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Research projects

Sustainable business models for entrepreneurial agriculture

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2024 - 2027


Nina Hasche

Research environments

In this project, we focus on how small-scale farmers can innovate their business models to contribute to a more sustainable future. We analyze existing business models in small-scale farming and explore how they can be developed to become even more sustainable regarding economic, social and environmental values that are important to both the individual farms and society at large. Through continuous interactions between researchers and practitioners, we will develop a tool to promote innovation and sustainability in small-scale agriculture. In the project, research and art will also come together to shed light on an important industry, by increasing the understanding of the conditions that apply to small-scale and sustainable agriculture. Nina Hasche and Gabriel Linton will work as researchers and Mattias Käll as artist and with dissemination. They will work closely together during the project, where the research results will be the basis for the creation of art.

Research funding bodies

  • The Kamprad Family Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Research & Charity