Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper

Levothyroxine replacement therapy post hemithyroidectomy

Hypothyroidism is easily diagnosed after thyroid surgery due to improved testing methods. Hemithyroidectomy is commonly performed in Sweden for diagnostic purposes and has the potential advantage of less surgical morbity including postoperative hypothyroidism, as well as hypoparathyroidism and recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. In terms of postoperative hypothyroidism, there is a need to review conventional replacement therapy with levothyroxine after hemithyroidectomy to assess the safety of this surgical approach. In addition, the time to hypothyroidism post hemithyroidectomy is variable, as there are multiple risk factors for developing hypothyroidism.

We aim to investigate the need for thyroid hormone replacement therapy after three-, six- and twelve- months post hemithyroidectomy in the past five years at Örebro University Hospital using an upper reference limit of thyrotropin (TSH) of 4.6 mU/b and also to identify the time of hypothyroidism and other predictors of hypothyroidism in euthyroid patients following hemithyroidectomy.

Handledare: Kosmas Daskalakis


Telefon: 073-751 06 29

Etiktillstånd behövs inte

Termin 6 och 10

Typ av arbete: Kliniskt

Geografiskt område: Örebro

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