Research projects
The Hybrid Project. Transdiagnostic emotion focused treatment for emotional and somatic comorbidity. A SCED on implementation and effectiveness in primary care
Pain patients often suffer from comorbid emotional problems and vice versa. The transdiagnostic perspective suggests that shared underlying mechanisms, such...
The IDA program
Read more about The IDA Program. Publications, The IDA Program The IDA program (Individual Development and Adaptation) is a large ongoing longitudinal...
The IDEA Project (Inkludering och DiskriminEring Bland UngA)
The IDEA Project (Inkludering och DiskriminEring Bland UngA) is an ongoing mixed-method study. The main goal of the project is to develop a comprehensive...
The importance of the physical environment in the Social Services' contacts with children and young people
The aim is to study and analyze the importance of the physical environment in meetings between child welfare workers and children within the Social Services’...
The Many Faces of Trafficking in Human Beings: A Crime Victim Approach to the Variations of Human Trafficking
More information on the Swedish website.
The Normative Foundations for Integrated EU Criminal Justice: Powers, Limits and Justifications
Should the EU legislate in the field of criminal law? The answer to this fundamental question is not self-evident. Not long time ago, criminal law fell...
The PAIS-project - PArents' use of the Internet and Social media-project
There has been a rapid technology development in western societies over the last decades. Today, most people have a smartphone that offers instant access to...
The PIA Study - Promoting Integration and Adjustment of Newly Arrived Youth and their Families
The PIA Project is a collaboration among researchers from Örebro University (leading institution), Karolinska Institutet, Umeå University and the Norwegian...
The Role of National Constitutions in European and Global Governance
Project Leader: professor Anneli Albi, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK.
The SOFIA-study
SOFIA stands for Social and Physical Development, Interventions and Adaptation. It is a prospective longitudinal study of appr. 2000 children starting at age...