Anders Björkvall
Anders Björkvall Position: Professor School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: YW5kZXJzLmJqb3JrdmFsbDtvcnUuc2U=
Phone: +46 19 303924
Room: F2154

About Anders Björkvall
Anders Björkvall is chaired professor of Swedish. During spring of 2025, Anders is a fellow at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) in South Africa.
His research interests include multimodality, social semiotics, organizational discourse, genre analysis, linguistic and semiotic landscapes studies, literacy studies, and the ethnography of artifacts and texts. At present, Anders is particularly interested in digitalization, meaning-making, and learning in schools, but also in questions of inclusion as pedagogic design in higher education. The former interests are reflected in the project "Connecting digital and analog literacy: The potential of the digital pencil for text creation in school (DigiPen)" (2022-2024); the latter in his role as project leader of the new research project "Inclusive participation in higher education: A multimodal genre perspective from Sweden and South Africa (IpSSA)", funded by the Swedish Research Council (2024–2027). He is the project leader of the doctoral school "Multimodality and Intermediality: Humanist Research in a Digital World (MIDWorld)", also funded by the Swedish Research Council (2023–2026). Anders is editor of the journal Multimodality & Society (Sage).
Research projects
Active projects
- Connecting digital and analog literacy: The potential of the digital pencil for text creation in school (DigiPen)
- Inclusive participation in higher education: A multimodal genre perspective from Sweden and South Africa (IpSSA)
- Mis(sing) Information
- Multimodality and intermediality: Humanist research in a digital world (MIDWorld)
- School as a dialectual venue
Completed projects
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Adami, E. , Archer, A. , Björkvall, A. , Gualberto, C. , Jewitt, C. , Vasudevan, L. & Lim, F. V. (2024). Editorial multimodality and society. Multimodality & Society, 4 (1), 3-10. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. , Van Meerbergen, S. & Westberg, G. (2023). Feeling safe while being surveilled: The spatial semiotics of affect at international airports. Social Semiotics, 33 (1), 209-231. [BibTeX]
- Melander, I. & Björkvall, A. (2022). När den organiserade sjukvården uppfattas som otillräcklig: Affekt och känsla i texter om endometrios. RASK: Internationalt tidsskrift for sprog og kommunikation (55), 33-52. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Archer, A. (2022). Semiotics of destruction: Traces on the environment. Visual Communication, 21 (2), 218-236. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2022). Social Semiotics and the Motivated Sign: The destruction of election posters. The ICA (Institute for Cultural Anthropology) (February). [BibTeX]
- Jewitt, C. , Adami, E. , Archer, A. , Björkvall, A. & Fei, V. L. (2021). Editorial. Multimodality & Society, 1 (1), 3-7. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Nyström Höög, C. (2021). Semiotic vagueness as a tool for goal fulfilment: ‘Platforms of values’ in Swedish public administration. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 16 (1), 5-28. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Westberg, G. (2021). Shame and Pride in the Delegitimization and Relegitimization of Air Travel. CADAAD Journal, 13 (2), 63-83. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Nyström Höög, C. (2019). Legitimation of value practices, value texts, and core values at public authorities. Discourse & Communication, 13 (4), 398-414. [BibTeX]
- Nyström Höög, C. & Björkvall, A. (2018). Keeping the Discussion Among Civil Servants Alive: ‘Platform of Values’ as an Emerging Genre Within the Public Sector in Sweden.. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 22 (3), 17-38. [BibTeX]
- Kullenberg, C. , Rohden, F. , Björkvall, A. , Brounéus, F. , Avellan-Hultman, A. , Järlehed, J. , Van Meerbergen, S. , Nord, A. & et al. (2018). What are analog bulletin boards used for today?: Analysing media uses, intermediality and technology affordances in Swedish bulletin board messages using a citizen science approach. PLOS ONE, 13 (8). [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2014). Practices of visual communication in a primary school classroom: Digital image collection as a potential semiotic mode. Classroom Discourse, 5 (1), 22-37. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Jacquet, E. (2014). Skrivande och textskapande med datorer i högstadiet: Ett ekologiskt perspektiv på möjligheter och utmaningar med ”en-till-en”-projekt. Viden om Læsning (16), 18-27. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2012). Text- och resursorientering inom multimodalitetsforskningen: En teoretisk diskussion om förklaringsvärden. Språk och stil, 22:1 (1), 135-161. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Karlsson, A. (2011). The materiality of discourses and the semiotics of materials: A social perspective on the meaning potentials of written texts and furniture. Semiotica, 187 (1-4), 141-165. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Engblom, C. (2010). Young children’s exploration of semiotic resources during unofficial computer activities in the classroom. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 10 (3), 271-293. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2004). Bilden, skriften och modelläsaren. Språkvård, 40 (3), 4-8. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2000). Svensk barnmatsmärknings tillgänglighet ur ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv. Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition/Næringsforskning, 44 (4), 169-172. [BibTeX]
Articles, book reviews
- Björkvall, A. (2008). Book review: DAVID MACHIN, Introduction to Multimodal Analysis. Visual Communication, 7 (1), 123-127. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2009). Den visuella texten: Multimodal analys i praktiken (1ed.). Stockholm: Hallgren & Fallgren (Ord och stil 40). [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Björkvall, A. , Boréus, K. , Svärd, P. & Bergström, G. (2024). Analysing text and discourse in the social sciences. In: Anders Björkvall; Kristina Boréus; Per-Anders Svärd, Analyzing Text and Discourse: Nine Approaches for the Social Sciences (pp. 1-23). . Sage Publications. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2024). Multimodal discourse analysis. In: Anders Björkvall; Kristina Boréus; Per-Anders Svärd, Analyzing Text and Discourse: Nine Approaches for the Social Sciences (pp. 199-237). . Sage Publications. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. , Lindstrand, F. & Melander, I. (2024). Shaping and Writing by Hand: On Situated Uses and Semiotic Potentials of Digital Pencils in a Swedish Fourth-Grade Class. In: Marissa McClure Sweeny; Mona Sakr, Postdevelopmental Approaches to Digital Arts in Childhood (pp. 25-44). . Bloomsbury Academic. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2023). The emotional civil servant: On the multimodal construction of affect in ‘platform of values’ texts of Swedish public authorities. In: Louise Ravelli, Theo van Leeuwen, Markus A. Höllerer, Dennis Jancsary, Organizational Semiotics: Multimodal Perspectives on Organization Studies (pp. 99-121). New York & Abingdon, UK: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2020). The Critical Analysis of Genre and Social Action. In: De Fina, Anna & Georgakopoulou, Alexandra, The Cambridge Handbook of Discourse Studies (pp. 601-621). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Archer, A. (2019). Material Sign-Making in Diverse Contexts: ‘Upcycled’ Artefacts as Refracting Global/Local Discourses. In: Ari Sherris & Elisabetta Adami, Making signs, translanguaging ethnographies: exploring urban, rural and educational spaces (pp. 45-63). Bristol: Multilingual Matters. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Westberg, G. (2019). Representation som möjlighet: Att ta steget bortom kritisk beskrivning. In: Eva Insulander, Fredrik Lindstrand, Staffan Selander, Design för lärande Historia: Medeltiden som exempel (pp. 161-176). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2018). Critical genre analysis of management texts in the public sector: Towards a theoretical and methodological framework. In: Wojahn, Daniel, Seiler Brylla, Charlotta & Westberg, Gustav, Kritiska text- och diskursstudier (pp. 57-79). Huddinge, Sweden: Södertörns högskola. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2018). Det värdefulla skräpet: ”Upcycling” och värdeökningens semiotik. In: Inga-Lill Grahn, Hans Landqvist, Benjamin Lyngfelt, Andreas Nord, Lena Rogström, Barbro Wallgren Hemlin, Grammatik, kritik, didaktik: Nordiska studier i systemisk-funktionell lingvistik och socialsemiotik (pp. 55-77). Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet. [BibTeX]
- Archer, A. & Björkvall, A. (2018). The 'semiotics of value' in upcycling. In: Sumin Zhao, Emilia Djonov, Anders Björkvall, Morten Boeriis, Advancing multimodal and critical discourse studies: Interdisciplinary research inspired by Theo van Leeuwen's social semiotics (pp. 165-180). New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2018). Visuell textanalys. In: Kristina Boréus & Göran Bergström, Textens mening och makt: Metodbok i samhällsvetenskaplig text- och diskursanalys (pp. 355-399). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. , Van Meerbergen, S. & Westberg, G. (2017). Anslagstavlan – en vägvisare till ny kunskap?. In: Fredrik Brounéus, Slutrapport Anslagstavlan: ForskarFredags Massexperiment 2016 (pp. 22-26). Stockholm: Vetenskap och Allmänhet. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2017). Multimodal Discourse Analysis. In: Kristina Boréus & Göran Bergström, Analyzing Text and Discourse: Eight Approaches for the Social Sciences (pp. 174-207). London & Thousand Oaks, Ca: Sage Publications. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2017). När språkvetarens studieobjekt inte är språk: Sopor som texter i ett globalt perspektiv. In: David Håkansson & Anna-Malin Karlsson, Varför språkvetenskap?: Kunskapsintressen, studieobjekt och drivkrafter (pp. 187-203). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2016). Ploughing the Field of Higher Education: An Interview with Gunther Kress. In: Arlene Archer, Esther Odilia Breuer, Multimodality in Higher Education (pp. 21-30). Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2015). Places and Spaces for Multimodal Writing in ‘One-to-One’ Computing. In: Arlene Archer & Esther Breuer, Multimodality in Writing: The State of the Art in Theory, Methodology and Pedagogy (pp. 204-230). Leiden & Boston: Brill Academic Publishers. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Jacquet, E. (2014). Att göra mångfalden synlig för språkläraren: Etnografin som verktyg för att relevantgöra och bedöma högstadieelevers språkförmågor. In: P. Andersson, P. Holmberg, A. Lyngfelt, A. Nordenstam & O. Widhe, Mångfaldens möjligheter: Litteratur- och språkdidaktik i Norden (pp. 215-236). Göteborg: Nationella nätverket för svenska med didaktisk inriktning (SMDI). [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2014). Practical function and meaning: a case study of Ikea tables. In: Carey Jewitt, The Routledge handbook of multimodal analysis (pp. 342-353). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2012). Artefakters betydelsepotentialer: En presentation av den sociosemiotiska etnografin som teori och metod. In: Thomas Hestbæk Andersen & Morten Boeriis, Nordisk socialsemiotik: Pædagogiske, multimodale og sprogvidenskabelige landvindinger (pp. 59-88). Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2012). Multimodality. In: Verschueren, J. & Östman, J.-O., Handbook of Pragmatics Online. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2012). Visuell textanalys. In: Göran Bergström & Kristina Boréus, Textens mening och makt: Metodbok i samhällsvetenskaplig text- och diskursanalys (pp. 307-351). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Charlotte, E. (2010). Flerspråkighet och multimodalitet som lärandepotential. In: N. Musk & Å. Wedin, Flerspråkighet, identitet och lärande: Skola i ett föränderligt perspektiv (pp. 193-214). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2009). Practical function and meaning: A case study of IKEA tables. In: Carey Jewitt, The Routledge handbook of multimodal analysis (pp. 242-252). London & New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2007). Att göra barn till konsumenter: Språkhandlingar för utbyte av varor och tjänster i reklam i Kalle Anka & C:o under fyra decennier. In: Karin Milles och Anna Vogel, Språkets roll och räckvidd: Festskrift till Staffan Hellberg den 18 februari 2007 (pp. 44-53). Stockholm: Institutionen för nordiska språk, Stockholms universitet. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2007). Social identities offered in Swedish magazine advertising. In: Critical discourse analysis of media texts (pp. 234-244). València: Universitat de València. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2006). Bild och text i annonser. In: Textvård: Att läsa, skriva och bedöma texter. Stockholm: Norstedts akademiska förlag. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Björkvall, A. (ed.) , Boréus, K. (ed.) & Svärd, P. (ed.) (2024). Analyzing Text and Discourse: Nine Approaches for the Social Sciences.. Sage Publications. [BibTeX]
- Zhao, S. (ed.) , Djonov, E. (ed.) , Björkvall, A. (ed.) & Boeriis, M. (ed.) (2018). Advancing multimodal and critical discourse studies: Interdisciplinary research inspired by Theo van Leeuwen's social semiotics (1ed.). New York: Routledge (Routledge Studies in Multimodality 19). [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Archer, A. & Björkvall, A. (2021). Discourses in and Around Upcycled Artefacts: A Social Semiotic Perspective. In: Kyungeun Sung; Jagdeep Singh; Ben Bridgens, State-of-the-Art Upcycling Research and Practice Proceedings of the International Upcycling Symposium 2020. Paper presented at International Upcycling Symposium 2020: Research and Practice, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK (Digital Symposium), September 4, 2020. (pp. 29-32). Springer. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. , Westberg, G. & Van Meerbergen, S. (2019). Anslagstavlan: Vägvisare till det lokala lärandets semiotiska landskap?. In: Bianchi, Marco, Håkansson, David, Melander, Björn, Pfister, Linda, Westman, Maria , Östman, Carin, Svenskans beskrivning 36 Förhandlingar vid trettiosjätte sammankomsten. Uppsala 25–27 oktober 2017 (pp. 37-52).. Paper presented at Svenskans beskrivning 36, Uppsala, 25–27 oktober, 2017. (pp. 37-52). Uppsala: Uppsala universitet. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Archer, A. (2016). Ecologies of ‘upcycling’ as design for learning in Higher Education. In: Short papers. Paper presented at Designs for Learning, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 18-20, 2016. (pp. 7-12). [BibTeX]
- Knutsson, O. , Karlström, P. & Björkvall, A. (2014). Pioneers of collaborative media – students as potential co-designers of virtual learning environments. In: Conference proceedings, 4th international Designs for Learning conference 6-9th May 2014. Paper presented at 4th International Designs for Learning Conference: expanding the field, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, May 6–9, 2014. Stockholm: Stockholm University. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Engblom, C. (2012). Att skapa mening är att lära: Datorer och yngre barns textanvändning. In: Resultatdialog 2012. Paper presented at Resultatdialog 2012, Stockholm, Sweden, October 10-11, 2012. (pp. 48-57). Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2008). The business of turning children into consumers: A diachronic analysis of the symbolic exchange of goods and services in advertisements in a Swedish comic book. In: Michele Zappavigna & Carmel Cloran, Bridging Discourses ASFLA 2007 online proceedings. Paper presented at Australian Systemic Functional Linguistics Association Annual Congress (ASFLA 2007), University of Wollongong, Wollongong, N.S.W., Australia, June 29 - July 1, 2007. ASFLA. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Engblom, C. (2007). Finns det nytta med nöje?: Barns självvalda skärmbaserade textaktiviteter som resurs för lärande i skolan. In: Ett vidgat textbegrepp. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2004). Modelläsare i svensk tidskriftsreklam: Erbjudanden om olika typer av konsumerande identiteter. In: Svenskans beskrivning Förhandlingar vid tjugosjätte sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning, Uppsala den 25-26 oktober 2002. Paper presented at Tjugosjätte sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning, Uppsala, Sverige, Oktober 25-26, 2002. (pp. 87-96). Uppsala: Hallgren & Fallgren. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2001). Svenska barnmatsförpackningar som informations- och reklambärare. In: Svenskans beskrivning 24 Förhandlingar vid Tjugofjärde sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning, Linköping den 22–23 oktober 1999. Paper presented at Tjugofjärde sammankomsten för svenskans beskrivning, Linköping, Sverige, Oktober 22–23, 1999. (pp. 17-31). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2001). Swedish baby food labels from a discourse analysis perspective. In: Felix Mayer, Language for special purposes: perspectives for the new millenium Vol. 2: LSP in academic discourse and in the fields of law, business and medicine. Paper presented at 12th European Symposium on Language for Special Purposes (LSP 99), Brixen/Bressanone, Italy, August 30 - September 3, 1999. (pp. 806-814). Tübingen: Gunter Narr. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Björkvall, A. (2003). Svensk reklam och dess modelläsare. (Doctoral dissertation). Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2018). Lösningsförslag till kapitel 9, Visuell textanalys. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. , Lindstrand, F. & Melander, I. (2025). Revisiting Cultures of Inscription: Digital Pencils in Swedish Compulsory Schools. Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. & Gunnarsson, B. (2000). Design and accessibility of baby-food labels from the consumer's point of view: Swedish report.. . [BibTeX]
- Björkvall, A. (2000). Svensk barnmatsmärkning: En diskursanalytisk studie av märkningens design och tillgänglighet. Stockholm: Institutionen för nordiska språk, Stockholms universitet, Stockholm (TeFa (Text- och fackspråksforskning) 35). [BibTeX]