J. , Beeckman, D. , Van Hecke, A. , Delbaere, I. & Verhaeghe, S. (2018). Preconception lifestyle changes in women with planned pregnancies. Midwifery, 56, 112-120. [BibTeX]
- Goossens, J. , Verhaeghe, S. , Van Hecke, A. , Barrett, G. , Delbaere, I. & Beeckman, D. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy in women with pregnancies ending in birth. PLOS ONE, 13 (4). [BibTeX]
- Browning, P. , Beeckman, D. , White, R. , Connolly, R. , Rodgers, A. , Maclean, G. , Fumarola, S. , Harker, J. & et al. (2018). Report of the proceedings of a UK skin safety advisory group. British Journal of Nursing, 27 (20), S34-S40. [BibTeX]
- Van den Bussche, K. , Verhaeghe, S. , Van Hecke, A. & Beeckman, D. (2018). The Ghent Global IAD Monitoring Tool (GLOBIAD-M) to monitor the healing of incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD): Design and reliability study. International Wound Journal, 15 (4), 555-564. [BibTeX]
- Goossens, J. , Van Hecke, A. , Beeckman, D. & Verhaeghe, S. (2018). The intention to make preconception lifestyle changes in men: Associated socio-demographic and psychosocial factors. Midwifery, 73, 8-16. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- LeBlanc, K. , Woo, K. , Gethin, G. , Beeckman, D. , Heerschap, C. , Reddy, M. , Parker, C. , MacAndrew, M. & et al. (2025). Adults living with dementia and chronic wounds, wound types, care challenges, and impact across dementia stages: A scoping review protocol. Journal of tissue viability, 34 (1). [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Tency, I. , Beeckman, D. & De Vylder, F. (2024). Effectiveness of glutamine and arginine in wound healing of pressure ulcers: A systematic review protocol. Journal of tissue viability, 33 (2), 239-242. [BibTeX]
- Gefen, A. , Alves, P. , Beeckman, D. , Cullen, B. , Lázaro-Martínez, J. L. , Lev-Tov, H. , Santamaria, N. , Swanson, T. & et al. (2024). Fluid handling by foam wound dressings: From engineering theory to advanced laboratory performance evaluations. International Wound Journal, 21 (2). [BibTeX]
- Hofman, H. , Duljic, T. , Johansson, S. , Kottner, J. , Kinnaer, L. , Beeckman, D. & Eriksson, M. (2024). Patients' experiences with the application of medical adhesives to the skin: a qualitative systematic review. BMJ Open, 14 (10). [BibTeX]
- Sezgin, D. , Petrovic, M. , Canavan, M. , Gonzales, G. B. , Torsy, T. , Holloway, S. , Fletcher, J. , Fourie, A. & et al. (2024). Prevention of pressure ulcers from the perspective of frailty, pre-frailty, and health and social inequalities: An opinion paper. Journal of Tissue Viability, 33 (4), 701-705. [BibTeX]
- Deprez, J. , Ohde, N. , Eilegård Wallin, A. , Bååth, C. , Hommel, A. , Hultin, L. , Josefson, A. , Kottner, J. & et al. (2024). Prognostic factors for the development of incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD): A systematic review. International Wound Journal, 21 (7). [BibTeX]
- Dabas, M. , Schwartz, D. , Beeckman, D. & Gefen, A. (2023). Application of artificial intelligence methodologies to chronic wound care and management: A scoping review. Advances in wound care, 12 (4), 205-240. [BibTeX]
- Sezgin, D. , Geraghty, J. , Graham, T. , Blomberg, K. , Charnley, K. , Dobbs, S. , McElvaney, A. , Probst, S. & et al. (2023). Defining palliative wound care: A scoping review by European Association for Palliative Care wound care taskforce. Journal of tissue viability, 32 (4), 627-634. [BibTeX]
- Johansson, S. , Beeckman, D. & Eriksson, M. (2023). Nytt forskningsprojekt om medicinsk häfta. Sårjournalen (1), 12-12. [BibTeX]
- Hofman, H. , Beeckman, D. , Duljic, T. , Al Gilani, S. , Johansson, S. , Kottner, J. , Kinnaer, L. & Eriksson, M. (2023). Patients’ experiences with the application of medical adhesives to the skin: a qualitative systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 13 (6). [BibTeX]
- Cilluffo, S. , Bassola, B. , Beeckman, D. & Lusignani, M. (2023). Risk of skin tears associated with nursing interventions: A systematic review. Journal of Tissue Viability, 32 (1), 120-129. [BibTeX]
- Deprez, J. , Kottner, J. , Eilegård Wallin, A. , Ohde, N. , Bååth, C. , Hommel, A. , Hultin, L. , Josefson, A. & et al. (2023). What are the prognostic factors for the development of incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD): a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 13 (7). [BibTeX]
- Rajhathy, E. , Meer, J. V. , Valenzano, T. , Laing, L. E. , Woo, K. Y. , Beeckman, D. & Falk-Brynhildsen, K. (2023). Wound irrigation versus swabbing technique for cleansing noninfected chronic wounds: A systematic review of differences in bleeding, pain, infection, exudate, and necrotic tissue. Journal of tissue viability, 32 (1), 136-143. [BibTeX]
- Raepsaet, C. , Alves, P. , Cullen, B. , Gefen, A. , Lázaro-Martínez, J. L. , Lev-Tov, H. , Najafi, B. , Santamaria, N. & et al. (2022). Clinical research on the use of bordered foam dressings in the treatment of complex wounds: A systematic review of reported outcomes and applied measurement instruments. Journal of tissue viability, 31 (3), 514-522. [BibTeX]
- Dunk, A. M. , Broom, M. , Fourie, A. & Beeckman, D. (2022). Clinical signs and symptoms of diaper dermatitis in newborns, infants, and young children: A scoping review. Journal of tissue viability, 31 (3), 404-415. [BibTeX]
- Raepsaet, C. , Blomberg, K. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Gethin, G. & Beeckman, D. (2022). Promoting and Maintaining Skin Integrity in End-of-Life Care: A Systematic Review. Advances in Skin & Wound Care, 35 (11), 617-631. [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Van Noort, H. H. J. , Taylor, S. , Eriksson, M. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2022). The accuracy of methods for determining the internal length of a nasogastric tube in adult patients: A systematic review. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 116 (3), 798-811. [BibTeX]
- Janssens, O. , Haerens, L. , Valcke, M. , Beeckman, D. , Pype, P. & Embo, M. (2022). The role of ePortfolios in supporting learning in eight healthcare disciplines: A scoping review. Nurse Education in Practice, 63. [BibTeX]
- Langemo, D. , Campbell, K. E. , Holloway, S. , LeBlanc, K. , Tariq, G. & Beeckman, D. (2021). Applying Frailty Syndrome to the Skin: A Review and Guide for Prevention and Management. Advances in Skin & Wound Care, 34 (8), 444-447. [BibTeX]
- Lechner, A. , Kottner, J. , Coleman, S. , Muir, D. , Beeckman, D. , Chaboyer, W. , Cuddigan, J. , Moore, Z. & et al. (2021). Outcomes for Pressure Ulcer Trials (OUTPUTs) project: review and classification of outcomes reported in pressure ulcer prevention research. British Journal of Dermatology, 184 (4), 617-626. [BibTeX]
- Fourie, A. , Ahtiala, M. , Black, J. , Hevia, H. , Coyer, F. , Gefen, A. , LeBlanc, K. , Smet, S. & et al. (2021). Skin damage prevention in the prone ventilated critically ill patient: A comprehensive review and gap analysis (PRONEtect study). Journal of tissue viability, 30 (4), 466-477. [BibTeX]
- Smet, S. , Probst, S. , Holloway, S. , Fourie, A. , Beele, H. & Beeckman, D. (2021). The measurement properties of assessment tools for chronic wounds: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 121. [BibTeX]
- Raepsaet, C. , Fourie, A. , Van Hecke, A. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2020). Management of incontinence-associated dermatitis: A systematic review of monetary data. International Wound Journal, 18 (1), 79-94. [BibTeX]
- Van Tiggelen, H. , Kottner, J. , Campbell, K. , LeBlanc, K. , Woo, K. , Verhaeghe, S. , Van Hecke, A. & Beeckman, D. (2020). Measurement properties of classifications for skin tears: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 110. [BibTeX]
- Gethin, G. , Probst, S. , Weller, C. , Kottner, J. & Beeckman, D. (2020). Nurses are research leaders in skin and wound care. International Wound Journal, 17 (6), 2005-2009. [BibTeX]
- Van Damme, N. , Van Hecke, A. , Remue, E. , Van den Bussche, K. , Moore, Z. , Gefen, A. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2020). Physiological processes of inflammation and edema initiated by sustained mechanical loading in subcutaneous tissues: A scoping review. Wound Repair and Regeneration, 28 (2), 242-265. [BibTeX]
- Vandewalle, J. , Van Bos, L. , Goossens, P. , Beeckman, D. , Van Hecke, A. , Deproost, E. & Verhaeghe, S. (2020). The perspectives of adults with suicidal ideation and behaviour regarding their interactions with nurses in mental health and emergency services: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 110. [BibTeX]
- Riviere, M. , Dufoort, H. , Van Hecke, A. , Vandecasteele, T. , Beeckman, D. & Verhaeghe, S. (2019). Core elements of the interpersonal care relationship between nurses and older patients without cognitive impairment during their stay at the hospital: A mixed-methods systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 92, 154-172. [BibTeX]
- De Meyer, D. , Gabriel, S. , Kottner, J. , Van Damme, N. , Van Den Bussche, K. , Verhaeghe, S. , Van Hecke, A. & Beeckman, D. (2019). Outcome measurement instruments for erythema associated with incontinence-associated dermatitis: systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75 (11), 2393-2417. [BibTeX]
- Goossens, J. , De Roose, M. , Van Hecke, A. , Goemaes, R. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2018). Barriers and facilitators to the provision of preconception care by healthcare providers: A systematic review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 87, 113-130. [BibTeX]
- Antierens, A. , Beeckman, D. , Verhaeghe, S. , Myny, D. & Van Hecke, A. (2018). How much of Toyota's philosophy is embedded in health care at the organisational level? A review. Journal of Nursing Management, 26 (4), 348-357. [BibTeX]
- Serraes, B. , van Leen, M. , Schols, J. , Van Hecke, A. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2018). Prevention of pressure ulcers with a static air support surface: A systematic review. International Wound Journal, 15 (3), 333-343. [BibTeX]
- Hoffman, H. , Duljic, T. , Johansson, S. , Kottner, J. , Kinnaer, L. , Beeckman, D. & Eriksson, M. (2024). Patients’ experiences with the application of medical adhesives to the skin: a qualitative systematic review. I: Örebro University's Nobel Day Festivities Book of Abstracts. Konferensbidrag vid Örebro University's Nobel Day Festivities. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Van Noort, H. , Taylor, S. J. , Eriksson, M. & Beeckman, D. (2021). Accuracy of methods for determining the internal length of the nasogastric feeding tube to enable a safe blind placement procedure: a systematic review. York: National institute for health research. [BibTeX]
- Rajhathy, E. , Vander Meer, J. , Valenzano, T. , Laing, L. , Bouckhuyt, S. , Downs, C. , Woo, K. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & et al. (2021). Wound irrigation versus swabbing technique for cleansing non-infected chronic wounds: A systematic review of differences in bleeding, pain, infection, exudate and necrotic tissue. University of York, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD). [BibTeX]
- Raepsaet, C. , Blomberg, K. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & Beeckman, D. (2020). The effects and effectiveness of skincare interventions to promote and to maintain skin integrity in end-of-life patients: a systematic review. University of York, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD). [BibTeX]