Catherine Tuvblad
Catherine Tuvblad Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Institutionen för beteende-, social- och rättsvetenskapE-post: Y2F0aGVyaW5lLnR1dmJsYWQ7b3J1LnNl
Telefon: 019 302304
Rum: L2174

Om Catherine Tuvblad
Catherine Tuvblad är docent i kriminologi och psykologi samt forskningsledare för forskningsmiljön Biopsykosocial kriminologi och psykologi. Hennes forskning är tvärvetenskaplig och undersöker hur biologiska, psykologiska och sociala faktorer samverkar för att förklara brottslighet.
Utöver sin forskning är Catherien ämnesansvarig för kriminologi samt ansvarar för utbildningen på avancerad nivå och leder utvecklingen av forskarutbildningen i kriminologi.
Pågående projekt
- Bostadsområde, brottlighet, och missbruk: En befolkningsomfattande utredning
- Konsekvenser av hot, trakasserier och stalkning i det moderna samhället
- Långsiktiga konsekvenser av att ha dömts för ett brott i ungdomen
- Orsaker och konsekvenser till kriminellt beteende
- Personlighet och psykofysiologi, PoP-studien
- PETSS - Preschool TwinS in Sweden
- Population-based studies of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Adverse Health Behaviors
- Retrospektiv studie av unga människors erfarenheter (RESUMÉ-studien)
- Tidiga prediktorer för kognitiv förmåga och hjärnfunktion i normalt åldrande (IDA-BRAIN)
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Chan, E. S. M. , Perkins, E. R. , Bertoldi, B. M. , Lowman, K. L. , Soto, E. F. , Tuvblad, C. , Oskarsson, S. , Baker, L. A. & et al. (2025). Triarchic traits as risk versus protective factors for ADHD symptomatology: A prospective longitudinal investigation. Development and psychopathology (Print), 37 (1), 303-314. [BibTeX]
- Ångström, A. , Andersson, A. , Garcia-Argibay, M. , Chang, Z. , Lichtenstein, P. , D’Onofrio, B. M. , Tuvblad, C. , Ghirardi, L. & et al. (2024). Criminal convictions in males and females diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A Swedish national registry study. JCPP Advances, 4 (1). [BibTeX]
- Bertoldi, B. M. , Oskarsson, S. , Andersson, A. , Schwartz, J. A. , Latvala, A. , Larsson, H. , Raine, A. , Tuvblad, C. & et al. (2024). Evidence for intergenerational transmission of biological risk for antisocial behavior: Low resting heart rate in fathers predicts elevated criminality in sons. Journal of criminal justice, 94. [BibTeX]
- Oskarsson, S. , Bertoldi, B. , Andersson, A. , Siponen, R. , Ling, S. , Raine, A. , Baker, L. , Evans, B. & et al. (2024). Interaction of resting heart rate with empathy in predicting externalizing behavior. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 46 (1), 47-61. [BibTeX]
- Oskarsson, S. , Andersson, A. , Bertoldi, B. M. , Latvala, A. , Kuja-Halkola, R. , Evans, B. , Raine, A. , Patrick, C. J. & et al. (2024). Lower autonomic arousal as a risk factor for criminal offending and unintentional injuries among female conscripts. PLOS ONE, 19 (3). [BibTeX]
- Ling, S. , Oskarsson, S. , Andersson, A. , Tuvblad, C. & Larsson, H. (2024). Resting heart rate as a risk and protective factor for intrapersonal violence: A population-based study. Journal of criminal justice, 95. [BibTeX]
- Tayebi, N. , Andersson, A. , Ling, S. , Evans, B. , Larsson, H. & Tuvblad, C. (2024). The association between depression and crime outcomes: A Swedish population-based study. Journal of criminal justice, 94. [BibTeX]
- Siponen, R. , Andersson, A. , Oskarsson, S. , Garcia-Argibay, M. , Beckley, A. L. , Långström, N. , Fazel, S. , Chang, Z. & et al. (2023). A population-based study of unintentional injury and premature death among non-imprisoned and imprisoned youth offenders. Journal of criminal justice, 84. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. , Garcia-Argibay, M. , Viktorin, A. , Ghirardi, L. , Butwicka, A. , Skoglund, C. , Madsen, K. B. , D'onofrio, B. M. & et al. (2023). Depression and anxiety disorders during the postpartum period in women diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 325, 817-823. [BibTeX]
- Isakovic, B. , Bertoldi, B. , Tuvblad, C. , Cucurachi, S. , Raine, A. , Baker, L. , Ling, S. & Evans, B. (2023). Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responsivity during adolescence in relation to psychopathic personality traits later in life. Acta Psychologica, 241. [BibTeX]
- Siponen, R. , Andersson, A. , Oskarsson, S. , Ångström, A. , Beckley, A. L. , Fazel, S. , Larsson, H. , Evans, B. & et al. (2023). Psychiatric diagnoses and criminal convictions in youth: A population-based study of comorbidities of diagnoses. Journal of criminal justice, 88. [BibTeX]
- Bertoldi, B. M. , Tuvblad, C. , Joyner, K. J. , Ganley, C. , Raine, A. , Baker, L. , Latvala, A. , Oskarsson, S. & et al. (2023). Role of Triarchic Traits in Relations of Early Resting Heart Rate With Antisocial Behavior and Broad Psychopathology Dimensions in Later Life. Clinical Psychological Science, 11 (1), 90-105. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. E. , Tuvblad, C. & Larsson, H. (2023). Urban living and mental health. Nature Medicine, 29 (6), 1322-1323. [BibTeX]
- Oskarsson, S. , Garcia-Argibay, M. , Andersson, A. , Kuja-Halkola, R. , Latvala, A. , D'Onofrio, B. M. , Raine, A. , Patrick, C. J. & et al. (2022). Adverse perinatal events and offspring criminal convictions in men and women: A population-based study. Journal of criminal justice, 78. [BibTeX]
- Silventoinen, K. , Tuvblad, C. & Kaprio, J. (2022). Changing genetic architecture of body mass index from infancy to early adulthood: an individual based pooled analysis of 25 twin cohorts. International Journal of Obesity, 46 (10), 1901-1909. [BibTeX]
- Isen, J. , Tuvblad, C. , Younan, D. , Ericson, M. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2022). Developmental Trajectories of Delinquent and Aggressive Behavior: Evidence for Differential Heritability. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 53 (2), 199-211. [BibTeX]
- Virtanen, S. , Latvala, A. , Andershed, H. , Lichtenstein, P. , Tuvblad, C. , Colins, O. F. , Suvisaari, J. , Larsson, H. & et al. (2022). Do psychopathic personality traits in childhood predict subsequent criminality and psychiatric outcomes over and above childhood behavioral problems?. Journal of criminal justice, 80. [BibTeX]
- Bertoldi, B. M. , Perkins, E. R. , Tuvblad, C. , Oskarsson, S. , Kramer, M. D. , Latzman, R. D. , Baker, L. A. , Raine, A. & et al. (2022). Pursuing the developmental aims of the triarchic model of psychopathy: Creation and validation of triarchic scales for use in the USC. Development and psychopathology (Print), 34 (3), 1088-1103. [BibTeX]
- Bertoldi, B. M. , Evans, B. , Oskarsson, S. , Joyner, K. , Tuvblad, C. , Baker, L. A. , Raine, A. , Schwartz, J. A. & et al. (2022). Relationship between resting heart rate and law enforcement involvement: The moderating role of socioeconomic status in a sample of urban youth. Journal of criminal justice, 82. [BibTeX]
- Oskarsson, S. , Kuja-Halkola, R. , Latvala, A. , Andersson, A. , Garcia-Argibay, M. , Bertoldi, B. M. , Raine, A. , Patrick, C. J. & et al. (2021). Low autonomic arousal as a risk factor for reoffending: A population-based study. PLOS ONE, 16 (8). [BibTeX]
- Beckley, A. L. , Rocque, M. , Tuvblad, C. & Piquero, A. R. (2021). Maturing Out of Victimization: Extending the Theory of Psychosocial Maturation to Victimization. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 7 (4), 543-571. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. , Hegvik, T. , Chen, Q. , Rosenqvist, M. A. , Kvalvik, L. G. , Almqvist, C. , D'Onofrio, B. M. , Hartman, C. & et al. (2020). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and smoking habits in pregnant women. PLOS ONE, 15 (6). [BibTeX]
- Jelenkovic, A. , Tuvblad, C. & Silventoinen, K. (2020). Genetic and environmental influences on human height from infancy through adulthood at different levels of parental education. Scientific Reports, 10 (1). [BibTeX]
- Fullerton, A. F. , Jackson, N. J. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2019). Early Childhood Head Injury Attenuates Declines in Impulsivity and Aggression Across Adolescent Development in Twins. Neuropsychology, 33 (8), 1035-1044. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Wang, P. , Patrick, C. J. , Berntsen, L. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2019). Genetic and environmental influences on disinhibition, boldness, and meanness as assessed by the triarchic psychopathy measure in 19-20-year-old twins. Psychological Medicine, 49 (9), 1500-1509. [BibTeX]
- Silventoinen, K. , Tuvblad, C. & Kaprio, J. (2019). Parental Education and Genetics of BMI from Infancy to Old Age: A Pooled Analysis of 29 Twin Cohorts. Obesity, 27 (5), 855-865. [BibTeX]
- Silventoinen, K. , Tuvblad, C. & Kaprio, J. (2019). The CODATwins Project: The Current Status and Recent Findings of COllaborative Project of Development of Anthropometrical Measures in Twins. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 22 (6), 800-808. [BibTeX]
- Liu, J. , Wong, K. K. , Dong, F. , Raine, A. & Tuvblad, C. (2019). The Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire - Child (SPQ-C): Psychometric properties and relations to behavioral problems with multi-informant ratings. Psychiatry Research, 275, 204-211. [BibTeX]
- Hur, Y. , Bogl, L. H. , Ordoñana, J. R. , Taylor, J. , Hart, S. A. , Tuvblad, C. , Ystrom, E. , Dalgård, C. & et al. (2019). Twin Family Registries Worldwide: An Important Resource for Scientific Research. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 22 (6), 427-437. [BibTeX]
- Vrettou, M. , Nilsson, K. W. , Tuvblad, C. , Rehn, M. , Åslund, C. , Andershed, A. , Wallén-Mackenzie, Å. , Andershed, H. & et al. (2019). VGLUT2 rs2290045 genotype moderates environmental sensitivity to alcohol-related problems in three samples of youths. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 28 (10), 1329-1340. [BibTeX]
- Younan, D. , Tuvblad, C. , Franklin, M. , Lurmann, F. , Li, L. , Wu, J. , Berhane, K. , Baker, L. A. & et al. (2018). Longitudinal Analysis of Particulate Air Pollutants and Adolescent Delinquent Behavior in Southern California. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 46 (6), 1283-1293. [BibTeX]
- Younan, D. , Li, L. , Tuvblad, C. , Wu, J. , Lurmann, F. , Franklin, M. , Berhane, K. , McConnell, R. & et al. (2018). Long-Term Ambient Temperature and Externalizing Behaviors in Adolescents. American Journal of Epidemiology, 187 (9), 1931-1941. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Niv, S. , Ashrafulla, S. , Joshi, A. , Raine, A. , Leahy, R. & Baker, L. A. (2018). Relationships of Alpha, Beta, and Theta EEG Spectra Properties with Aggressive and Nonaqqressive Antisocial Behavior in Children and Adolescents. American Journal of Psychology, 131 (4), 429-437. [BibTeX]
- Fanti, K. A. , Kyranides, M. N. , Georgiou, G. , Petridou, M. , Colins, O. F. , Tuvblad, C. & Andershed, H. (2017). Callous-unemotional, impulsive-irresponsible, and grandiose-manipulative traits: Distinct associations with heart rate, skin conductance, and startle responses to violent and erotic scenes. Psychophysiology, 54 (5), 663-672. [BibTeX]
- Silventoinen, K. , Tuvblad, C. & Kaprio, J. (2017). Differences in genetic and environmental variation in adult BMI by sex, age, time period, and region: an individual-based pooled analysis of 40 twin cohorts. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 106 (2), 457-466. [BibTeX]
- Bogl, L. H. , Tuvblad, C. & Kaprio, J. (2017). Does the sex of one's co-twin affect height and BMI in adulthood?: A study of dizygotic adult twins from 31 cohorts. Biology of Sex Differences, 8 (1). [BibTeX]
- Silventoinen, K. , Tuvblad, C. & Kaprio, J. (2017). Education in Twins and Their Parents Across Birth Cohorts Over 100 years: An Individual-Level Pooled Analysis of 42-Twin Cohorts. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 20 (5), 395-405. [BibTeX]
- Nylander, I. , Todkar, A. , Granholm, L. , Vrettou, M. , Bendre, M. , Boon, W. , Andershed, H. , Tuvblad, C. & et al. (2017). Evidence for a Link Between Fkbp5/FKBP5, Early Life Social Relations and Alcohol Drinking in Young Adult Rats and Humans. Molecular Neurobiology, 54 (8), 6225-6234. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , May, M. , Jackson, N. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2017). Heritability and Longitudinal Stability of Planning and Behavioral Disinhibition Based on the Porteus Maze Test. Behavior Genetics, 47 (2), 164-174. [BibTeX]
- Dhamija, D. , Tuvblad, C. , Dawson, M. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2017). Heritability of startle reactivity and affect modified startle. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 115, 57-64. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Fanti, K. A. , Andershed, H. , Colins, O. F. & Larsson, H. (2017). Psychopathic personality traits in 5 year old twins: the importance of genetic and shared environmental influences. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 26 (4), 469-479. [BibTeX]
- Wang, P. , Tuvblad, C. , Younan, D. , Franklin, M. , Lurmann, F. , Wu, J. , Baker, L. A. & Chen, J. (2017). Socioeconomic disparities and sexual dimorphism in neurotoxic effects of ambient fine particles on youth IQ: A longitudinal analysis. PLOS ONE, 12 (12). [BibTeX]
- Isaksson, J. , Comasco, E. , Åslund, C. , Rehn, M. , Tuvblad, C. , Andershed, H. & Nilsson, K. W. (2016). Associations between the FKBP5 haplotype, exposure to violence and anxiety in females. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 72, 196-204. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Dhamija, D. , Berntsen, L. , Raine, A. & Liu, J. (2016). Cross-Cultural Validation of the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire (RPQ) Using Four Large Samples from the US, Hong Kong, and China. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 38 (1), 48-55. [BibTeX]
- Younan, D. , Tuvblad, C. , Li, L. , Wu, J. , Lurmann, F. , Franklin, M. , Berhane, K. , McConnell, R. & et al. (2016). Environmental Determinants of Aggression in Adolescents: Role of Urban Neighborhood Greenspace. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55 (7), 591-601. [BibTeX]
- Silventoinen, K. , Tuvblad, C. & Kaprio, J. (2016). Genetic and environmental effects on body mass index from infancy to the onset of adulthood: an individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts participating in the COllaborative project of Development of Anthropometrical measures in Twins (CODATwins) study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 104 (2), 371-379. [BibTeX]
- Jelenkovic, A. , Tuvblad, C. & Silvertoinen, K. (2016). Genetic and environmental influences on adult human height across birth cohorts from 1886 to 1994. eLIFE, 5. [BibTeX]
- Jelenkovic, A. , Tuvblad, C. & Silventoinen, K. (2016). Genetic and environmental influences on height from infancy to early adulthood: An individual-based pooled analysis of 45 twin cohorts. Scientific Reports, 6. [BibTeX]
- Jackson, N. J. , Isen, J. D. , Khoddam, R. , Irons, D. , Tuvblad, C. , Iacono, W. G. , McGue, M. , Raine, A. & et al. (2016). Impact of adolescent marijuana use on intelligence: Results from two longitudinal twin studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (5), E500-E508. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Narusyte, J. , Comasco, E. , Andershed, H. , Andershed, A. , Colins, O. F. , Fanti, K. A. & Nilsson, K. W. (2016). Physical and verbal aggressive behavior and COMT genotype: Sensitivity to the environment. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 171 (5), 708-718. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Wang, P. , Bezdjian, S. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2016). Psychopathic personality development from ages 9 to 18: genes and environment. Development and psychopathology (Print), 28 (1), 27-44. [BibTeX]
- Niv, S. , Ashrafulla, S. , Tuvblad, C. , Joshi, A. , Raine, A. , Leahy, R. & Baker, L. (2015). Childhood EEG frontal alpha power as a predictor of adolescent antisocial behavior: a twin heritability study. Biological Psychology, 105, 72-76. [BibTeX]
- Liu, J. , Cao, S. , Chen, Z. , Raine, A. , Hanlon, A. , Ai, Y. , Zhou, G. , Yan, C. & et al. (2015). Cohort Profile Update: The China Jintan Child Cohort Study. International Journal of Epidemiology, 1548-1548l. [BibTeX]
- Young-Wolff, K. C. , Wang, P. , Tuvblad, C. , Baker, L. A. , Raine, A. & Prescott, C. A. (2015). Drinking experience uncovers genetic influences on alcohol expectancies across adolescence. Addiction, 110 (4), 610-618. [BibTeX]
- Korhonen, P. , Kuoppamäki, M. , Prami, T. , Hoti, F. , Christopher, S. , Ellmen, J. , Aho, V. , Vahteristo, M. & et al. (2015). Entacapone and prostate cancer risk in patients with Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, 30 (5), 724-728. [BibTeX]
- Wang, P. , Gao, Y. , Isen, J. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2015). Genetic covariance between psychopathic traits and anticipatory skin conductance responses to threat: evidence for a potential endophenotype. Development and psychopathology (Print), 27 (4), 1313-1322. [BibTeX]
- Sobhani, M. , Baker, L. , Martins, B. , Tuvblad, C. & Aziz-Zadeh, L. (2015). Psychopathic traits modulate microstructural integrity of right uncinate fasciculus in a community population. NeuroImage: Clinical, 8, 32-38. [BibTeX]
- Silventoinen, K. , Tuvblad, C. & Kaprio, J. (2015). The CODATwins Project: The Cohort Description of Collaborative Project of Development of Anthropometrical Measures in Twins to Study Macro-Environmental Variation in Genetic and Environmental Effects on Anthropometric Traits. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 18 (4), 348-360. [BibTeX]
- Jelenkovic, A. , Tuvblad, C. & Silventoinen, K. (2015). Zygosity differences in height and body mass index of twins from infancy to old age: a study of the CODATwins project. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 18 (5), 557-570. [BibTeX]
- Bezdjian, S. , Tuvblad, C. , Wang, P. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2014). Motor Impulsivity During Childhood and Adolescence: A Longitudinal Biometric Analysis of the Go/No-Go Task in 9- to 18-Year-Old Twins. Developmental Psychology, 50 (11), 2549-2557. [BibTeX]
- Gao, Y. , Tuvblad, C. , Schell, A. , Baker, L. & Raine, A. (2014). Skin conductance fear conditioning impairments and aggression: a longitudinal study. Psychophysiology, 52 (2), 288-295. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Bezdjian, S. , Raine, R. & Baker, L. (2014). The heritability of psychopathic personality in 14- to 15-year-old twins: a multirater, multimeasure approach. Psychological Assessment, 26 (3), 704-716. [BibTeX]
- Niv, S. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2013). Aggression and rule-breaking: heritability and stability of antisocial behavior problems in childhood and adolescence. Journal of criminal justice, 41 (5), 285-291. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. & Beaver, K. (2013). Genetic and environmental influences on antisocial behavior. Journal of criminal justice, 41 (5), 273-276. [BibTeX]
- Liu, J. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. (2013). Genetic and environmental influences on nutrient intake. Genes & Nutrition, 8 (2), 241-252. [BibTeX]
- Liu, J. , Tuvblad, C. , Li, L. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2013). Medical record validation of maternal recall of pregnancy and birth events from a twin cohort. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 16 (4), 845-860. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Bezdjian, S. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. (2013). Psychopathic personality and negative parent-to-child affect: a longitudinal cross-lag twin study. Journal of criminal justice, 41 (5), 331-341. [BibTeX]
- Björkenstam, C. , Björkenstam, E. , Ljung, R. , Vinnerljung, B. & Tuvblad, C. (2013). Suicidal behavior among delinquent former child welfare clients. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 22 (6), 349-355. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Gao, Y. , Wang, P. , Raine, A. , Botwick, T. & Baker, L. A. (2013). The genetic and environmental etiology of decision-making: a longitudinal twin study. Journal of Adolescence, 36 (2), 245-255. [BibTeX]
- Wang, P. , Niv, S. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2013). The genetic and environmental overlap between aggressive and non-aggressive antisocial behavior in children and adolescents using the self-report delinquency interview (SR-DI). Journal of criminal justice, 41 (5), 277-284. [BibTeX]
- Baker, L. , Tuvblad, C. , Wang, P. , Gomez, K. , Bezdjian, S. , Niv, S. & Raine, A. (2013). The Southern California twin register at the University of Southern California: III. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 16 (1), 336-343. [BibTeX]
- Niv, S. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. , Wang, P. & Baker, L. A. (2012). Heritability and longitudinal stability of impulsivity in adolescence. Behavior Genetics, 42 (3), 378-392. [BibTeX]
- Ericson, M. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. , Young-Wolff, K. & Baker, L. A. (2011). Heritability and longitudinal stability of schizotypal traits during adolescence. Behavior Genetics, 41 (4), 499-511. [BibTeX]
- Bezdjian, S. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. (2011). The genetic and environmental covariation among psychopathic personality traits, and reactive and proactive aggression in childhood. Child Development, 82 (4), 1267-1281. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Narusyte, J. , Grann, M. , Sarnecki, J. & Lichtenstein, P. (2011). The genetic and environmental etiology of antisocial behavior from childhood to emerging adulthood. Behavior Genetics, 41 (5), 629-640. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Gao, Y. , Isen, J. , Botwick, T. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2011). The heritability of the skin conductance orienting response: a longitudinal twin study. Biological Psychology, 89 (1), 47-53. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Isen, J. , Baker, L. A. , Raine, A. , Lozano, D. & Jacobson, K. C. (2010). The genetic and environmental etiology of sympathetic and parasympathetic activity in children. Behavior Genetics, 40 (4), 452-466. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Zheng, M. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2009). A common genetic factor explains the covariation among ADHD ODD and CD symptoms in 9-10 year old boys and girls. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37 (2), 153-167. [BibTeX]
- Gao, Y. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. , Lozano, D. I. & Baker, L. A. (2009). Genetic and environmental influences on frontal EEG asymmetry and alpha power in 9–10 -year-old twins. Psychophysiology, 46 (4), 787-796. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. , Zheng, M. & Baker, L. A. (2009). Genetic and environmental stability differs in reactive and proactive aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 35 (6), 437-452. [BibTeX]
- Baker, L. , Tuvblad, C. , Reynolds, C. , Zheng, M. , Lozano, D. I. & Raine, A. (2009). Resting heart rate and the development of antisocial behavior from age 9 to 14: genetic and environmental influences. Development and psychopathology (Print), 21 (3), 939-960. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, H. , Tuvblad, C. , Rijsdijk, F. V. , Andershed, H. , Grann, M. & Lichtenstein, P. (2007). A common genetic factor explains the association between psychopathic personality and antisocial behavior. Psychological Medicine, 37 (1), 15-26. [BibTeX]
- Hultman, C. , Torrång, A. , Tuvblad, C. , Cnattingius, S. , Larsson, J. & Lichtenstein, P. (2007). Birth weight and attention-deficit/hyperactivity symptoms in childhood and early adolescence: a prospective Swedish twin study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 46 (3), 370-377. [BibTeX]
- Katsika, D. , Tuvblad, C. , Einarsson, C. , Lichtenstein, P. & Marschall, H. (2007). Body mass index, alcohol, tobacco and symptomatic gallstone disease: a Swedish twin study. Journal of Internal Medicine, 262 (5), 581-587. [BibTeX]
- Lichtenstein, P. , Tuvblad, C. , Larsson, H. & Carlström, E. (2007). The Swedish Twin study of CHild and Adolescent Development: the TCHAD-study. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 10 (1), 67-73. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Grann, M. & Paul, L. (2006). Heritability for adolescent antisocial behavior differs with socioeconomic status: gene–environment interaction. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 47 (7), 734-743. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Eley, T. & Lichtenstein, P. (2005). The development of antisocial behaviour from childhood to adolescence: a longitudinal twin study. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 14 (4), 216-225. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Oskarsson, S. , Patrick, C. J. , Siponen, R. , Bertoldi, B. M. , Evans, B. & Tuvblad, C. (2021). The startle reflex as an indicator of psychopathic personality from childhood to adulthood: A systematic review. Acta Psychologica, 220. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. , Tuvblad, C. , Chen, Q. , Du Rietz, E. , Cortese, S. , Kuja-Halkola, R. & Larsson, H. (2020). Research Review: The strength of the genetic overlap between ADHD and other psychiatric symptoms - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61 (11), 1173-1183. [BibTeX]
- Lopez-Leon, S. , Tuvblad, C. & Forero, D. (2016). Sports genetics: the PPARA gene and athletes’ high ability in endurance sports. A systematic review and meta-analysis. Biology of Sport, 33 (1), 3-6. [BibTeX]
- Bezdjian, S. , Baker, L. & Tuvblad, C. (2011). Genetic and environmental influences on impulsivity: a meta-analysis of twin, family and adoption studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 31 (7), 1209-1223. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Tuvblad, C. (2006). Genetic and environmental influences on antisocial behavior from childhood to emerging adulthood. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet. [BibTeX]
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
- Tuvblad, C. , Sild, M. , Frogner, L. & Booij, L. (2019). Behavioral Genetics of Aggression and Intermittent Explosive Disorder. I: Emil Coccaro, Michael McCloskey, Intermittent Explosive Disorder: Etiology, Assessment, and Treatment (ss. 17-35). . Academic Press. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Tuvblad, C. (2016). Utveckling av psykopati från barndom till vuxen ålder. I: Mette K. F. Kreis, Helge Andreas Hoff, Henrik Belfrage & Stephen D. Hart, Psykopati (ss. 49-71). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Dhamija, D. & Baker, L. (2015). Behavioral genetics of the externalizing spectrum. I: Theodore P. Beauchaine and Stephen P. Hinshaw, Oxford handbook of externalizing spectrum disorders. . Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Choy, O. , Portnoy, J. , Raine, A. , Remmel, R. , Schug, R. & Yang, Y. (2015). Biosocial influences on offending across the life course. I: David P. Farrington, Lila. Kazemian, & Alex R. Piquero, The Oxford Handbook of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology. New York: Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. (2015). Genetic influences on antisocial behavior over the life course. I: Matt DeLisi and Michael G. Vaughn, The Routledge international handbook of biosocial criminology. New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Andershed, A. & Tuvblad, C. (2013). Psykologiska och biologiska perspektiv på sociala anpassningsproblem. I: Meeuwisse, Anna & Swärd, Hans, Perspektiv på sociala problem (ss. 242-261). Stockholm: Natur och kultur. [BibTeX]
- Baker, L. A. , Tuvblad, C. , Bezdjian, S. & Raine, A. (2012). Antisocial behavior: gene-environment interplay. I: John I. Nurnberger, Jr, Wade Berrettini, Principles of psychiatric genetics (ss. 145-159). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. & Baker, L. A. (2011). Human aggression across the lifespan: genetic propensities and environmental moderators. I: Robert Huber, Danika L. Bannasch and Patricia Brennan, Aggression (ss. 171-214). San Diego: Academic Press. [BibTeX]
- Baker, L. A. , Tuvblad, C. & Raine, A. (2010). Genetics and crime. I: Eugene McLaughlin and Tim Newburn, The SAGE handbook of criminological theory (ss. 21-39). Los Angeles: Sage Publications. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Baker, L. A. & Raine, A. (2010). XYY Syndrome and Aggressive Behavior. I: Francis T. Cullen and Pamela Wilcox (Eds.), Encyclopedia of criminological theory (ss. 1035-1038). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. [BibTeX]
- Oskarsson, S. , Garcia-Argibay, M. , Andersson, A. , Kuja-Halkola, R. , Latvala, A. , D'Onofrio, B. M. , Raine, A. , Patrick, C. J. & et al. (2023). Adverse perinatal events and offspring criminal convictions in men and women: A population-based study. I: The Stockholm Criminology Symposium Program & Abstracts. Konferensbidrag vid Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 12-14, 2023. (ss. 33-33). [BibTeX]
- Oskarsson, S. , Bertoldi, B. , Andersson, A. , Siponen, R. , Ling, S. , Evans, B. , Baker, L. , Raine, A. & et al. (2023). Resting Heart Rate and Empathy Interacts in Predicting Law Enforcement Involvement. Konferensbidrag vid 78th Annual Meeting American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, November 15-18, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Oskarsson, S. , Kuja-Halkola, R. , Latvala, A. , Andersson, A. , Garcia-Argibay, M. , Bertoldi, B. M. , Raine, A. , Patrick, C. J. & et al. (2022). Low autonomic arousal as a risk factor for reoffending: A population-based study. Konferensbidrag vid 9th biennial meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy, (Online conference), May 19-21, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Bertoldi, B. , LaManna, R. , Tuvblad, C. , Oskarsson, S. , Raine, A. , Baker, L. & Patrick, C. (2021). RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN AUTONOMIC RESPONSES TO FEAR CONDITIONING AND THE TRIARCHIC MODEL OF PSYCHOPATHY: THE MODERATING ROLES OF BOLDNESS. I: Psychophysiology. Konferensbidrag vid 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, October 10-18, 2021. (ss. S45-S45). John Wiley & Sons. [BibTeX]
- Bertoldi, B. , Tuvblad, C. , Oskarsson, S. , Raine, A. , Baker, L. & Patrick, C. (2020). DISPOSITIONAL FACTORS ACCOUNTING FOR THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOW RESTING HEART RATE IN CHILDHOOD AND LATER ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR: A TRIARCHIC MODEL ANALYSIS USING LONGITUDINAL-STUDY DATA. I: Psychophysiology. Konferensbidrag vid 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR), October 4-11, 2020. (ss. S76-S76). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc.. [BibTeX]
- Beckley, A. , Rocque, M. , Tuvblad, C. & Piquero, A. (2019). Psychosocial maturation and victimization. Konferensbidrag vid American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States, November 13-16, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Fröberg, S. , Larsson, H. & Tuvblad, C. (2019). The genetic and environmental overlap between callous-unemotional traits and ADHD symptoms among five year old twins. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 49th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association (BGA), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, June 26-29, 2019. (ss. 522-522). Springer. [BibTeX]
- Oskarsson, S. , Larsson, H. & Tuvblad, C. (2019). The genetic and environmental overlap between callous-unemotional traits and ADHD symptoms among five year old twins. Konferensbidrag vid 49th annual meeting of the Behavior Genetics Association, Stockholm, Sweden, June 26-29, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Fröberg, S. , Patrick, C. J. & Tuvblad, C. (2019). The Role of the Startle Reflex in Psychopathic Personality from Childhood to Adulthood: A Systematic Review. Konferensbidrag vid 8th Biennial Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 2-5, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. , Tuvblad, C. , Kuja-Halkola, R. , Chen, Q. & Larsson, H. (2018). Genetic overlap between ADHD and externalizing, internalizing and neurodevelopmental disorder symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 48th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association (BGA), Boston, USA, June 20-23, 2018. (ss. 455-456). Springer. [BibTeX]
- Younan, D. , Li, L. , Tuvblad, C. , Wu, J. , Lurmann, F. , Franklin, M. , Berhane, K. , McConnell, R. & et al. (2016). Ambient Temperature and Externalizing Behaviors of Adolescents in Southern California: A Longitudinal Analysis. Konferensbidrag vid 28th Annual Conference, International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE 2016), Rome, Italy, September 1-4, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Baker, L. , Tuvblad, C. , Wang, P. , Younan, D. , Franklin, M. , Lurman, F. , Wu, J. & Chen, J. (2016). The Relationship between IQ and PM2.5: Findings from the University of Southern California Twin Study. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 46th Annual Behavior Genetics Meeting (BGA 2016), Brisbane, Australia, June 20-23, 2016. (ss. 772-773). Springer. [BibTeX]
- Vrettou, M. , Nillson, K. W. , Tuvblad, C. , Rehn, M. , Andershed, A. , Wallén-Mackenzie, Å. , Andershed, H. , Nylander, I. & et al. (2016). VGLUT2 genotype interacts with environmental experiences to predict alcohol misuse in young adults. I: ISBRA ESBRA World Congress on Alcohol an Alcoholism, Berlin, Germany. Konferensbidrag vid ISBRA ESBRA World Congress on Alcohol and Alcoholism, Berlin, Germany, 2-5 September, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Younan, D. , Baker, L. , Lurmann, F. , Franklin, M. & Chen, J. (2014). Neighborhood green space and substance use: a longitudinal cohort study in Southern California. Konferensbidrag vid 47th Annual Society for Epidemiologic Research Meeting (SER), Seattle, Washington, USA, June 24-27, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Yang, Y. , Arakelian, A. , Tuvblad, C. , Jackson, N. & Baker, L. A. (2014). Peer victimization in childhood associated with cortical thinning and enlarged amygdala in adolescence. Konferensbidrag vid Society for Neuroscience, Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, November 15-19, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Jackson, N. , Tuvblad, C. & Baker, L. A. (2014). Protective and risk factors for adolescent marijuana initiation. Konferensbidrag vid Western Psychological Association, 94th Annual Convention, Portland, Oregon, USA, April 24-27, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Dudzinsky, M. Y. , Jackson, N. & Baker, L. A. (2014). Racial differences in adolescent alcohol initiation. Konferensbidrag vid Association for Psychological Science, 26th Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 22-25, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. (2013). The genetic and environmental relationship between psychopathic personality and skin conductance orienting response. Konferensbidrag vid Eastern Psychology Association (EPA), New York, USA, March 2-3, 2013. [BibTeX]
- Niv, S. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2012). Genetic correlations between EEG patterns and externalizing behavior problems in childhood. Konferensbidrag vid American Society of Criminology (ASC), 68th Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, November 14-17, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Bezdjian, S. , Adrian, R. & Baker, L. (2012). Psychopathic personality traits and negative parent-to-child affect: a longitudinal cross-lag twin study. Konferensbidrag vid Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), 14th Biennial Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, March 8-10, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Bezdjian, S. , Bebeva, K. , Adrian, R. & Baker, L. (2011). Genetic and environmental covariance between personality traits and psychopathic behaviors across childhood and adolescence. Konferensbidrag vid American Society of Criminology (ASC), the 63rd annual meeting, Washington D.C., USA, November 16-19, 2011. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Bezdjian, S. , Wyner, J. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. (2011). Motor impulsivity during childhood and adolescence: a longitudinal biometric analyses of the Go/NoGo task. Konferensbidrag vid The 101st Annual American Psychopathological Association Meeting, Grand Hyatt, New York, USA, March 3-5, 2011. [BibTeX]
- Sobhani, M. , Heikali, B. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. , Baker, L. & Aziz-Zadeh, L. (2011). Psychopathic personality traits and fear conditioning in 16 to 18 year old twins. Konferensbidrag vid Society for Neuroscience Annual Conference 2011, Washington DC, USA, November 12-16, 2011. [BibTeX]
- Wong, K. , Tuvblad, C. & Raine, A. (2011). The crime and schizotypal personality relationship: what comes first?. Konferensbidrag vid American Society of Criminology (ASC), The 63rd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 16-19, 2011. [BibTeX]
- Baker, L. , Niv, S. , Raine, A. & Tuvblad, C. (2011). The genetic and environmental etiology of internalizing and externalizing behavior in adolescent twins. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 41st Annual Meeting of the Behaviour-Genetics-Association, Newport, RI, USA, June 6-9, 2011. (ss. 927-927). [BibTeX]
- Niv, S. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2011). The genetic and environmental etiology of internalizing and externalizing behavior in adolescent twins. Konferensbidrag vid American Society of Criminology (ASC), 63rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, November 16-19, 2011. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Bezdjian, S. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. (2011). The heritability of psychopathic personality in 14 to 16 years old twins, multi-rater and multi-measure approach. Konferensbidrag vid American Society of Criminology (ASC), The 63rd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, November 16-19, 2011. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. (2011). The heritability of the skin conductance orienting response: a longitudinal twin study. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 41st Annual Meeting of the Behaviour-Genetics-Association, Newport, RI, USA, June 6-9, 2011. (ss. 938-938). [BibTeX]
- Ericson, M. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. (2011). The relationship between executive function and antisocial behavior from age 9-16: a longitudinal twin study. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 41st Annual Meeting of the Behaviour-Genetics-Association, Newport, RI, June 6-9, 2011. (ss. 904-904). [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Bezdjian, S. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. (2010). The association between parental substance use and antisocial behaviors in adolescent twins. Konferensbidrag vid American Society for Criminology (ASC), San Francisco, USA, November 17-20, 2010. [BibTeX]
- Bezdjian, S. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. (2010). The association between parental substance use and antisocial behaviors in adolescent twins. Konferensbidrag vid Washington University, Department of Psychiatry, St. Louis, MO. (2010) The longitudinal heritability of impulsivity during adolescence. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. (2010). The genetic and environmental stability of psychopathic personality traits from childhood to adolescence. Konferensbidrag vid American Society of Criminology (ASC), 62nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, November 17-20, 2010. [BibTeX]
- Zheng, M. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. (2009). A Monte Carlo evaluation of different model fit indices for analysis of multi-rater twin data. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 39th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Mineapolis, MN, USA, June 17-20, 2009,. (ss. 695-695). [BibTeX]
- Owen, L. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2009). Genetic and environmental contributions to the underlying factor structure of psychopathic personality traits from childhood to adolescence. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 39th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Mineapolis, MN, USA, June 17-20, 2009. (ss. 674-674). [BibTeX]
- Ericson, M. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. (2009). Heritability and longitudinal stability of schizotypal traits during adolescence and early adulthood. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 39th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Mineapolis, MN, USA, June 17-20, 2009. (ss. 649-649). [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Owen, L. , Zheng, M. , Bezdjian, S. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2009). The development of psychopathic traits from childhood to adolescence. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 39th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Mineapolis, MN, USA, June 17-20, 2009. (ss. 685-685). [BibTeX]
- Wyner, J. D. , Zheng, M. , Tuvblad, C. , Baker, L. & Raine, A. (2009). The genetics of motor disinhibition: a longitudinal analysis of the Go/NoGo task in twins. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 39th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Mineapolis, MN, USA, June 17-20, 2009. (ss. 692-692). [BibTeX]
- Niv, S. , Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2009). The longitudinal heritability of impulsivity in a sample of child and adolescent twins. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 39th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Mineapolis, MN, USA, June 17-20, 2009. (ss. 672-672). [BibTeX]
- Ericson, M. , Tuvblad, C. , Baker, L. & Raine, A. (2008). Genetic and environmental overlap among schizophrenia spectrum endophenotypes and schizophrenia liability during childhood and adolescence. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 38th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Louisville, KY, USA, June 28, 2008. (ss. 625-625). [BibTeX]
- Isen, J. , Tuvblad, C. , Baker, L. , Raine, A. & Lozano, D. I. (2008). Heritability of skin conductance reactivity in children. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 38th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Louisville, KY, USA, June 28, 2008. (ss. 632-632). [BibTeX]
- Zheng, M. , Baker, L. A. & Tuvblad, C. (2008). Multivariate genetic and environmental modeling among childhood externalizing disorders across different modality. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 38th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Louisville, KY, USA, June 28, 2008. (ss. 653-653). [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. (2007). Genetic and environmental influences on antisocial behavior from childhood to emerging adulthood. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 37th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 3-8, 2007. (ss. 800-801). [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Larsson, H. , Viding, E. , Plomin, R. , Andershed, H. & Lichtenstein, P. (2007). Genetic contributions to environmental correlates of psychopathy. Konferensbidrag vid 2nd biannual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy (SSSP), St. Pete's Beach, Florida, USA, April 26-28, 2007. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Raine, A. & Baker, L. A. (2007). The stability of reactive and proactive aggression. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 37th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 3-8, 2007. (ss. 801-801). [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Grann, M. & Lichtenstein, P. (2006). Heritability for adolescent antisocial behavior differs with socioeconomic status: gene-environment interaction. Konferensbidrag vid Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 15-17, 2006. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Grann, M. , Sarnecki, J. & Lichtenstein, P. (2005). Pubertal timing and antisocial behavior in early and late adolescence: a longitudinal twin study. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 35th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Hollywood, CA, USA, June 29-JUL 2, 2005. (ss. 823-823). [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Grann, M. & Lichtenstein, P. (2004). Heritability for adolescent antisocial behavior differs with socioeconomic status: gene-environment interaction. Konferensbidrag vid Beyond Nature and Nurture, Genes, Environment, and their Interplay in Psychiatry, Third meeting of the European foundation for psychiatry, London, UK, November 2004. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Grann, M. & Lichtenstein, P. (2004). Low heritability for antisocial behavior among adolescents residing in low socioeconomic environments. I: Behavior Genetics. Konferensbidrag vid 34th Annual Meeting of the Behavior-Genetics-Association, Aix en Provence, France, June 27-30, 2004. (ss. 662-662). [BibTeX]
- Saudino, K. J. , Tuvblad, C. & Lichtenstein, P. (2002). Is etiology in the eye of the beholder?: parent, self, and teacher ratings of behavior problems in early adolescence. I: Behavior genetics. [BibTeX]
- Siponen, R. , Ångström, A. , Oskarsson, S. , Andersson, A. , Evans, B. , Larsson, H. & Tuvblad, C. A population-based study on victimization and risk for reoffending among youth offenders with and without psychiatric diagnoses. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. , Garcia-Argibay, M. , Oskarsson, S. , Tuvblad, C. , Ghirardi, L. & Larsson, H. Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Women Diagnosed with ADHD : A Population-Based Register Study. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. , Garcia-Argibay, M. , Viktorin, A. , Ghirardi, L. , Butwicka, A. , Skoglund, C. , D’onofrio, B. M. , Lichtenstein, P. & et al. Depression and Anxiety Disorders During the Postpartum Period – in Women Diagnosed with ADHD. [BibTeX]
- Oskarsson, S. , Andersson, A. , Bertoldi, B. M. , Latvala, A. , Evans, B. , Raine, A. , Patrick, C. J. , Larsson, H. & et al. Lower Resting Heart Rate as a Risk Factor for Criminal Offending Among Female Conscripts. [BibTeX]