Mechanical Engineering
Subject information
Research domains
- Engineering
Areas of research
- Additive manufacturing
- Paper, cardboard and packaging
- Wire drawing
Research environments
Mechanical engineering at Örebro University is dealing with the fundamentals of mechanical engineering and its application in products and industrial systems. Research conducted within mechanical engineering and the production field entails optimisation and control of production systems, manufacturing processes as well as optimisation of complex material systems. Within the field of machine design, in the borderland between design and production, research is undertaken into the development of computer-aided design and its links to product development and industrial service processes (preparation, virtual factories etc.).
Research is mainly conducted in cooperation projects with industrial partners, but also in collaboration with other universities and institutes of technology.
Research projects
Active projects
- A general digital twin driving mining innovation through statistical and logical modelling
- ATOAM - Advanced Tooling by Additive Manufacturing
- AVANS MAXI: Mechanical Engineering Master program in Data-driven Engineering Design
- Digitalized Operation of Sustainable Production Systems (DOSPS)
- Future wire drawing research
- Generative Design for Additive Manufacturing
- Industrial perforation of lightweight materials
- Intelligent tool cooling for Wire drawing (iWire)
- Mechanical interaction between an anisotropic sandwich material and a tactile sensor
- NASCA (Novel Agricultural System Connected to Albin)
- OptCast
- OPTIPAM - Optimized process for additive manufacturing
- ProFibre4AM
- Wire drawing optimization with resource efficient lubrication (WOLS)
Completed projects
- 3Dfect
- A digital twin to support sustainable and available production as a service
- A new Model for Deformation of carton Board Packages by Manual Handling
- DITRA - Arena för distribuerat ingenjörsarbete
- In situ fibrillation of nanocellulose for cost efficient, and high performing lightweight composites
- INDIGO - Industrial Digitalization in Practice
- Industrial transformation through digitalization based on 3D printing of metals (Digi3D-skiftet)
- iStreams - Searching and analysing on-line high volume industrial streams
- LiM - Logic in Manufacturing
- MultiMatCT
- Next Generation Wire Drawing, NG Wire
- NFFP4 - National Aviation Engineering Research Programme 4
- NSS - Nordic Safety and Security
- Predictive Maintenance for Service Business Models and Extended Product Life
- Production Centred Maintenance (PCM) for real time predictive maintenance decision support to maximise production efficiency
- Production Centred Maintenance for predictive maintenance decision support to maximise production efficiency
- ROBODAM - ROBust Optimisation in Design for Additive Manufacturing
- SAPPA - Service Architecture for Product and Production Availability
- Smart Vortex
- SSPI - Scalable search of product life cycle information
- The Faste Laboratory
- The Polhem Laboratory
- TransMission
- Verified Digital Optimization Arena for Tool/Die/Mold Production by 3D Metal Printing (Digi3D)