
Doktorer som skulle ha promoverats vid högtiden 2025.

Fakulteten för medicin och hälsa

Helena Ericson
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Idrottsvetenskap
The art of ageing well – a salutogenic perspective on physical activity for older adults.

Stina Hansson
Medicine doktorsexamen, Medicinsk vetenskap med inriktning mot kirurgi
Posterior crossbite treatments in the early mixed dentition.
Patients’ experiences, treatment effects and health economics.

Kaja Heidenreich
Medicine doktorsexamen, Medicinsk vetenskap med inriktning mot medicin
Making ethics visible – Doctors´moral reasoning in patient care.

Karl Jansson
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Idrottsvetenskap
Gud vad jobbigt: Religion och etnicitet i ämnet idrott och hälsa.

Stefania Kapetanaki
Medicine doktorsexamen, Medicinsk vetenskap med inriktning mot medicin
The role of TMAO in renal interstitium and chronic kidney disease.

Lucília Trindade Lovane Matias
Medicine doktorsexamen, Medicinsk vetenskap med inriktning mot biomedicin
Human Papillomavirus in Cervical Carcinoma in an HIV Endemic Milieu – Moçambique.

Alice Manjate
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Medicinsk vetenskap med inriktning mot medicin
Evaluation and improvements of current and future diagnostic strategies for STIs/HIV diagnosis in Mozambique.

David McGreevy
Medicine doktorsexamen, Medicinsk vetenskap med inriktning mot kirurgi
EndoVascular resuscitation and Trauma Management in hemodynamic instability.

Noelle Söderbom Probert
Medicine doktorsexamen, Medicinsk vetenskap med inriktning mot kirurgi
Patients with hip fracture: A decade of morbidity and surgery.

Karin Sjödin
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Idrottsvetenskap
Friluftsliv och naturmöten i utbildningspraktik.

Kedeye Tuerxun
Medicine doktorsexamen, Medicinsk vetenskap med inriktning mot biomedicin
Monocyte responses; implications for sepsis and immunosuppression.

Maria Wikström
Medicine doktorsexamen, Medicinsk vetenskap med inriktning mot kirurgi
Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the inferior vena cava (REBOVC): Experimental and clinical studies.

Ingrid Witte
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Handikappvetenskap
A gender perspective on Supported Employment – Does gender influence access, process, and employment outcomes?

Fakulteten för ekonomi, natur- och teknikvetenskap

Mohamadreza Faridghasemnia
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Datavetenskap
Grounding in Context: Studies in Robot Language Grounding in Real-world Contexts.

Kajsa Hult
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Måltidskunskap
Hipster Hospitality and Beyond.

Jagdish Chandra Kumar Mangu
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Biologi
Influence of gut microbiota on xenobiotic toxicity in a Caenorhabditis elegans model – with a focus on arsenic and PFAS.

Charlotte Nilsson
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Kemi
Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge – Implications of incineration and enrichment potential of produced ashes.

Mio Pettersson
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Kemi
Sustainable approaches for remediation of PFAS contaminated water and generated waste handling- Analysis of per – and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

Sara Shahin Moghadam
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Företagsekonomi
Modelling the Structural Dynamics of Business Networks: Two Agent-based Models of Supply Networks.

Ylva Sjöström
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Kemi
Children’s Exposure to Flame Retardants and Plasticizers in Preschools and Homes, A Chemical and Bioanalytical Approach.

Fakulteten för humaniora och socialvetenskap

James Lancaster
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Humanistiska studier med inriktning historia
Humanitarians at Home: Swedish Civil Society Actors, Refugee Aid and Advocacy, 1951–1991.

Pernilla Andersson
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Psykologi
Age-differential effects on idices of brain structure and function associated with proactive interference control in working memory.

Tor Arnison
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Psykologi
Tired of pain or so tired it hurts? Mechanisms and factors influencing the temporal relationship between insomnia and pain in adolescents.

Elin Ekholm
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Psykologi
Painful Sex in Context. Understanding Vulvodynia from a Relational Perspective.

Ricardo Gonçalves de Sousa
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Pedagogik
Fysisk beröring som pedagogisk handling i förskolan: Beröringens funktioner och villkor i mötet mellan manliga förskollärare och barn.

Christiana Owiredua
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Psykologi
Understanding Chronic Pain from a Life Course Perspective.
An exploration of the psychosocial predictors, correlates, and consequences of pain onset early in Life.

Rebecca Siponen
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Kriminologi
The role of psychiatric diagnoses among youth offenders: An investigation of crime and later adverse outcomes.

Yiren Zhao
Filosofie doktorsexamen, Musikvetenskap
Shaping the Meaning of Chinese Music Subcultures.