Previous seminars
Economics and Statistics Autumn 2024
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2024-08-22 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2024-08-29 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2024-09-05 | 13.30-14.30 |
N4065 | Chamika Porage, Uppsala universitet "Prognostic Score Methods for the Estimation of Average Causal Effects" |
2024-09-12 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2024-09-19 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2024-09-26 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Alexandra Allard, Örebro University and Södertörn University INSTÄLLT |
2024-10-03 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | |
2024-10-10 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Rikard Gard, Epiroc |
2024-10-17 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Fredrik Sjöholm |
2024-10-24 |
13.30-14.30 |
N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Kristina Karlsson, Uppsala universitet, IFN "Pension reform, labor supply and private pension saving: Evidence from Sweden" |
2024-11-05 |
13:15-14:00 |
Zoom |
Erik Törnblom, Sektionschef, Ekonomi och styrning, Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner, kommer att presentera resultat från SKR:s rapporten "En stabil välfärd i vardag och kris". Zoom-seminarium |
2024-11-07 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Monika Mokrzycka (Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland |
2024-11-14 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Gergely Ganics, Bank of Spain |
2024-11-21 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Niklas Elert, HFI "Crime and business activity – a reciprocal and local relationship?" |
2024-11-28 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Giulia Slater, PhD, researcher at STATEC, the National Statistics Office of Luxembourg and Post-Doctoral research fellow at the International Society for Quality of Life Studies. "Trust Paradox" Plats: bara Zoom; Join Zoom Meeting |
2024-12-05 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Frida Videll och Thomas Önskog, SCB |
2024-12-12 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Spring 2024
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2024-01-10 | 13.15-14.45 | N4065 |
Job market seminar David Kohns "Flexible Bayesian MIDAS: time-variation, group-shrinkage and sparsity" |
2024-01-12 | 10.15-11.45 | N4065, Zoom |
Job market seminar Xuan Vu "A fast and accurate variational inference for a large dimensional Markov Switching model" |
2024-01-15 | 10.15-11.45 | N4065 |
Job market seminar Alessandro Celani "The Macroeconomic Effects of Inflation Expectations: The Distribution Matters" |
2024-01-17 | 1015-11.45 | N4065 |
Job market seminar Yousef Kaddoura "Coefficient-by-Coefficient Estimation of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Breaks For Panel Data Models" |
2024-01-18 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2024-01-19 | 10.15-11.45 | N4065, Zoom |
Job market seminar Igor Martins |
2024-01-25 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) “Round Numbers, Household Inflation Expectations, and the Media” Marcel Garz, Associate Professor of Economics, Jönköping International Business School Plats: online. Zoom-länk skickas via email-inbjudan. |
2024-01-26 | 10.15-11.45 | N4065 |
Job market seminar Utso Pal Mustafi "Deconstructing debt supply shocks using Treasury auction Announcements" |
2024-01-29 | 10.15-11.45 | N4065 |
Job market seminar Friederike Langowski "Do bank reserves affect interest rates when reserves are abundant?" |
2024-01-31 | 10.15-11.45 | N4065 |
Job market seminar Talha Omer |
2024-02-01 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | |
2024-02-08 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Bengt Söderlund, Lund University |
2024-02-15 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Professor Yuliya Mishura, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Mälardalens University |
2024-02-29 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Professor Jesper Stage, Luleå tekniska universitet ”Giving up the ghost fishing? Economics of recovering lost fishing gear" |
2024-03-07 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | |
2024-03-14 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Yaroslav Yakymovych, Uppsala universitet |
2024-03-20 | 13.00-14.30 |
Fysiskt/ |
Hälsoekonomiskt seminarium ”Behovet av samverkan och forskning inom ambulansverksamheten för att höja kvaliteten och vägleda hälsoekonomiska beslut” Daniel Knutsson, lektor i nationalekonomi vid Handelshögskolan på Örebro universitet och specialistsjuksköterska i ambulanssjukvård Plats: Fysiskt samt digitalt, lokal/länk skickas till anmälda någon dag innan seminariet Anmäl ditt deltagande här: |
2024-03-21 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2024-04-11 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | |
2024-04-18 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Pär Hansson, Tillväxtanalys |
2024-04-25 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Johannes Heiny, Stockholm University |
2024-05-02 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Johannes Hagen, Associate Professor, Economic, Jönköping International Business School "Labor Market Effects of an Increase in the Pension Claiming Age in a Flexible Pension System" Abstract: We evaluate the impact of a policy reform in Sweden in 2020 that raised the early pension claiming age from 61 to 62. Employing administrative data and a difference-in-differences approach, we analyze public pension claiming and labor market outcomes among age groups differentially impacted by the reform. |
2024-05-16 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | |
2024-05-23 | 13.30-14.30 |
N4065 |
*EFGI Josefin Videnord, Tillväxtanalys |
2024-05-30 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Autumn 2023
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2023-08-24 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2023-08-29 |
13.30-15.00 | ÖU/Digitalt |
Hälsoekonomiskt seminarium Temat för detta seminarium är ekonomiska utvärderingar av suicidprevention och två olika studier kommer att presenteras. Den första studien är gjord av Elin Vimefall, Daniela Andrén och Thomas Laitila vid Örebro universitet samt Linda Ryen från Universitetssjukvårdens forskningscentrum och handlar om befolkningens preferenser för suicidprevention jämfört med andra insatser som räddar liv inom hälso- och sjukvården. Den andra studien är en litteraturöversikt gjord av Elin Vimefall och Linda Ryen med fokus på vilka metoder som används för att värdera hälsovinsten vid ekonomiska utvärderingar av suicidprevention. Plats: Information om plats är skickad till de som är anmälda Digitalt, länk har skickats till de som är anmälda Anmäl ditt deltagande här: Seminarieanmälan HT 2023 ( |
2023-08-31 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Dennis Petrie, Centre for Health Economics, Monash University, Australia "Regional variation in mental healthcare utilization and suicide: Evidence from movers in Australia" |
2023-09-07 | 13.30-14.30 |
N4065 | |
2023-09-14 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2023-09-21 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2023-09-28 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Anders Lindbom, Uppsala universitet “Middle-Class Support of Encompassing Welfare: Self-reinforcing Policy-feedback” |
2023-10-05 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Nataliya Shchestyuk, Örebro University School of Business "The mathematical models for the dynamics of a financial market" |
2023-10-12 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Thomas Laitila, Örebro University School of Business "Nonresponse in Household Expenditure Surveys" |
2023-10-19 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
EFGI* Ola Olsson, Göteborgs universitet "Conditional Persistence? Historical Disease Exposure and Government Response to COVID-19" |
2023-10-24 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
Prof. Mihail Zervos, London School of Economics "Market Equilibrium under Proportional Transaction Costs in a Stochastic Factor Model" |
2023-10-26 |
13.30-14.30 |
N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Gabriel Heller Sahlgren, IFN och London School of Economics "Free to improve? The impact of free school attendance in England" |
2023-11-09 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Olof Ejermo, Lunds universitet “When Colleges Graduate: Micro-Level Effects on Publications and Scientific Organization” (samförfattad med Yotam Sofer, CBS) |
2023-11-16 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Susanna Thede, affilierad forskare, docent vid Malta University "Foreign Direct Investment and Corruption: Multinational Enterprises' Behavior in Corrupt Environments" (samförfattad med Daniel Gravino, Malta University) |
2023-11-20 | 13.00-14.00 | P218 |
Docenturföreläsning Tamás Kiss "Predictions in Economics and Finance" |
2023-11-23 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
EFGI* Michael Koch |
2023-11-30 till 2023-12-01 |
Clarion Hotel Örebro |
SWEGPEC Workshop for graduate students |
2023-12-07 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Mattias Villani, Stockholm University |
2023-12-14 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Barbora Kessel, University of Gothenburg |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Spring 2023
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2023-01-11 | 10.30-12.00 | N4065 |
MAFE Josefine Quast, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg “Basel III Credit-to-GDP Gaps and the Origins of Their Unreliability: Introducing Historical Reliability Bands” |
2023-01-12 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) David Granlund, Umeå University |
2023-01-13 | 10.00-11.30 | N4065 |
MAFE Alexander Dietrich, University of Tübingen “Consumption Categories, Household Attention, and Inflation Expectations: Implications for Optimal Monetary Policy” |
2023-01-16 | 10.00-11.30 | N4065 |
MAFE Luigi Gifuni, University of Glasgow “Oil Price Forecasting: Gains and Weaknesses of Text Data” |
2023-01-18 | 10.00-11.30 | N4065 |
MAFE Hanno Kase, University of Minnesota “Estimating Nonlinear Heterogeneous Agents Models with Neural Networks” |
2023-01-19 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Yuliya Mishura, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine) and Mälardalen University (Sweden) |
2023-01-26 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2023-02-02 | 13.30-14.30 | N3053 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2023-02-09 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Lisa Norrgren, Västra Götalandsregionen |
2023-02-16 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Jakob Lavröd, Entercard Group AB |
2023-03-02 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2023-03-09 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Rebecka Klang and Louise Olsson, Centre for Assessment of Medical Technology in Örebro, Örebro University Hospital "Statistical methods for detecting fabricated or falsified data in various research areas" |
2023-03-13 | 13.00-14.30 | Digitalt |
Hälsoekonomiskt seminarium Estimating a social value set for EQ-5D-5L in Sweden OBS: länk skickas till anmälda veckan innan seminariet Anmäl ditt deltagande här: Seminarieanmälan VT 2023 ( |
2023-03-16 | 13.00 | Hörsal F |
Disputation Hans Westerberg "Towards more inclusive labor markets: A firm level perspective on hiring outsiders" Opponent: Per Skedinger, Institutet för näringslivsforskning (IFN) |
2023-03-23 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Svitlana Drin "Forecasting the demand and price of a new product Oleg Drin: Impact of the war on the Ukrainian economy, review of macroeconomic indicators" |
2023-03-30 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Martin Korpi och Daniel Halvarsson, Ratio "City Size, Employer Concentration, and Wage Income Inequality" |
2023-04-13 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2023-04-20 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Alexandra Allard, Örebro University and Södertörn University ”Fishing quotas, political power and sustainability preferences – an empirical analysis of quota bargaining within the EU” |
2023-04-27 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Stanislas Muhinyuza, Linnaeus University |
2023-05-04 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Michael Lechner, University of St. Gallen |
2023-05-09 | 13.00-14.30 |
ÖU/ |
Hälsoekonomiskt seminarium INSTÄLLT Observera ändrat datum: Det hälsoekonomiska seminariet om ekonomiska utvärderingar av suicidprevention flyttas från 9/5 till 29/8. |
2023-05-11 | 13.30-14.00 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2023-05-15 | 13.15-14.00 | Hörsal M |
Docent Lecture Stepan Mazur “Statistics in Investment Decisions” Grading committee: Franziska Klügl, Jana Jass, Dan Johansson |
2023-05-25 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2023-06-01 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | |
2023-06-08 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 + Zoom |
*EFGI Jackie M.L. Chan, Aarhus University “Globalization, Migration, and the Spatial Organization of Production”
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Autumn 2022
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2022-08-25 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Michael Johannes Koch, Aarhus University “Multiproduct Mergers and the Product Mix in Domestic and Foreign Markets” |
2022-09-01 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Adrian Mehic, Lund University "Peer Desirability and Academic Achievement" |
2022-09-06 |
13.00-14.30 | Digitalt |
Emelie Heintz och Kinza Degerlund Maldi, Karolinska Institutet "Externa effekter hos närstående vid beslut om subvention av läkemedel. En översikt av hälsoekonomisk litteratur samt diskussion av konsekvenser vid tillämpning i en svensk kontext." |
2022-09-08 | 13.30-14.30 |
TBA | |
2022-09-15 | 13.30-14.30 | TBA |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2022-09-22 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Stephen Michael Impink, NYU Stern School of Business Outsourcing IT and Technological Differentiation: Evidence from Digital Startups |
2022-09-29 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065/Zoom |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Prof. Thomas Laitila (Örebro University and Statistics Sweden) "Measuring preferences for suicide prevention using random samples from self-selected panels" Hybrid Seminar |
2022-10-06 | 13.30-14.30 | TBA | |
2022-10-13 | 13.30-14.30 | TBA |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2022-10-20 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065/Zoom |
EFGI* Min Zhu (Hanken School of Economics) "Antidumping and Product quality" Paper co-authored with Tomasi Chiara (University of Trento), Caselli Mauro (University of Trento), and Huang Jiuli (Nankai University) |
2022-10-27 |
13.30-14.30 |
N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Anders Stenberg, Stockholm universitet, Institutet för social forskning |
2022-11-10 | 13.30-14.30 | TBA | |
2022-11-16 | 12.30-13.30 | N4065 and Zoom |
WHAWE hybrid seminar Jonathan Norris, University of Strathclyde "Reference Dependent Aspirations and Peer Effects in Education" |
2022-11-17 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Magnus Hansson, University of Gothenburg |
2022-11-24 | 13.30-14.30 | Postponed to 2022-12-08 due to PhD Workshop in Linköping |
EFGI* Joacim Tåg, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) |
2022-12-01 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) "External Marginal Costs for Road Accidents – Swedish Estimates" Gunnar Isacsson, Trafikverket |
2022-12-08 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 and Zoom |
EFGI* Joacim Tåg, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) "JAQ of All Trades: Job Mismatch, |
2022-12-15 | 13.30-14.30 | TBA |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Spring 2022
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2022-01-13 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Morgan Beeson, Newcastle University "Developing a Citizen Frame for use in Benefit Cost Analysis: moving from the lab to the field" |
2022-01-20 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom | Prof. Thomas Holgersson, Professor of Statistics, Linnaeus University, Sweden. "Risk measures and portfolio estimation" |
2022-01-26 | 13.00-15.00 |
TBA Hybrid-lokal, Region Örebro |
Douglas Lundin Tema: Precisionsmedicin |
2022-01-27 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2022-02-03 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Dr. Michael Sachs, Biostatistical Researcher at the Karolinska Institute "A General Method for Deriving Tight Symbolic Bounds on Causal Effects" |
2022-02-10 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Anna Sjögren, IFAU, Uppsala "Human capital effects of one-on-one time with parents: Evidence from a Swedish childcare access reform" |
2022-02-17 | 13.30-14.30 | TBA |
2022-02-18 | 09.00 | Zoom |
Disputation i medicinsk vetenskap med inriktning mot hälso- och vårdvetenskap - Anna Philipson Opponent: Professor Lars-Åke Levin Linköpings universitet. |
2022-03-03 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Professor Niklas Jakobsson, Karlstad Business School, Karlstad University "Vaccination nudges - Kan kallelser öka COVID-vaccination?” |
2022-03-10 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Dr. Behnaz Pirzamanbein, Department of Statistics, Lund University |
2022-03-17 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Martin Kahanec, School of Public Policy at the Central European University in Vienna and the Central European Labour Studies Institute |
2022-03-24 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom | Dr. Junaid Shaikh, Data Scientist at Databricks |
2022-03-31 | 13.30-14.30 | TBA |
2022-04-04 | 13.00 |
Stockholm/ Zoom |
Slutseminarium Hans Seerar Westerberg Avhandlingens preliminära titel: Who hires an outsider? Firm-level perspectives on the labor market entry of marginalized labor. Diskutant: Fil Dr Johan P Larsson, University of Cambridge Plats: Svensk Handel, Regeringsgatan 60, Stockholm. Lokal: Kompassen (plan 3). Artiklar: Does reduced labor costs increase employment |
2022-04-07 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Prof. Rickard Sandberg, Center Director, Department of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology, Stockholm School of Economics |
2022-04-21 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Carl Dahlström, Göteborgs universitet "COVID-19 Mortality and the Structural Characteristics of Long-Term Care Facilities: Evidence from Sweden" |
2022-04-28 | 13.30-14.30 | TBA | Giuseppe Pulito, Aarhus Universitet |
2022-05-05 | 13.30-14.30 | TBA |
*EFGI Ina Jäkel, Aarhus University "Direct Effects on the Treated and Spillovers to their Suppliers" |
2022-05-12 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Dr. Jamie Cross, BI Norwegian Business School |
2022-05-18 | 12.00-13.00 | N4065 |
*EFGI Manav Raj, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA |
2022-05-19 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Dorte Gyrd-Hansen, DaCHE - Danish Centre for Health Economics |
2022-06-02 | 13.30-14.30 | TBA | |
2022-06-09 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Paul S Segerström, Stockholm School of Economics |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Autumn 2021
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2021-08-26 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2021-09-02 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2021-09-09 | 13.30-14.30 |
Zoom | |
2021-09-16 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Oriol J. Bosch, PhD Candidate Methodology Department, London School of Economics and Political Science |
2021-09-23 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Susanna Thede, University of Malta "The Effect of Corrupt Market Experience on FDI: Evidence from Swedish Manufacturing Enterprises" |
2021-09-30 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Niclas Berggren, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) and University of Economics in Prague ”Intolerance predicts climate skepticism” |
2021-10-07 | 13.30-14.30 | CANCELLED | Dr. Zangin Zeebari, JIBS |
2021-10-14 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Christoph Kern, Professor for Statistics and Data Science, Department of Statistics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich. |
2021-10-21 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | |
2021-10-28 |
13.30-14.30 |
Zoom |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Gunnar Isacsson, Trafikverket ”The effect of accessibility on regional migration flows” CANCELLED |
2021-11-11 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Prof Revan Özkale, Department of Statistics, Çukurova University "Inference for various models to combat multicollinearity and their applications in various fields" |
2021-11-18 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Prof. Peter Lugtig – Utrecht University, Netherlands |
2021-11-23 | 15:15-16:30 | N2045 and Zoom |
Lars Hultkrantz, seniorprofessor, Örebro universitet "The Economic Cost of Covid-19 Illness: The case of Iceland, Norway and Sweden" |
2021-11-25 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
EFGI* Patrik Tingvall, Stockholm School of Economics, Kommerskollegium and affiliated to Örebro University |
2021-12-02 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Andreas Bergh, Lund University and IFN "Tweeting municipalities and place marketing - a machine learning approach" |
2021-12-09 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 and Zoom |
*EFGI Daniel Almén, Uppsala universitet |
2021-12-16 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Spring 2021
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2021-01-13 | 13.30-15.00 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Yunyi Zhang, Warwick Business School |
2021-01-14 | 14.30-16.00 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Marco Brianti, Boston College |
2021-01-19 | 13.30-15.00 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Aubrey Poon, University of Strathclyde |
2021-01-20 | 14.30-16.00 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Fabio Gomez-Rodriguez, Indiana University |
2021-01-21 | 10.15-11.30 | Seminariet genomförs digitalt |
Hälsoekonomiskt seminarium Naimi Johansson, hälsoekonom vid Universitetssjukvårdens forskningscentrum i Region Örebro län och doktorand vid Göteborgs universitet, på temat Effekter av patientavgifter i primärvård. |
2021-01-22 | 09.00-10.30 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Bowen Fu, University of Technology Sydney |
2021-01-25 | 14.30-16.00 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Ina Hajdini, Drexel University |
2021-01-28 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom | Carlos-Vladimir Rodríguez-Caballero, Department of Statistics at Autonomous Institute of Technology (ITAM), Mexico |
2021-02-04 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2021-02-11 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Eva Mörk, Uppsala University "Public Sector Employment - Stimulating Regular Employment or Providing Eligibility to Unemployment Benefits?” (co-authored by Lillit Ottosson and Ulrika Vikman) |
2021-03-04 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom | Christian Conrad, Professor of Econometrics, Heidelberg University, Germany |
2021-03-11 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
*EFGI Dario Pozzoli, Copenhagen Business School "Worker Reallocation, Firm Innovation, and Chinese Import Competition" |
2021-03-18 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Ronnie Pingel, Department of Statistics, Uppsala University |
2021-04-08 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Paul Frijters, Professor in Wellbeing Economics, London School of Economics "Wellbeing cost-benefit analysis: a new tool for government policy formation, applied to covid" The WHAWE-seminar is scheduled 13:30-14:30 |
2021-04-15 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom | Marina Axelson-Fisk, Professor at Mathematical Sciences Chalmers |
2021-04-22 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
*EFGI Holger Görg, Kiel Institute for the World Economy |
2021-04-27 | 12:15-13.30 | Zoom |
Hälsoekononomiskt seminarium Värdet av sociala investeringar: psykisk hälsa bland barn och unga. Camilla Nystrand, hälsoekonom och forskare Child Health and Parenting (CHAP) på Institutionen för folkhälsa och vårdvetenskap på Uppsala universitet. |
2021-04-29 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2021-05-06 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Henrik Andersson, Associate Professor at Université Toulouse 1 Capitole and Toulouse School of Economics. The WHAWE-seminar is scheduled 13:30-14:30 |
2021-05-20 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom | Peter Karlsson, Linnaeus University |
2021-05-27 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Sarah Schroeder, Aarhus University |
2021-06-03 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2021-06-10 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Autumn 2020
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2020-08-27 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics)
2020-09-03 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2020-09-10 | 13.30-14.30 |
N4065 | |
2020-09-16 | 10:00-12:00 | Webbinarium |
Hälsoekonomiskt seminarium Jonathan Siverskog, doktorand, Linköpings universitet "Tröskelvärden och kostnadseffektivitet – innebörd och implikationer för ekonomiska utvärderingar och beslutsfattande" |
2020-09-17 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2020-09-24 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Björn Andersson, University of Oslo |
2020-10-01 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Magnus Carlsson, Linnaeus University "Gender Bias in Academic Recruitment? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in the Nordic Region" |
2020-10-08 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom | Nicola Loperfido, University of Urbino "Carlo Bo" Italy |
2020-10-15 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Heln Roelfsma, Utrecht University School of Economics |
2020-10-22 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Kristofer Månsson, Jönköping International Business School |
2020-11-12 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics)
2020-11-19 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom | Thomas Schön, Uppsala University |
2020-11-25 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
The Impact of AI on White Collar Work Key Note Speakers: |
2020-11-26 | 13.30-14.30 |
EFGI* Paul S Segerstrom, Stockholm School of Economics CANCELLED |
2020-12-03 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Gergely Gánics, Central Bank of Hungary |
2020-12-10 | 13.30-14.30 | CANCELLED |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Andreas Bergh, Lund University and IFN "Tweeting municipalities and place marketing - a machine learning approach" |
2020-12-14 | 10.00-12.00 | Zoom |
Granskningsseminarium inför Lic. Respondent: Anna Klerby Opponent: Mikael Svensson |
2020-12-17 | 13.30-14.30 | Zoom |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Cristina Bratu, Postdoctoral researcher in Economics, Aalto University "The Intergenerational Mobility of Immigrants and the Native-Born: Evidence from Sweden" |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Spring 2020
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2020-01-16 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Matias Quiroz, University of Technology Sidney |
2020-01-23 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Samuel Lindgren, Örebro universitet och VTI "The Impacts of Shipping Emission Limits on Health and Medications" |
2020-01-30 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Dietrich von Rosen, Linköping University |
2020-02-13 | 13.15 | Hörsal M |
Disputation Anton Nyrenström Gidehag "Understanding Firm Behavior - The Roles of Recruitment and Institutional Reforms" Opponent: Professor Christian Bjørnskov, Aarhus University |
2020-02-27 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Olof Johansson Stenman, University of Gothemburg "Health, Climate Change, and Paternalism: Attitudes to Nudges and Other Policy Instruments Among Experts and the General Public" |
2020-03-05 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Prof Martin Singull, Department of Mathematics, Linköping University |
2020-03-19 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2020-04-03 | 13.15 | Hörsal L2 |
Disputation Johan Karlsson "Essays on Family Firms and Firm Growth Barriers" Opponent: Professor David Autretsch, Indiana University |
2020-04-16 | 13:30-14:30 | N4065 |
2020-04-23 | 13:30-14:30 | N4065 |
2020-04-28 | 13:15 | Hörsal L2 |
Disputation Martin Nordström "Unconventional Monetary Policy at the International, National and Local level" Opponent: Docent Jesper Lindé, Internationella Valutafonden, Washington DC |
2020-05-07 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Sebastian Krakowski, Ratio “The end of heterogeneity? Artificial intelligence, human capabilities, and behavioral convergence” |
2020-05-14 | 13.30-14.30 |
Magnus Lodefalk, Tamás Kiss, Jonas Grafström (Ratio) "Modern times 4.0 – Employment and technology" |
2020-05-28 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2020-06-04 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
2020-06-11 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Autumn 2019
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2019-08-29 |
13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Erik Thorsén, Stockholm University "Sampling Distributions of Optimal Portfolio Weights and Characteristics in Low and Large Dimensions" |
2019-09-05 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Daniela Andrén, Örebro University School of Business "Well-being and the Willingness to Pay for an Intervention Aimed to Decrease Depression" |
2019-09-12 | 13.30-14.30 |
N4065 | |
2019-09-19 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Pär Hansson, Tillväxtanalys |
2019-09-19 | 13.00-15.00 | L142 |
Slutseminarium Jean Phillippe Deschamps-Laporte Diskutant: Jesper Stage, Luleå tekniska universitet |
2019-09-26 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2019-10-03 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2019-10-10 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Jolanta Pielaszkiewicz, Department of Statistics, Stockholm University |
2019-10-17 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Maria Persson, Lund University "A Border in the Sea? The Effect of Major Infrastructure Development on Bilateral Goods Trade" |
2019-10-24 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Jonas Wallin, Department of Statistics, Lund University |
2019-11-07 | 14.00-15.00 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Hans Grönqvist, Department of Economics, Uppsala University |
2019-11-14 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Xavier de Luna, Department of Statistics, Umeå University |
2019-11-21 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI Erik Lindqvist, Stockholms universitet "Rich and Right? The Effect of Lottery Wealth on Political Attitudes" |
2019-11-27 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
Xin Zhang, Sveriges riksbank "Risk endogeneity at the lender/investor-of-last-resort" |
2019-11-28 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Antonio Possolo, Chief of Statistical Engineering Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA |
2019-12-05 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Therese Nilsson, Department of Economics, Lund University "The Long-Term Effects of Long Terms |
2019-12-06 | 10.30-12 | N4065 |
Slutseminarium Niklas Wykman Diskutant: Jacob Lundberg, Timbro
2019-12-11 | 10.00 | N4065 |
Slutseminarium Johan Karlsson Diskutant: Pehr-Johan Norbäck, IFN Does Regional Context Matter for Family Firm Employment Growth Female Top Management in Family and Non-Family Firms Firm Size and Growth Barriers - A Data-driven Approach Family Business - A missing link in economics The Characteristics of Family Firms
2019-12-12 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 | Deliang Dai, Department of Statistics, Linnaeus University |
2019-12-19 | 10.00-11.30 | N2043 |
Slutseminarium Martin Nordström Diskutant: Professor Johan Lyhagen, Statistiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet |
2019-12-19 | 13.30-14.30 | N4065 |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Spring 2019
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2019-01-09 | 10.15-11.15 | N4065 |
Hoang Ngyen, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: “Variational Bayesian Inference for High Dimensional Factor Copulas” |
2019-01-10 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Martin Bruns, Free University Berlin: “Combining Factor Models and External Instruments to Identify Uncertainty Shocks” |
2019-01-14 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Tamás Kiss, Göteborgs universitet: ”Predictive Regressions in Predictive Systems” |
2019-01-17 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 | |
2019-01-18 | 10.15-11.15 | N3053 |
Sanha Noh, University of Missouri: “House Price Uncertainty, Business Cycles, and Welfare” |
2019-01-21 | 10.15-11.15 | N4065 |
Milda Norkute, Lunds universitet: “The Factor Analytical Approach in Near Unit Root Panels” |
2019-01-23 | 10.15-11.15 | N3053 |
Julian Ludwig, University of Texas, Austin: “Identification of Rational Expectations Models Under Information Frictions” |
2019-01-24 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Andrew Martinez, Oxford University: “A False Sense of Security: The Impact of Forecast Uncertainty on Hurricane Damages” |
2019-01-31 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Elin Vimefall |
2019-02-07 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Dr Tomas Rusy "Applications of Stochastic Programming in Finance" |
2019-02-14 | 13.15-14.45 | N4065 | |
2019-02-28 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
2019-03-07 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Maria Börjesson "Agglomeration, productivity and the role of transport system improvements" |
2019-03-08 | 13:15 | Hörsal M |
Disputation David Knezevic "The Treasurer's Guide to the Municipality: Essays on Sub-Sovereign Finance" |
2019-03-12 | 09:30 | USÖ |
SHEA-konferensen 2019 Den 8:e nationella hälsoekonomiska konferensen. Konferensen pågår 12-13 mars. |
2019-03-14 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
*EFGI Olle Hammar, Uppsala universitet |
2019-03-21 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Samuel Lindgren "Traffic Noise and Housing Values: Evidence from an Airport Concession Renewal" |
2019-03-28 | 11:00-12:00 | N4065 |
*EFGI Joacim Tåg, IFN |
2019-04-04 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Center for Economic Analysis of Risk, Georgia State University, Program Director Örebro University, Guest Professor Stockholm School of Economics, Affiliated Professor “Nothing Left to Lose”: |
2019-04-11 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) |
2019-04-25 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics Final seminar - Anton Nyrenström Gidehag Discussant: Docent David Granlund, Umeå universitet Labor Market Effects of Reduced Labor Costs Firms' Labor Costs Savings and Recruitment of Non-Western Immigrants |
2019-05-02 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
*EFGI Natália Monteiro, University of Minho |
2019-05-09 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Professsor Henrik Jordahl, Handelshögskolan vid Örebro universitet |
2019-05-16 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
MAFE (Macro and financial econometrics) Prof. Tatjana Pavlenko (Department of Mathematics, KTH) |
2019-05-23 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
*EFGI Anca Cristea, University of Oregon "Revisiting NAFTA: Estimating the U.S. Local Employment Effects" |
2019-06-13 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
*EFGI Ingo Borchert, University of Sussex Business School "Uneven Effects of Globalization on Trade Costs: Revisiting the Distance Puzzle” |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Autumn 2018
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2018-08-16 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics -*EFGI |
2018-08-23 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics |
2018-08-30 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 | Economics/Statistics - WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2018-09-06 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics |
2018-09-13 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics/Statistics - Macro and financial econometrics Pär Österholm ”Heterogeneity in Households’ Expectations of Housing Prices and Mortgage Rates – Evidence from Micro Data” |
2018-09-20 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics/Statistics - WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2018-09-27 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - *EFGI Professor Holger Breinlich, University of Surrey "The Interconnections Between Services and Goods Trade at the Firm-Level" |
2018-10-04 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics/Statistics - Macro and financial econometrics Professor Alexander Ljungqvist, Stefan Persson Family Chair in Entrepreneurial Finance "Busy Directors: Strategic Interaction and Monitoring Synergies" |
2018-10-11 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics/Statistics - WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Erik Grönqvist, Uppsala universitet |
2018-10-18 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 |
Statistics - *EFGI Daniel Halvarsson, Ratio |
2018-10-18 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics - Extra seminar Tatjana Von Rosen, Department of Statistics, Stockholm University |
2018-10-25 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics/Statistics - Macro and financial econometrics David J.T. Sumpter, from Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University “Using mathematics to win football matches and using football to communicate about maths”. |
2018-11-08 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics |
2018-11-15 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - *EFGI |
2018-11-21 | 10.00-12.00 | N2037 |
Economics David Knezevic - final seminar Three papers will be discussed. These will be circulated in good time before the seminar. (The fourth paper to be included in the thesis has already been published: Discussant: Professor Annika Alexius, Department of Economics, Stockholm University |
2018-11-22 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Daniel Halvarsson, from the Ratio Institute |
2018-11-29 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics/Statistics - WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Helena Svaleryd, Uppsala universitet |
2018-12-06 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Alexander Herbertsson, Göteborgs universitet |
2018-12-13 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics/Statistics - Macro and financial econometrics Olha Bodnar, Department of Mathematics, Mälardalen University |
2018-12-20 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics/Statistics - WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Ulf Gerdtham, Lunds universitet "Mortality & the Business Cycle: Evidence from Individual & Aggregate data" |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Spring 2018
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2018-01-18 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - *EFGI Pär Hansson, Tillväxtanalys "Decomposing value chains within Swedish multinationals” (co-authored with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert) |
2018-01-25 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics |
2018-02-01 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Björn Gustafsson, Deptartment of Social work, University of Gothenburg "Work after the statutory pension age in urban China and urban Russia" |
2018-02-08 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Dr Lawrence Murray, Department of Technology, Division of Systems and Control, Uppsala University "Probabilistic Programming" |
2018-02-15 | 13.15-14.45 | N4065 |
Economics - Macro and financial econometrics Nils Gottfries, Department of Economics, Uppsala University |
2018-03-01 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - *EFGI Johan Eklund, Entreprenörskapsforum "Taxes, the tax administrative burden and the entrepreneurial life cycle" |
2018-03-08 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Prof. Lena Zetterqvist, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Lund University "Teaching Mathematics/Statistics with the use of technology" |
2018-03-15 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Macro and financial econometrics Erik Hjalmarsson, Göteborgs universitet |
2018-03-22 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics |
2018-03-26 | 11:00-12:00 | N4065 |
Economics Kara Reynolds Extra seminar in the international seminar series “Competitive Pressure, Innovation, and Trade Protection: Evidence from U.S. Patent Data” |
2018-03-26 | 13.00-15.00 | N2045 |
Economics Final seminar - Selen Savsin Discussant: Gunnar Isacsson, The National Transport Adminstration "Essays on international economics and experimental economics" |
2018-03-29 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - *EFGI - CANCELLED! Daniel Halvarsson, Ratio |
2018-04-05 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Dr. Leonard Ngaosuvan, Clebo Consulting AB ” Statistical and formal thinking in custody disputes” |
2018-04-12 | 14.15-15.15 | N4065 |
Economics - WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Eskil Wadensjö, SOFI, Stockholm University "Unaccompanied refugee minors in Sweden: education and wellbeing in the labor market" |
2018-04-19 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics - Macro and financial econometrics Prof. Taras Bodnar, Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University "TBA" |
2018-04-24 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Rajendra Bhansali, Imperial College "A Dual Parameter Long-Memory Model" |
2018-04-26 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - *EFGI Roger Bandick, Linköping University "Offshoring, Firm size and Export survival" |
2018-05-03 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Dr. Marianne Månsson, Göteborg University |
2018-05-17 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 | Statistics |
2018-05-24 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Naimi Johansson, Hälsometri, Sahlgrenska Akademin "Women and the poor are more sensitive to health care prices - Regression discontinuity evidence" |
2018-05-31 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Anders Holmberg, Statistics Norway "Using Emerging Unconventional Data Sources: A Palette of Opportunities with New and Traditional Methods in Official Statistics" |
2018-06-07 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) Andreea Mitrut, Göteborg University |
2018-06-13 | 13:15 | N2043 |
Licentiatseminarium Elina Fergin-Wennberg Two essays on labor market inequality: "Can Firm-Level Wage Surveys Close the Gender Pay Gap? Evidence from 20 Years of Swedish Policy" |
*EFGI=The economics of Entrepreneurship, Family firms, Globalisation and Institutions
Economics and Statistics Fall 2017
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2017-08-17 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 | Statistics |
2017-08-24 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Internationell ekonomi Anders Lunander, Örebro University School of Business "Modelling the Trade-of between Risk and Costs in the Distribution of Empty Freight Cars across Swedish Paper Mills" |
2017-08-31 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 | Statistics |
2017-09-07 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Offentlig ekonomi Johan Karlsson, Örebro University School of Business |
2017-09-14 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Mark Podolskji, Department of Mathematics, Århus University
2017-09-21 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Företagande och företagandets villkor Johan Eklund, Entreprenörskapsforum "Taxes, the tax administrative burden and the entrepreneurial life cycle" |
2017-09-28 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Dan Hedlin, Department of Statistics, Stockholm University |
2017-10-05 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Internationell ekonomi Anders Akerman |
2017-10-12 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Monika Huhn, Statistical Department, AstraZeneca, Mölndal |
2017-10-13 | 11.00-14.00 | N4065 |
Economics Slutseminarium - Louise Johannesson Discussant: Maria Persson, University of Lund
2017-10-19 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Offentlig ekonomi Sara Olofsson, The Swedish Institute for Health Economics, IHE, Lund "TBA" |
2017-10-26 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics Spyridon Sichlimiris "Composition of Sovereign Debt and Financial Development: A Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel Approach" |
2017-11-09 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 | Statistics |
2017-11-16 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Internationell ekonomi Shon Ferguson |
2017-11-20 | 12.15-13.15 | N2045 |
Economics - Lunchseminarium Lars Nilsson, European Commission |
2017-11-20 | 13.00-15.00 | N4065 |
Economics - Nätverksträff Forskargruppen WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2017-11-23 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Joanna Tyrcha, Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University |
2017-11-23 | 14.15-16.00 | N4065 |
Economics - Hälsoekonomiska seminariet Forskargruppen WHAWE (Wellbeing, Health and Welfare Economics) |
2017-11-30 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Offentlig ekonomi Emil Persson, Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering (IEI) / Economics "Discrepancy between health care rationing at the bedside and policy level" Emil Persson, David Andersson, Lovisa Back, Thomas Davidson, Emma Johannisson, Gustav Tinghög |
2017-12-07 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 | Statistics |
2017-12-14 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Företagande och företagandets villkor Therese Nilsson, Department of Economics, Lund University |
2017-12-21 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics Peter Buisseret, University of Chicago "Crashing the Party? Elites, Outsiders, and Elections" |
Economics and Statistics Spring 2017
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2017-01-19 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics Pehr-Johan Norbäck |
2017-01-26 | heldag |
Economics - heldagsarrangemang |
2017-02-02 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Mevludin Memedi, universitetslektor (Informatik), Handelshögskolan vid Örebro universitet |
2017-02-02 | 14.15-15.15 | N4065 |
Economics Extrainsatt seminarium |
2017-02-09 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Internationell ekonomi Pär Österholm |
2017-02-16 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Johan Dahlin, PhD (Automatic Control), Linköpings universitet |
2017-02-23 | 13.15-15.00 | N4065 |
Economics - Företagande och företagandets villkor Slutseminarium Anders Bornhäll "Sleeping gazelles: The unseen job creators?" "The capital constraint paradox in micro and small family and nonfamily firms" "Do employment protection legislation prevent firm growth?" "Employment protection legislation and the labor market position of immigrants" "Do seniority rules protect older workers?" |
2017-03-01 | 10.15-12.00 | N4065 |
Economics Final seminar Aili Tang |
2017-03-02 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics |
2017-03-09 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Offentlig ekonomi Torun Österberg, docent, Göteborgs universitet "Why do some young adults not graduate from Upper-Secondary School?" |
2017-03-16 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Pär Stockhammar, Stockholms universitet och National Institute of Economic Research (NIER) |
2017-03-23 | 10.15-11.15 | N4065 |
Economics Léa Marchal, Kiel Institute for the World Economy "Foreign workers and indirect exports: Firm-level evidence from Viet Nam" |
2017-03-23 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Internationell ekonomi Björn Thor Arnarson, University of Copenhagen |
2017-03-30 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Arvid Sjölander, Docent (Institutionen för medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik (MED)), Karolinska Institutet "Confounding, mediation and colliding - what types of shared covariates does the sibling comparison design control for?" |
2017-04-06 | 13.15-14.00 | Hörsal T |
Docentföreläsning Magnus Lodefalk |
2017-04-20 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Peter Gustafsson, universitetsadjunkt (Statistiska institutionen), Lunds universitet |
2017-04-27 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Offentlig ekonomi Johanna Rickne "All the Single Ladies: Job Promotions and the Durability of Marriage" |
2017-05-04 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Sara de Luna, professor (Institutionen för matematik och matematisk statistik), Umeå universitet |
2017-05-11 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Internationell ekonomi Sofia Tano, Tillväxtanalys/Örebro University "Impact of the VAT Reform on Swedish Restaurants – a Synthetic Control Group Approach" |
2017-05-18 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 | Statistics |
2017-06-01 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 | Statistics |
2017-06-08 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Offentlig ekonomi Mikael Svensson, Professor of Applied Health Economics and Head of unit at the Health Metrics Unit at the University of Gothenburg "TBA" |
Economics and Statistics Fall 2016
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2016-08-17 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 | Economics
Anton Gidehag, Dan Johansson and Magnus Lodefalk "Recruiting for Small Business Growth: Micro-Level Evidence" |
2016-08-25 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 | Statistics |
2016-09-01 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics Lina Aldén, Linnaeus University "TBA" |
2016-09-08 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics |
2016-09-09 | 10:00- 12:00 | N4065 |
Economics Final Seminar, Mattias Persson Opponent: Associate Professor Martin Henriksson, Linköping University |
2016-09-15 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics |
2016-09-16 | 13:00-14:00 | N4065 |
Economics Mikael Carlsson, Uppsala University ”Microdata Evidence on the Empirical Importance of Selection Effects in Menu-Cost Models” |
2016-09-22 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Rolf Larsson, Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University "Testing for INAR effects" |
2016-09-29 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics "TBA" |
2016-10-06 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Jakob Bergman Bergman, Department of Statistics, Lund University "Are the Sweden Democrats really Sweden's largest party? A maximum likelihood ratio test on the simplex" |
2016-10-13 | 13.15-14.15 |
Economics - Företagande och företagandets villkor Dan Johansson Arvid Malm, Entreprenörskapsforum and KTH |
2016-10-20 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics Elisabet Rutström "Multiattribute Utility Theory, Intertemporal Utility and Correlation Aversion" by Steffen Andersen, Glenn W. Harrison, Morten Lau & E. Elisabet Rutström |
2016-11-03 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics Sebastian Buhai, Associerad forskare, SOFI, Stockholms universitet |
2016-11-10 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics |
2016-11-17 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Jimmy Olsson, docent, Dept of Mathematical Statistics, KTH "TBA" |
2016-11-24 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Företagande och företagandets villkor Tessa Bold, IIES Stockholms universitet |
2016-12-01 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Statistics Erik Hjalmarsson, professor i finansiell ekonomi, GU ”Stock-price co-movement and the foundations of pairs trading” |
2016-12-08 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Offentlig ekonomi Ann-Sofie Isaksson |
2016-12-15 | 10.15-11.30 | N2045 |
Economics Richard Kneller, professor vid University of Nottingham "Demand-driven innovation and productivity growth: theory and evidence from the US Energy Policy Act" |
2016-12-15 | 13.15-14.30 | N4065 |
Statistics Anders Nordgard, docent och forensisk specialist i statistik (Polismyndigheten – Nationellt Forensiskt Centrum) "Statistical modelling for forensic purposes" |
2016-12-22 | 13.15-14.15 | N4065 |
Economics - Internationell ekonomi |
Economics and Statistics Spring 2016
Date | Time | Place | Content |
2016-01-07 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 |
Economics |
2016-01-14 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 | Statistics |
2016-01-21 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 | Economics - Offentlig ekonomi |
2016-01-28 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 | Statistics |
2016-02-04 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 | Economics - Internationell ekonomi |
2016-02-11 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 | Statistics |
2016-02-17 | 13.15-15.00 | N4065 |
Economics Licentiate seminar |
2016-02-18 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 |
Economics - Företagande och företagandets villkor Cancelled! |
2016-02-25 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 | Statistics |
2016-03-03 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 |
Economics Niklas Jakobsson, |
2016-03-10 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 |
Statistics Farrukh Javed "The effect of non-Gaussian innovations on tails and leverage in asymmetric power volatility models" |
2016-03-17 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 | Economics - Internationell ekonomi |
2016-03-24 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 | Statistics |
2016-03-31 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 | Economics - Offentlig ekonomi |
2016-04-07 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 |
Statistics Dr Oleg Sysoev, Linköping University |
2016-04-08 | 13.15-15.00 | HSM |
Economics |
2016-04-14 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 |
Economics |
2016-04-21 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 |
Statistics Lars Bohlin "Analysing rankings with the sign test, using p-values conditional on the rank order of the sample" |
2016-04-27 | 10.00-11.00 | N4065 |
Statistics Hiba Nassar, Linné University, TBA |
2016-04-28 | 10.00-11.00 | N3053 |
Statistics Shaobo Jin, Uppsala University "Instrumental Variables in Structural Equation Modelling with Ordinal Data" |
2016-04-28 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 |
Economics Anna Tompsett, Stockholm University |
2016-05-02 | 10.00-11.00 | N4065 |
Statistics Stepan Mazur, Lund University "Bayesian Estimation of the Global Minimum Variance Portfolio" |
2016-05-05 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 | Statistics |
2016-05-12 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 |
Economics Johan Karlsson |
2016-05-19 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 | Statistics |
2016-05-26 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 |
Economics - Offentlig ekonomi Lars Hagberg and Anna Philipsson "Long-term consequences of adolescent depression from a health economics perspective: a prospective register-based study using a community sample" |
2016-06-01 | 10.00- 12.00 | N4065 |
Economics |
2016-06-02 | 13.15-14.15 | N3053 | Statistics |
2016-06-15 | 13.00- 15.00 | N4065 |
Economics |
2016-06-16 | 15:00-16:00 | N2043 |
Statistics Professor Carl-Erik Särndal |
2016-06-17 | 10.00-12.00 | N4065 |
Statistics Final seminar |