Research projects

Service encounters and harassment

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress


Jack Lainpelto

Research subject

Due to the recent MeToo campaigns, the issue of sexual harassment has been re-raised in the public debate. Concerning the workplace, the light is usually directed at sexual harassment by managers towards employees or between employees. However, the same problem also exists in service encounters, but where service employees' exposure to sexual harassment from guests more often appears to be a hidden problem.

In this project, the purpose is to study the relationship between work environment, the close relationship with the guest and exposure to sexual harassment. The ambition is to contribute with the acquired knowledge to a better working environment for an often less prominent professional group. The project aims to contribute to a general increase in the status of the service profession, which is in concert with the quest to make the hotel and restaurant industry more attractive, among both jobseekers and the existing staff.


Research funding bodies

  • Örebro University