Wellbeing, Health & Welfare Economics (Whawe)
About this group
Group information
Research subject
Research environments
- WHAWE research aims at understanding mechanisms and causes behind the effects of different investments and interventions.
- The research group WHAWE aims to provide robust empirical evidence for investments that improve health and well-being of people of different ages over the course of life.
- WHAVE’s main areas of expertise include econometric and economic evaluation of public interventions.
- WHAWE-researchers conduct research and evaluation in the fields of health, health care, safety, social insurance, social work, education, and early investments in children.
The research group is headed by Daniela Andrén and Henrik Jordahl.
Research projects
Active projects
- Analysis of demand equations using mixtures of Tobit models
- Child labor and education
- Computational efficiency of multiple kernel imputation
- Digital Area for Networking Teachers and Educators (DANTE)
- Economic effects of local culture and sport events
- Economic evaluation of suicide prevention within the transportation sector
- Impact Evaluation of an Agricultural Sector Program
- Is part-time sick-leave helping to return to work?
- Migration, integration and firms? globalization ? how does migration and integration into the workforce contribute to firms? globalization?
- Model selection and model uncertainty in Econometrics
- Multi-unit common value auctions
- Priorities in health care
- Quantifying Measurement Errors in Partially Edited Data
- Structural State Dependence and Welfare Participation in Sweden
- The Collaboration between Municipality and Social Enterprises: A Sustainable Platform for Solving Socioeconomic Problems
- The network of the Online Users of The Swedish Employer Employee Data (OUTSEED)
- The social cost of greenhouse gases
- Traffic safety and vehicle insurance
- Willingness to pay for road safety of bicyclists and pedestrians - public or private
- Working after the mandatory retirement age. An economics' perspective.
Completed projects
- Copula modelling and decathlon
- Economic Analysis of Measures for Supporting Employment and Enhancing Quality of Life for Mentally Disabled (SEQL)
- Local Government Finance Data Analysis (LOGFIN)
- Local public sector investments
- Municipality owned enterprises: Emergence and consequences
- Offshoring, inshoring and employment effects in Swedish firms
- Robust analysis of ordinal data