CRH - Center for Research in the Humanities
Environment information
The research environment Center for Research in the Humanities (CRH), explores various themes related to cultural understanding and linguistic practices. The interdisciplinary environment includes researchers from the subject areas of English, History, Literary studies, Rhetoric and the Swedish language. Joint by a praxis based on openness to different theories and methods, the different humanistic orientations under the center focus on various issues related to the values of individuals and groups, understanding and interpretations of the world, as well as on interaction and communication within, and across, cultural boundaries. Research emphasis includes the past, present and the future.
More specifically, the research subject History problematizes society's time dimensions and highlights change and continuity in the past. In collaboration with the literary research orientation, historical research at Örebro University has a focus on storytelling and stories and their importance for human meaning-making. Furthermore, within the subject areas of Literary studies and English, research includes literary history, literary theory and literary didactics. At Örebro University, there is particular research expertise within domains such as older and contemporary fiction, cross-genre texts, and in theoretical perspectives such as narratology and cultural studies. The research orientation Rhetoric is grounded in classical theories and methods for the critical analysis of how dialogue in speech and writing, non-verbal communication and visual rhetoric contribute to effective argumentation and knowledge development. Research within this orientation at Örebro University is conducted in the fields of crisis communication with focus on ecological and social sustainability, discourses in health care, health and functionality, as well as communication on social media. Research within the subject orientations Swedish language and English explore numerous aspects of different language communities, both from a historical and a contemporary perspective. At Örebro University, there is special competence in areas such as multimodality, linguistic variation in speech and writing, and literacy; the latter particularly from a teaching and learning perspective. The emphasis on ‘subject didactics’ (i.e. teaching and learning within a subject discipline) is shared by History, Literary studies, the Swedish language and English. In the latter discipline, research is also conducted on teaching and learning and the role of English in the multilingual classroom in the Global South.
- Greger Andersson
- Henric Bagerius
- Anders Björkvall
- Jenny Bonnevier
- Eric Borgström
- Izabela Dahl
- Mats Deutschmann
- Jimmy Engren
- Marie Gelang
- Ulrika Göransson
- Claire Hogarth
- Alexander Isacsson
- Mattias Jacobsson
- Mats Landqvist
- Carina Lidström
- Patrik Lundell
- Brigitte Mral
- Noah Roderick
- Helge Räihä
- Tomas Svensson
- Assimakis Tseronis
- Christina von Post
- Gustav Westberg
- Patrik Winton
- Daroon Yassin
- Eva Zetterberg-Pettersson
- Karl Ågerup
- Christoffer Åhlman
- Susanna Andersson, PhD student
- Anna Brynhildsen, PhD student
- Linda Eriksson, PhD student
- Chi-Chieh Huang, PhD student
- Klara Härgestam, PhD student
- Denny Jansson, PhD student
- Per Klingberg, PhD student
- James Lancaster, PhD student
- Simon Lindberg, PhD student
- Anton Lindström, PhD student
- Moa Marken, PhD student
- Amanda Nordin, PhD student
- Elin Stenberg, PhD student
- Piia Suomalainen, PhD student
- Linda Söderlindh, PhD student
- Daniel Woody, PhD student
- Wenting Zhao, PhD student
- Mattias Östling, PhD student
Research projects
Active projects
- A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Raising of Awareness through Virtual Experiencing (C-RAVE)
- Antisemitic manifestations - the semiotics of antisemitism in Sweden and experiences among Jewish youth
- Au naturel: Nudism and Sunbathing in the Folkhemmet (2022- )
- Climate justice, argumentation, and dialogue: Communication adopted from experts and activists on social media
- Connecting digital and analog literacy: The potential of the digital pencil for text creation in school (DigiPen)
- Crisis Communication at High Alert
- Crisis Communication in Practice
- Does Student-to-Student Dialogue Matter? An Investigation of Exercises in Notetaking in the ESL Classroom
- Embodied semiotics of the extreme-right
- Expanding knowledge of digital multiliteracies as an objective of learning and as a resource in language and vocational training for migrants
- Historical Reasoning (2022- )
- Inclusive participation in higher education: A multimodal genre perspective from Sweden and South Africa (IpSSA)
- Information Highways of the 19th Century: The public sphere as newspaper infrastructure and shared content
- Intermediation and the genesis of financial markets in Sweden, 1715-1765
- International Symposium on Comparative Didactics (ISCOD)
- Knowledge, perspectives and crisis - Tiktok as an arena for communication
- Literary Translation and Nobel Consecration
- Multimodality and intermediality: Humanist research in a digital world (MIDWorld)
- Networking for additive multilingual education in SSA
- Neutrality at stake. The Cold War and the diplomatic contacts between Sweden and Poland 1956-1974
- Nonverbal behaviour as argumentation in election campaign interviews
- Professional crisis communication in practice - experiences and lessons learned
- Raising Awareness through Virtual Experiencing (RAVE)
- Rhetorical actio: the power of body language
- Rhetorical Aspects on Crisis Communication
- Sámi for sale: multimodal commodification of indigenousness
- Sentence Composition - A Developmental Project
- Stance that trigger conflict escalation
- Style Pedagogy for English Language Teaching in Secondary School: A Project in Educational Design
- Swedish English Teachers' Perceptions of Research: An Interview Study
- The Multilingual English-language Classroom: A Case Study
- The Multilingual English-language Classroom: A Case Study of Teacher-Student Interaction
- The political development in Germany 1933-1987 in the eyes of Swedish Social Democrats. "Law or fist" - Torsten Nilsson about Willy Brandt
- The Resource Nexus: Global Flows, Military Supplies and State Capacity in the Baltic Region, 1740-1815
- The rhetoric of Swedish disability organisations
- The visual rhetoric of store-window mannequins
- To make sense of the inconceivable - press conferences of the Swedish government in connection the tsunami emergency 2004
- To read in Swedish? The role of minority languages in 18th century education
- Together Developing Educational Proficiency in Higher Education (2023- )
- Transspecies Kinship and Hominid Ecologies: Imagining Livable Worlds in a (Post)Apocalyptic Present
- Understanding understanding - Supporting understanding in the classroom through the understanding of curricula structures
- Viking Place-Names and Viking Decorative Styles in England
- Women and humanitarian aid - a historicizing perspective
Completed projects
- (Un)making Families: Representations of Reproductive Technologies and the Politics of Family in Contemporary American Culture
- Heteronormative Rulership: Politics, Sexuality and Propaganda in Late Medieval Europe (2011-2017)
- Language ideologies in text and place: Reflective practices of lower secondary Swedish teachers
- Multimodal texts and pedagogies in Higher Education
- My Historical Backpack: Students' Historical Narratives (2016-2023)
- The analog bulletin board: A citizen science project
- The archaeology of a new genre: Vision and values texts of public authorities in Sweden
- War on Corsets: Fashion Slavery and Women's Struggle in Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries (2016-2024)