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Research projects

School as a dialectual venue

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2021 - 2026


Anders Björkvall

Research subject

This doctoral project focuses on dialectal language use among students at a vocational upper secondary school in Värmland. The dissertation examines how the dialect can be seen in relation to the school as a dialectal melting point in a geographical area where different dialectal varieties meet and how the language use varies in different places in and inside the school. The school in question is located in an area with both geographical and linguistic proximity to Norway in the west as well as to language areas where there are other linguistic features and traits. These conditions, in combination with the school's geographically large catchment area, makes the school a dialectal melting place. In this way, the study touches on how social and pedagogical practices and place work together to establish different linguistic arenas with different possibilities for different dialectal varieties. 

Research funding bodies

  • Karlstad University
  • Örebro University


  • Andreas Nord, Karlstads universitet
  • Jenny Nilsson, Institutet för språk och folkminnen
  • Karlstads universitet