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Ayako Hiyoshi

Ayako Hiyoshi Befattning: Affilierad forskare Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper

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Om Ayako Hiyoshi

Ayako Hiyoshi is an epidemiologist and associate professor (docent in Swedish). She obtained PhD in epidemiology in 2013 from University College London, United Kingdom. Since then, she has been working as an epidemiologist at the Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Örebro University Hospital and Örebro University. Her background is in sociology, social policy, social work and social care.

She teaches epidemiology in PhD courses and provides epidemiological and statistical support for various projects and studies implemented in Örebro, most frequently life-course clinical epidemiological studies.

Besides these tasks, she researches the roles of social and familial factors in disease and injury risks across various life stages from social and life-course epidemiological perspectives. She is also interested in the usage of health and social care services and social benefits, and inequalities of the usages and their consequences across population subgroups. Her projects have been supported by the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare and Nyckelfonden. Her research has been strengthened by combining perspectives from different epidemiological branches – social, life course and clinical epidemiology – and experiences of various epidemiological and statistical methods for a number of projects.

She led the development of CARE database, encompassing social, health and demographic data across life course of 10,000,000 Swedish people through linkages of a number of Swedish national registers. An updated new database is currently in preparation.

She collaborates with researchers from Örebro and Stockholm universities, UK and Japan. Funded collaborative projects include research into the consequences of bereavement (PI Prof Mikael Rostila, Stockholm University [SU], VR), life-course perspectives of bereavement (Prof Mikael Rostila, VR), disability and cancer (Dr Alessandra Grotta, SU, Forte), parental disabilities (Dr Can Liu, SU, Forte), discrimination of women of minority status (Dr Can Liu, VR), working life after retirement age (Dr Loretta Platts, SU, Riksbanken), and anti-pandemic strategy and evaluation (Dr Yang Cao, Örebro University, VR).

She is a Guest Researcher at Stockholm University and Distinguished Visiting Associate Professor at Kyoto University (2024).


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