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Research group

Didactical studies

About this group

Group information

The research group Didactical studies conducts research on environmental and sustainability education based in the German/Nordic Didaktik tradition.

The group has an interest in questions of teaching, teaching content and Bildung from a societal perspective and with a specific focus on the existential and political dimension of teaching. This includes questions about societal change and continuity where current environmental and sustainability problems have a crucial role.

The research group shares and understanding of Didaktik as a tradition that provides unique concepts and theories for understanding teaching. More specifically, this means that teaching is not seen as a passive receiver of political thought where ideas and visions are “implemented”.  Instead, by placing teachers’ autonomy and the concept of Bildung in the foreground, teaching is understood as a human practice where questions about societal continuity and changes are articulated, negotiated and answered.  

Research funding bodies

  • Swedish Research Council