Åsa Kroon
Åsa Kroon Befattning: Professor Organisation: Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskapE-post: YXNhLmtyb29uO29ydS5zZQ==
Telefon: 019 303480
Rum: F3113

Om Åsa Kroon
Åsa Kroon är professor i medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Örebro universitet. Hennes forskningsintressen har bland annat rört mediedebatters kommunikativa utveckling över tid, intervjuns roll och funktion i nyhetsjournalistiken, hur kvinnliga och manliga politiker framställs i medierna, och hur samtal och interaktionsformer förändras när man går från broadcasting till att producera webb-TV där sportredaktioner har legat särskilt i framkant.
Pågående forskning
Åsas forskning har under de senaste åren spänt över olika områden. Hon har till exempel studerat hur spelreklam utformas multimodalt för att attrahera olika publiker. Slow-TV, dvs långsamma TV-format som Den stora älgvandringen på SVT, har också stått i fokus. Hennes senaste intressen rör den visuella representationen av semlor (!) i bagerifönster, 65-plussare som dejtar i TV, och hur karaktärer med funktionsnedsättning framställs i deckare.
Åsa undervisar på fortsättnings-, kandidat- och masternivå, framför allt med workshops, handledning, bedömning och examination av PM och självständiga arbeten.
Avslutade projekt
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Ekström, M. , Kroon, Å. & Östlund, E. (2024). Enacting Journalistic Authority: The Communicative Challenges and Competences of Live Two-Way Correspondents in Swedish Public Service Broadcasting. Journalism Practice. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2024). Performing different forms of ‘sociable authenticity’ in five bakery shops in Sweden using the semla pastry as a prominent multimodal resource. Visual Communication. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. & Nilsson, J. (2023). How slow is ‘slow TV’? Audiences’ experiences of meditation, obsession and authenticity when watching swimming moose on Swedish television. Journal of Popular Television, 11 (3), 279-298. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2023). Welcome Inside The Casino Cottage: Challenging the Notions of “Risk” in Online Casino Advertising through a Context-Attentive Discourse Analysis of a Swedish Brand’s Ad Videos from 2014-2022. Critical Gambling Studies, 4 (1), 38-52. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2022). “Moderate” gendering in Swedish gambling advertisements. Feminist Media Studies, 22 (7), 1817-1836. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2020). Converting gambling to philanthropy and acts of patriotism: The case of “The world's most Swedish gambling company”. Discourse, Context & Media, 34. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2019). Recontextualizing racism and segregation by ways of "cozification" in a TV sports broadcast. Social Semiotics, 29 (1), 112-128. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. & Eriksson, G. (2019). The Impact of the Digital Transformation on Sports Journalism Talk Online. Journalism Practice, 13 (7), 834-852. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. & Angus, D. (2018). Microphone pokes as prank or political action?: Challenges to politicians' visibility in the age of web TV. Journal of Language and Politics, 17 (2), 222-240. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2017). More than a hashtag: Producers' and users' co-creation of a loving "we" in a second screen TV sports production. Television and New Media, 18 (7), 670-688. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. & Eriksson, G. (2016). Messy interviews: Changing conditions for politicians’ visibility on the web. Media Culture and Society, 38 (7), 1015-1033. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2014). Being sociable on web TV. SemiotiX New Series, XN (12). [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. (2014). Cross-platform television: superliveness, metadiscourse and complex audience orientation in a sports journalism production on the web. Northern Lights, 12 (1), 11-27. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. & Ekström, M. (2013). Interpreting the news: Swedish correspondents as expert sources 1982-2012. Journalism Practice, 7 (4), 517-532. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. , Ekström, M. & Eriksson, G. (2013). Live co-produced news: emerging forms of newsproduction and presentation on the web. Media Culture and Society, 35 (5), 620-639. [BibTeX]
- Rasmussen, J. & Kroon Lundell, Å. (2012). Understanding “communication gaps” among personnel in high-risk workplaces from a dialogical perspective. Safety Science, 50 (1), 39-47. [BibTeX]
- Ekström, M. & Kroon Lundell, Å. (2011). Beyond the broadcast interview: specialized forms of interviewing in the making of television news. Journalism Studies, 12 (2), 172-187. [BibTeX]
- Ekström, M. & Kroon Lundell, Å. (2011). The joint construction of a journalistic expert identity in studio interactions between journalists on TV news. Text & Talk, 31 (6), 661-681. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. (2010). Dialogues between journalists on the news: The intraprofessional 'interview' as a communicative genre. Media Culture and Society, 32 (3), 429-450. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. & Ekström, M. (2010). "Interview bites" in television news production and presentation. Journalism Practice, 4 (4), 476-491. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. & Eriksson, G. (2010). Interviews as communicative resources in news and current affairs broadcasts. Journalism Studies, 11 (1), 20-35. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. (2010). The before and after of a political interview on TV: Observations of off-camera interactions between journalists and politicians. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism, 11 (2), 167-184. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. (2010). The fragility of visuals: How politicians manage their mediated visibility in the press. Journal of Language and Politics, 9 (3), 219-236. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. (2009). The design and scripting of 'unscripted' talk: liveness versus control in a TV broadcast interview. Media Culture and Society, 31 (2), 271-288. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. & Ekström, M. (2008). The complex visual gendering of political women in the press. Journalism Studies, 9 (6), 891-910. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, recensioner
- Kroon Lundell, Å. (2013). Talking politics in broadcast media: cross-cultural perspectives on political interviewing, journalism and accountability. Journalism Practice, 7 (3), 381-382. [BibTeX]
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
- Kroon, Å. & Lundmark, S. (2020). Svenska folkets spelande och attityder till reklam för nätcasinon. I: Ulrika Andersson, Anders Carlander & Patrik Öhberg, Regntunga skyar: SOM-undersökningen 2019 (ss. 383-399). Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, SOM-institutet. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. (2010). Dialogisk analys. I: Mats Ekström, Larsåke Larsson, Metoder i kommunikationsvetenskap (ss. 243-264). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Kroon [Lundell], Å. (2007). "Hur kunde du Gudrun?": Om stereotyper, skandaler och strategier i en medialiserad politisk värld. I: Mats Ekström, Åsa Kroon, Paketerad politik: elva essäer om journalistik och medier (ss. 95-111). Stockholm: Carlssons. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2006). The gendered practice and role of pull quoting in political newspaper journalism. I: Mats Ekström, Åsa Kroon, Mats Nylund, News from the interview society (ss. 165-184). Göteborg: Nordicom. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2021). Pandemic Pastime: Moose Migration on Slow-TV. Konferensbidrag vid 29th Ross Priory International Conference on Broadcast Talk, July 5-7, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2021). What's high-risk about online casino advertisements for women gamblers?. Konferensbidrag vid NordMedia Conference 2021, (Virtual Conference), August 18-20, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, G. & Kroon, Å. (2018). Audience participation in "the post-broadcast era". Konferensbidrag vid Preconference, International Communication Association Annual Conference 2018:‘THE PARTICIPATORY TURN’ TEN YEARS LATER: TRUST/DISTRUST AND ENGAGEMENT/DISENGAGEMENT, Prague, Czech Republic, May 24, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, G. & Kroon, Å. (2017). Is backstage the new frontstage in journalism?. Konferensbidrag vid Future of Journalism 2017 - Journalism in a Post-Truth Age, School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, September 14-15, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2016). ’They thought it was a mistake all the time’. Web TV interviews with politicians: A fuzzy communicative activity type. Konferensbidrag vid The 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Fukuoka 9-13 June 2016. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2015). The design and organization of a shared ‘live’ multi-screen sports event on web television. I: The 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association. Konferensbidrag vid The 65th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 21-25 May, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. & Eriksson, G. (2014). Talking with politicians on web TV during the Swedish General Election 2014. I: News Discourse in the Digital Age. Konferensbidrag vid News Discourse in the Digital Age: Dominant, Residual and Emerging Forms of Discourse Practice, University of Macau, China, November 27-29, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. , Ekström, M. & Eriksson, G. (2013). Live co-produced news: emerging forms of news production and presentation on the web. Konferensbidrag vid 63rd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference 17-21 June, London, UK. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. (2013). Metatalk in web talk and broadcast interaction. I: Preconference: Language and engagement in changing forms of public interaction. Konferensbidrag vid International Communication Association, June 17-21, 2013, London, UK. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. & Ekström, M. (2011). The gradual orientation away from the look-to-camera on live television news. Konferensbidrag vid International Communication Association (ICA 2011), Boston, MA, USA, May 26-30, 2011. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. (2008). Behind the scenes of a TV interview: off-camera interactions between journalists and politicians. Konferensbidrag vid International Communication Association. [BibTeX]
- Kroon [Lundell], Å. & Ekström, M. (2007). Vulnerable woman, raging bull or mannish maniac?: Gender differences in the visualization of political scandals. [BibTeX]
- Kroon, Å. (2014). Föreställningar om framgång: en intervjustudie om kvinnors och mäns erfarenheter av framgång i arbetslivet. Örebro: Länsstyrelsen Örebro län. [BibTeX]
- Kroon Lundell, Å. (2012). Sminkad superhjältinna eller leende lagomföretagare? Företagarförebilder i pressen. Stockholm: Tillväxtverket. [BibTeX]
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
- Ekström, M. (ed.) & Kroon, Å. (ed.) (2007). Paketerad politik: elva essäer om journalistik och medier. Stockholm: Carlsson. [BibTeX]
- Ekström, M. (ed.) , Kroon, Å. (ed.) & Nylund, M. (ed.) (2006). News from the interview society. Göteborg: Nordicom. [BibTeX]