Axel Nordenskjöld
Axel Nordenskjöld Befattning: Adjungerad universitetslektor Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaperE-post: YXhlbC5ub3JkZW5za2pvbGQ7b3J1LnNl
Telefon: 019 6021000
Rum: USÖ

Om Axel Nordenskjöld
Axel Nordenskjöld är verksam som överläkare på Enheten för hjärnstimulering, Universitetssjukhuset Örebro.
Han disputerade 2013 på en avhandling om Elektrokonvulsiv terapi vid depression och hans huvudsakliga forskningsintresse gäller även fortsättningsvis kliniska effekter av elektrokonvulsiv terapi (ECT). Basen för forskningen är kvalitetsregister ECT, som han är registerhållare för.
Sedan 2018 är han adjungerad lektor och undervisar om affektiva sjukdomar inom läkarutbildningen. Han handleder också läkarstudenter som skriver examensuppsatser och flera doktorander. Han utnämndes till docent 2020 vid fakulteten för medicin och hälsa, Örebro universitet.
Pågående projekt
- Ketamin och ECT vid bipolär depression
- Ketamine as an Alternative Treatment to ECT in Major Depressive Disorder
- Utfallet av behandling för svår affektiv sjukdom
Avslutade projekt
- Bedömning av svårigheter i vardagen - utvärdering av den svenska självskattningsversionen av frågeformuläret WHODAS 2.0 för patienter inom psykiatrin
- Livssituation och vårdkonsumtion innan suicid, bland invånare i Örebro län
- Long term effect of Continuation Electroconvulsive therapy
- Prognostic predictors of ECT for depression
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Sigström, R. , Göteson, A. , Joas, E. , Pålsson, E. , Liberg, B. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Blennow, K. , Zetterberg, H. & et al. (2025). Blood biomarkers of neuronal injury and astrocytic reactivity in electroconvulsive therapy. Molecular Psychiatry, 30 (4), 1601-1609. [BibTeX]
- Gillving, C. , Arnison, T. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2025). Outcomes of ECT for depression in patients with and without eating disorders. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 183, 308-312. [BibTeX]
- Nordenskjöld, L. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2025). The relative age effect on antidepressant use in children and adults. Journal of Affective Disorders, 378, 242-247. [BibTeX]
- Tornhamre, E. , Hammar, Å. , Nordanskog, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2025). Who is at risk of long-term subjective memory impairment after electroconvulsive therapy?. Journal of Affective Disorders, 372, 324-332. [BibTeX]
- Al-Wandi, A. , Landén, M. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2024). Antipsychotics in the maintenance phase for psychotic depression. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 149 (1), 6-17. [BibTeX]
- Popiolek, K. , Arnison, T. , Bejerot, S. , Fall, K. , Landén, M. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2024). Association between electroconvulsive therapy and time to readmission after a manic episode. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 150 (1), 22-34. [BibTeX]
- Ernstsson, O. , Heintz, E. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Johnson, J. A. , Korkmaz, S. & Zethraeus, N. (2024). Association between pulse width and health-related quality of life after electroconvulsive therapy in patients with unipolar or bipolar depression: an observational register-based study. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 78 (2), 137-145. [BibTeX]
- Al-Wandi, A. , Landén, M. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2024). Electroconvulsive therapy in the maintenance phase of psychotic unipolar depression. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 150 (3), 148-159. [BibTeX]
- Strandberg, P. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Bodén, R. , Ekman, C. J. , Lundberg, J. & Popiolek, K. (2024). Electroconvulsive Therapy Versus Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients With a Depressive Episode: A Register-Based Study. Journal of ECT, 40 (2), 88-95. [BibTeX]
- Popiolek, K. , Arnison, T. , Boden, R. , Ekman, C. J. , Lundberg, J. , Strandberg, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2024). Electroconvulsive Therapy Versus Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Patients With a Depressive Episode: A Register-Based Study. Journal of ECT, 40 (2), 140-141. [BibTeX]
- Ekstrand, J. , Takamiya, A. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Kirov, G. , Sienaert, P. , Kellner, C. & Movahed Rad, P. (2024). Ketamine or ECT? What have we learned from the KetECT and ELEKT-D trials?. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 27 (1). [BibTeX]
- Brus, O. , Cao, Y. , Carlborg, A. , Engström, I. , von Knorring, L. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2024). Long-Term Effect of Maintenance Electroconvulsive Therapy in Patients With Depression-Data From a Small Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of ECT, 40 (3), 169-172. [BibTeX]
- Kronsell, A. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Mittendorfer-Rutz, E. & Tiger, M. (2024). Long-term follow-up on patient attitudes towards renewed ECT: A register-based cohort study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 177, 24-30. [BibTeX]
- Nordenskjöld, A. , Popiolek, K. & Kellner, C. H. (2024). Magnetic vs Electric Seizure Induction for the Treatment of Mania-Similar, But Not Yet the Same. JAMA Network Open, 7 (4). [BibTeX]
- Arnison, T. , Rask, O. , Nordenskjöld, A. & Movahed Rad, P. (2024). Safety of and response to electroconvulsive therapy during pregnancy: Results from population‐based nationwide registries. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 150 (5), 360-371. [BibTeX]
- Gillving, C. , Ekman, C. J. , Hammar, Å. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. , Movahed Rad, P. , Nordanskog, P. , von Knorring, L. & et al. (2024). Seizure Duration and Electroconvulsive Therapy in Major Depressive Disorder. JAMA Network Open, 7 (7). [BibTeX]
- Hedna, K. , Jonson, M. , Sigström, R. , Levinsson, A. , Nordenskjöld, A. & Waern, M. (2024). Suicidal behavior and all-cause mortality in depressed older adults aged 75+ treated with electroconvulsive therapy: A Swedish register-based comparison study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 39 (5). [BibTeX]
- Sellevåg, K. , Bartz-Johannessen, C. A. , Oedegaard, K. J. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Mohn, C. , Bjørke, J. S. & Kessler, U. (2024). Unmasking Patient Diversity: Exploring Cognitive and Antidepressive Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy. European psychiatry, 67 (1). [BibTeX]
- Göteson, A. , Clements, C. C. , Juréus, A. , Joas, E. , Holmén Larsson, J. , Karlsson, R. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Pålsson, E. & et al. (2023). Alterations in the Serum Proteome Following Electroconvulsive Therapy for a Major Depressive Episode: A Longitudinal Multicenter Study. Biological psychiatry global open science, 3 (4), 884-892. [BibTeX]
- Rask, O. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Johansson, B. A. & Movahed Rad, P. (2023). Electroconvulsive therapy in children and adolescents: results from a population‑based study utilising the Swedish National Quality Register. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 32 (11), 2649-2656. [BibTeX]
- Movahed, P. , Nordenskjöld, A. & Kellner, C. H. (2023). Ketamine versus ECT for Nonpsychotic Treatment-Resistant Major Depression. New England Journal of Medicine, 389 (10), 960-961. [BibTeX]
- Ekman, C. J. , Popiolek, K. , Bodén, R. , Nordenskjöld, A. & Lundberg, J. (2023). Outcome of transcranial magnetic intermittent theta-burst stimulation in the treatment of depression - A Swedish register-based study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 329, 50-54. [BibTeX]
- Nygren, A. , Reutfors, J. , Brandt, L. , Bodén, R. , Nordenskjöld, A. & Tiger, M. (2023). Response to electroconvulsive therapy in treatment-resistant depression: nationwide observational follow-up study. BJPsych Open, 9 (2). [BibTeX]
- Lindblad, L. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Otterbeck, A. & Nordenskjöld, A. M. (2023). Risk factors for mortality of medical causes within 30 days of electroconvulsive therapy. Journal of Affective Disorders, 320, 527-533. [BibTeX]
- Bejerot, S. , Eklund, D. , Hesser, H. , Hietala, M. A. , Kariis, T. , Lange, N. , Lebedev, A. , Montgomery, S. & et al. (2023). Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial with rituximab for psychotic disorder in adults (RCT-Rits). BMC Psychiatry, 23 (1). [BibTeX]
- Ramklint, M. , Söderberg, P. , Tungström, S. , Nordenskjöld, A. & Hermansson, L. (2023). Validity of the self-rated 36-item World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS) 2.0 as a measure of functioning in Swedish psychiatric outpatients. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 77 (3), 276-281. [BibTeX]
- Nordenskjöld, A. & Movahed, P. (2023). Vi förutspår ingen revolution inom depressionssjukvården. Läkartidningen, 120 (46-47). [BibTeX]
- Sigström, R. , Kowalec, K. , Jonsson, L. , Clements, C. C. , Karlsson, R. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Pålsson, E. , Sullivan, P. F. & et al. (2022). Association Between Polygenic Risk Scores and Outcome of ECT. American Journal of Psychiatry, 179 (11), 844-852. [BibTeX]
- Popiolek, K. , Bejerot, S. , Landén, M. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2022). Association of Clinical and Demographic Characteristics With Response to Electroconvulsive Therapy in Mania. JAMA Network Open, 5 (6). [BibTeX]
- Pålsson, E. , Melchior, L. , Lindwall Sundel, K. , Karanti, A. , Joas, E. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Agestam, M. , Runeson, B. & et al. (2022). Cohort profile: the Swedish National Quality Register for bipolar disorder(BipoläR). BMJ Open, 12 (12). [BibTeX]
- Svanborg, C. , Amer, A. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Ramklint, M. , Söderberg, P. , Tungström, S. , Ginsberg, Y. & Hermansson, L. (2022). Evidence for validity of the Swedish self-rated 36-item version of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) in patients with mental disorders: a multi-centre cross-sectional study using Rasch analysis. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 6 (1). [BibTeX]
- Nordenskjöld, A. , Güney, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. M. (2022). Major adverse cardiovascular events following electroconvulsive therapy in depression: A register-based nationwide Swedish cohort study with 1-year follow-up. Journal of Affective Disorders, 296, 298-304. [BibTeX]
- Ekstrand, J. , Fattah, C. , Persson, M. , Cheng, T. , Nordanskog, P. , Åkeson, J. , Tingström, A. , Lindström, M. B. & et al. (2022). Racemic Ketamine as an Alternative to Electroconvulsive Therapy for Unipolar Depression: A Randomized, Open-Label, Non-Inferiority Trial (KetECT). International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 25 (5), 339-349. [BibTeX]
- Sienaert, P. , Brus, O. , Lambrichts, S. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. , Obbels, J. , Verspecht, S. , Vansteelandt, K. & et al. (2022). Suicidal ideation and ECT, ECT and suicidal ideation: a register study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 146 (1), 74-84. [BibTeX]
- Ahmad, I. , Sandberg, M. , Brus, O. , Ekman, C. J. , Hammar, Å. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. & et al. (2022). Validity of diagnoses, treatment dates, and rating scales in the Swedish national quality register for electroconvulsive therapy. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 76 (2), 96-103. [BibTeX]
- Stenmark, L. , Kellner, C. H. , Landén, M. , Larsson, I. , Msghina, M. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2021). Electroconvulsive Therapy and Psychiatric Readmission in Major Depressive Disorder: A Population-Based Register Study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 144 (6), 599-625. [BibTeX]
- Rönnqvist, I. , Nilsson, F. K. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2021). Electroconvulsive Therapy and the Risk of Suicide in Hospitalized Patients With Major Depressive Disorder. JAMA Network Open, 4 (7). [BibTeX]
- Clements, C. C. , Karlsson, R. , Lu, Y. , Juréus, A. , Rück, C. , Andersson, E. , Boberg, J. , Pedersen, N. L. & et al. (2021). Genome-wide association study of patients with a severe major depressive episode treated with electroconvulsive therapy. Molecular Psychiatry, 26 (6), 2429-2439. [BibTeX]
- Midhage, R. , Hermansson, L. , Söderberg, P. , Tungström, S. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Svanborg, C. , Ginsberg, Y. & Ramklint, M. (2021). Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish self-rated 36-item version of WHODAS 2.0 for use in psychiatric populations: using classical test theory. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 75 (7), 494-501. [BibTeX]
- Kalling, S. , Brus, O. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2021). Relapse risk after in-ward electroconvulsive therapy for acute polymorphic psychotic disorder. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 75 (3), 201-206. [BibTeX]
- Kronsell, A. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Bell, M. , Amin, R. , Mittendorfer-Rutz, E. & Tiger, M. (2021). The effect of anaesthetic dose on response and remission in electroconvulsive therapy for major depressive disorder: nationwide register-based cohort study. BJPsych Open, 7 (2). [BibTeX]
- Holländare, F. , Tillfors, M. , Nordenskjöld, A. & Sellin, T. (2020). Are quantity and content of psychiatric interventions associated with suicide? A case-control study of a Swedish sample. BMC Psychiatry, 20 (1). [BibTeX]
- Güney, P. , Ekman, C. J. , Hammar, Å. , Heintz, E. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2020). Electroconvulsive Therapy in Depression: Improvement in Quality of Life Depending on Age and Sex. Journal of ECT, 36 (4), 242-246. [BibTeX]
- Soda, T. , Nordenskjöld, A. & Baune, B. T. (2020). International Consortium on the Genetics of Electroconvulsive Therapy and Severe Depressive Disorders (Gen-ECT-ic). European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 270 (7), 921-932. [BibTeX]
- Sigström, R. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Juréus, A. , Clements, C. , Joas, E. , Pålsson, E. & Landén, M. (2020). Long-term subjective memory after electroconvulsive therapy. BJPsych Open, 6 (2). [BibTeX]
- Stenmark, L. , Popiolek, K. , Bodén, R. , Brus, O. , Hammar, Å. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. & et al. (2020). Predictors of Treatment Response to Electroconvulsive Therapy in Schizophrenia: A Nationwide Registry-Based Study. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 1 (1). [BibTeX]
- Tornhamre, E. , Ekman, C. J. , Hammar, Å. , Landen, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2020). The Effect of Pulse Width on Subjective Memory Impairment and Remission Rate 6 Months After Electroconvulsive Therapy. Journal of ECT, 36 (4), 272-278. [BibTeX]
- Göterfelt, L. , Ekman, C. J. , Hammar, Å. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2020). The Incidence of Dental Fracturing in Electroconvulsive Therapy in Sweden. Journal of ECT, 36 (3), 168-171. [BibTeX]
- Cato, V. , Holländare, F. , Nordenskjöld, A. & Sellin Jönsson, T. (2019). Association between benzodiazepines and suicide risk: a matched case-control study. BMC Psychiatry, 19 (1). [BibTeX]
- Popiolek, K. , Bejerot, S. , Brus, O. , Hammar, Å. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2019). Electroconvulsive therapy in bipolar depression: effectiveness and prognostic factors. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 140 (3), 196-204. [BibTeX]
- Kronsell, A. , Nordenskjöld, A. & Tiger, M. (2019). Less memory complaints with reduced stimulus dose during electroconvulsive therapy for depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 259, 296-301. [BibTeX]
- Brus, O. , Cao, Y. , Hammar, Å. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2019). Lithium for suicide and readmission prevention after electroconvulsive therapy for unipolar depression: population-based register study. BJPsych Open, 5 (3). [BibTeX]
- Rönnqvist, I. , Brus, O. , Hammar, Å. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2019). Rehospitalization of Postpartum Depression and Psychosis After Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Population-Based Study With a Matched Control Group. Journal of ECT, 35 (4), 264-271. [BibTeX]
- Svensson, A. F. , Khaldi, M. , Engström, I. , Matusevich, K. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2019). Remission rate of transcranial magnetic stimulation compared with electroconvulsive therapy: a case-control study. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 72 (7), 471-476. [BibTeX]
- Kellner, C. H. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2019). "Treatment Resistance" in Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Patients: Time to Move On. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 140 (5), 490-491. [BibTeX]
- Rundgren, S. , Brus, O. , Båve, U. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2018). Improvement of postpartum depression and psychosis after electroconvulsive therapy: A population-based study with a matched comparison group. Journal of Affective Disorders, 235, 258-264. [BibTeX]
- Popiolek, K. , Brus, O. , Elvin, T. , Landen, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2018). Rehospitalization and suicide following electroconvulsive therapy for bipolar depression: A population-based register study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 226, 146-154. [BibTeX]
- Holm, J. , Brus, O. , Båve, U. , Landen, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. , von Knorring, L. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2017). Improvement of cycloid psychosis following electroconvulsive therapy. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 71 (6), 405-410. [BibTeX]
- Brus, O. , Cao, Y. , Gustafsson, E. , Hultén, M. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. , Nordanskog, P. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2017). Self-assessed remission rates after electroconvulsive therapy of depressive disorders. European psychiatry, 45, 154-160. [BibTeX]
- Brus, O. , Nordanskog, P. , Båve, U. , Cao, Y. , Hammar, Å. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2017). Subjective Memory Immediately Following Electroconvulsive Therapy. Journal of ECT, 33 (2), 96-103. [BibTeX]
- Nordenskjöld, A. (2015). ECT is superior to pharmacotherapy for the short-term treatment of medication-resistant inpatients with bipolar depression. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 18 (4), 118-118. [BibTeX]
- Nordanskog, P. , Hultén, M. , Landén, M. , Lundberg, J. , von Knorring, L. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2015). Electroconvulsive Therapy in Sweden 2013: Data From the National Quality Register for ECT. Journal of ECT, 31 (4), 263-267. [BibTeX]
- Nordenskjöld, A. , von Knorring, L. , Ljung, T. , Carlborg, A. , Brus, O. & Engström, I. (2013). Continuation electroconvulsive therapy with pharmacotherapy versus pharmacotherapy alone for prevention of relapse of depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of ECT, 29 (2), 86-92. [BibTeX]
- Nordenskjöld, A. , von Knorring, L. , Brus, O. & Engström, I. (2013). Predictors of regained occupational functioning after electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in patients with major depressive disorder: a population based cohort study. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 67 (5), 326-333. [BibTeX]
- Nordenskjöld, A. , von Knorring, L. & Engström, I. (2012). Predictors of the short-term responder rate of Electroconvulsive therapy in depressive disorders: a population based study. BMC Psychiatry, 12. [BibTeX]
- Nordenskjöld, A. , von Knorring, L. & Engström, I. (2011). Predictors of time to relapse/recurrence after electroconvulsive therapy in patients with major depressive disorder: a population-based cohort study. Depression Research and Treatment, 2011, 470985. [BibTeX]
- Nordenskjöld, A. , Knorring, L. v. & Engström, I. (2011). Rehospitalization rate after continued electroconvulsive therapy: a retrospective chart review of patients with severe depression. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 65 (1), 26-31. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Al-Wandi, A. , Holmberg, C. , Landén, M. & Nordenskjöld, A. (2022). A systematic review and meta-analysis of maintenance treatment for psychotic depression. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 76 (6), 442-450. [BibTeX]
- Lambrichts, S. , Detraux, J. , Vansteelandt, K. , Nordenskjöld, A. , Obbels, J. , Schrijvers, D. & Sienaert, P. (2021). Does lithium prevent relapse following successful electroconvulsive therapy for major depression? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 143 (4), 294-306. [BibTeX]
- Nordenskjöld, A. , Mårtensson, B. , Pettersson, A. , Heintz, E. & Landén, M. (2016). Effects of Hesel-coil deep transcranial magnetic stimulation for depression: a systematic review. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 70 (7), 492-497. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Nordenskjöld, A. (2013). Electroconvulsive therapy for depression. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Nygren, A. , Reutfors, J. , Brandt, L. , Bodén, R. , Nordenskjöld, A. & Tiger, M. (2022). Response to electroconvulsive therapy in treatment resistant depression: A nationwide register-based study. I: Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. Konferensbidrag vid 38th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology: Advancing Pharmacoepidemiology and Real-World Evidence for the Global Community (ICPE 2022), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 26–28, 2022. (ss. 310-310). John Wiley & Sons. [BibTeX]
- Popiolek, K. , Arnison, T. , Bejerot, S. , Fall, K. , Landén, M. & Nordenskjöld, A. Association between electroconvulsive therapy and time to readmission after a manic episode. [BibTeX]
- Brus, O. , Cao, Y. , Carlborg, A. , Engström, I. , von Knorring, L. , Ljung, T. & Nordenskjöld, A. Long term effect of continuation electroconvulsive therapy for depressive patients : a randomized controlled trial. [BibTeX]