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Research projects

Holistic assessment in school physical education

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2025 - 2025


Björn Tolgfors

Research subject

In response to the criticism directed at the school's assessment practices, the Swedish National Agency for Education (2022) launched new guidelines for how teachers should make an overall assessment and assign the grade that best corresponds to the student's knowledge. The purpose of the research project is to investigate how teachers interpret and implement an overall assessment in the subject of physical education and health and to identify the didactic consequences that follow from teachers' different approaches to the reform. Methods within the project include focus group interviews, observations, and individual interviews with physical education and health teachers. The project will highlight various consequences of the assessment reform for students, teachers, and teaching practices, and contribute to helping teachers make more holistic, equitable, and fair assessments.

Research funding bodies

  • Swedish Research Council for Sport Science