Patrik Winton
Patrik Winton Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: cGF0cmlrLndpbnRvbjtvcnUuc2U=
Phone: +46 19 303096
Room: F3159

About Patrik Winton
Patrik Winton a senior lecturer in history with a particular interest in global history, state formation, political economy and financial development in Europe during the early modern period.
Patrik Winton's research has primarily focused on politics and on how the ties between the Scandinavian states and the growing credit markets affected society during the eighteenth and early nineteenth century. The research has been funded by Handelsbanken's research foundations, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond and the Swedish Research Council. Winton finished his doctoral thesis at Uppsala University in 2006. The thesis focused on political organization in Sweden during the Age of Liberty (1719-1772). Since then he has, among other things, edited an anthology on political culture in Scandinavia during the age of revolution together with Michael Bregnsbo, Pasi Ihalainen and Karin Sennefelt, and published a number of articles on war finance in the Danish and Swedish realms and on the relationships between the Swedish state and the international capital markets in the period 1760-1830. Other contributions have focused on the expansion of credit markets in the Swedish realm during the eighteenth century.
At Örebro, Patrik Winton teaches on the chronological history courses and the essay courses.
Research projects
Active projects
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Winton, P. & Ericsson, P. (2024). Inequality Challenged and Restored: The Political Economy of War Finance in Sweden, c. 1715–1721. Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales - English Edition, 1-35. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson, P. & Winton, P. (2024). Réduire puis rétablir les inégalités: Économie politique et financement de la guerre en Suède (vers 1715-1721). Annales. Historie, Sciences Sociales, 79 (2), 213-249. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2024). Servants of liquidation: the clerical staff at the First Debt Office in Sweden, c. 1719–1730. Business History, 66 (4), 884-904. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2024). Suecia y la Guerra de los Siete Años: La campaña de Pomerania. Desperta Ferro Historia Moderna (71), 38-43. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson, P. & Winton, P. (2023). Liquidating government debt and creating a secondary asset market: Trading patterns, market behavior and prices on government liabilities in Sweden, c. 1719–1765. Financial History Review, 30 (3), 355-379. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson, P. & Winton, P. (2020). Surge, retraction and prices: The performance of fiat coins in Sweden, c. 1715-1720. Financial History Review, 27 (2), 256-282. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2017). Den globaliserande svenska staten: Lån, kursoperationer och internationella handelsnätverk runt 1770. Scandia, 83 (2), 65-99. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2016). The political economy of strategic default: Sweden and the international capital markets, 1810-1830. European Review of Economic History, 20 (4), 410-428. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2015). Krig, skulder och välfärd i Sverige 1800-1810. Historisk Tidskrift, 135 (1), 5-34. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2015). Parliamentary Control, Public Discussions and Royal Autonomy: Sweden, 1750-1780. Histoire & Mesure, 30 (2), 51-78. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2013). Politics of Debt, War and Peace: Scandinavia 1800-1830. Scandinavian Journal of History, 38 (4), 458-479. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2012). Denmark and Sweden in the European Great Power System: 1720-1765. Revue d'histoire Nordique, 14, 39-62. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2012). Sweden and the Seven Years War, 1757-1762: War, Debt and Politics. War in history, 19 (1), 5-31. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2012). The political economy of Swedish absolutism: 1789–1809. European Review of Economic History, 16 (4), 430-448. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2010). La hiérarchie contestée: La reconfiguration de l’équilibre de pouvoirs au sein et entre les orders du Riksdag suédois, 1750–1772. Revue d'histoire Nordique, 10, 31-47. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2007). Enighetens befrämjande och fäderneslandets förkovran: Religion och politik under frihetstiden. Sjuttonhundratal, 5-24. [BibTeX]
Articles, book reviews
- Winton, P. (2024). Recension av: Lars Ericson Wolke, Svenskar i krig för Danmark: 1848–1864 (Lund: Historiska Media 2022). 356 s.. Historisk Tidskrift, 144 (1), 136-138. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2024). Roger Knight et Martin Wilcox Sustaining the Fleet, 1793-1815: War, the British Navy and the Contractor State, Woodbridge, Boydell & Brewer, 2010, - Rafael Torres Sánchez Military Entrepreneurs and the Spanish Contractor State in the Eighteenth Century, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016. Annales. Historie, Sciences Sociales, 79 (2), 273-279. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2022). Review of: Civilians and Military Supply in Early Modern Finland. Sjuttonhundratal, 19, 161-164. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2021). Recension av: Revolutionen 1809: I huvudet på rebellen som förvandlade Sverige. Historisk Tidskrift, 141 (2), 371-372. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2020). Recension av: Kampen om det allmänna bästa: Konflikter om privat och offentlig drift i Stockholms stad under 400 år. Historisk Tidskrift, 140 (1), 169-171. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2020). Recension av: Mercenary Swedes: French Subsidies to Sweden 1631-1796. Scandia, 86 (1), 121-123. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Winton, P. (2023). Samuel af Söderling. Svenskt biografiskt lexikon, 173, 404-408. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Winton, P. (2022). The growth of political instability and the royal coup in Sweden, c. 1760-1780. In: István M. Szijártó; Wim Blockmans; László Kontler, Parliamentarism in Northern and East-Central Europe in the Long Eighteenth Century: Volume I: Representative Institutions and Political Motivation (pp. 261-290). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2020). Politics of Credit: Government Borrowing and Political Regimes in Sweden. In: Nicolas Barreyre & Nicolas Delalande, A World of Public Debts: A Political History (pp. 57-78). . Palgrave Macmillan. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson, P. & Winton, P. (2019). Les politiques de crédit et de défaut: Les finances publiques et les révolutions suédoises de 1719 et de 1809. In: Gérard Béaur & Laure Quennouëlle-Corre, Les crises de la dette publique XVIIIe-XXIe siècle (pp. 141-161). Paris, France: Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique (IGPDE). Comité pour l’histoire économique et financière de la France. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. & Ericsson, P. (2019). The Rise and Fall of a New Credit System: Transnational Financial Experiments and Domestic Power Struggles in Sweden, 1710-1720. In: Stefano Condorelli & Daniel Menning, Boom, Bust, and Beyond: New Perspectives on the 1720 Stock Market Bubble (pp. 23-44). Oldenbourg: Walter de Gruyter. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2018). War, Resources and Morality: Sweden 1740–1770. In: Joël Félix; Anne Dubet, The war within: private interests and the fiscal state in early-modern Europe (pp. 229-256). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2014). Det kapitalrika rummet: Sverige och de tyska kreditmarknaderna 1799-1832. In: Mats Hallenberg & Magnus Linnarsson, Politiska rum: Kontroll, konflikt och rörelse i det förmoderna Sverige 1300-1850 (pp. 79-97). Lund: Nordic Academic Press. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2013). Kvinnliga investerare i den svenska statsskulden 1800-1808. In: Peter Ericsson, Fredrik Thisner, Patrik Winton, Andreas Åkerlund, Allt på ett bräde: Stat, ekonomi och bondeoffer. En vänbok till Jan Lindegren (pp. 117-128). Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2012). Sveriges första vågmästare. In: Jenny Björkman, Björn Fjæstad, Tungan på vågen: Vågmästare och balanspartier (pp. 223-241). Göteborg: Makadam Förlag. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2011). Commercial Interests and Politics in Scandinavia, 1730-1815: Introduction. In: Pasi Ihalainen, Michael Bregnsbo, Karin Sennefelt, Patrik Winton, Scandinavia in the Age of Revolution: Nordic Political Cultures, 1740-1820 (pp. 207-216). Farnham: Ashgate. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2011). The Politics of Commerce in Sweden: 1730-1770. In: Pasi Ihalainen, Michael Bregnsbo, Karin Sennefelt, Patrik Winton, Scandinavia in the Age of Revolution: Nordic Political Cultures, 1740-1820 (pp. 217-228). Farnham: Ashgate. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2010). Svenska utlandslån och den internationella kapitalmarknaden. In: Leos Müller, Göran Rydén & Holger Weiss, Global historia från periferin: Norden 1600-1850 (pp. 165-187). Lund: Studentlitteratur. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2009). Den högsta maktens verkningskraft: statsskuld och politik i Sverige 1800-1815. In: Max Edling & Patrik Winton, Ett nödvändigt ont: Statsskuld och politik i Förenta Staterna och Sverige 1780-1870 (pp. 71-127). Uppsala: Historiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. & Edling, M. (2009). Ett nödvändigt ont: statsskulden som historiskt fenomen. In: Max Edling & Patrik Winton, Ett nödvändigt ont: Statsskuld och politik i Förenta Staterna och Sverige 1780-1870 (pp. 9-28). Uppsala: Historiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2007). Den politiserade predikstolen: debatten om krig mot Ryssland 1740-41. In: Peter Ericsson, Gud, konung och undersåtar: Politisk predikan i Sverige under tidigmodern tid (pp. 195-230). Uppsala: Historiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2003). Det sakrala nätverket: Biskop Andreas Rhyzelius väg till makten. In: Gudrun Andersson, Esbjörn Larsson och Patrik Winton, Med börd, svärd och pengar: Eliters manifestation, maktutövning och reproduktion 1650-1900 (pp. 83-104). Uppsala: Historiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet. [BibTeX]
- Malmström, J. & Winton, P. (2003). Eliter i historien: en inledning. In: Gudrun Andersson, Esbjörn Larsson och Patrik Winton, Med börd, svärd och pengar: Eliters manifestation, maktutövning och reproduktion 1650-1900 (pp. 5-16). Uppsala: Historiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Winton, P. (2024). Lägre ämbetsmäns sociala praktik i Stockholm under 1720-talet. Paper presented at Statsformering och skriv- och räknepraktiker i det tidigmoderna Norden, Sigtuna, 21-22 mars, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2024). The Swedish Contractor State, 1740–1815. Paper presented at 5th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History, Oslo, Norway, October 24-25, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2023). From the Iberian Peninsula to the Baltic: Global Commodity Chains and Military Supplies during the Russo-Swedish War, 1741-1742. Paper presented at From Seas to Oceans: Nordic and Iberian Worlds in the Early Modern Period, SWESP 3rd International Workshop, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, May 8-9, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2023). Global Commodity Chains and Military Supplies during the Russo-Swedish War, 1741–1742. Paper presented at The Business of War in the Baltic Sea Region: 1520-1815, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, October 26-27, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2023). Lägre ämbetsmäns arbete och sociala praktik i Stockholm under 1720-talet. Paper presented at Statsformering och skriv- och räknepraktiker i det tidigmoderna Sverige, Sigtuna, 14-15 augusti, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2023). Military Supplies, Global Commodity Chains and Merchants during the Russo-Swedish War, 1741-1742. Paper presented at Baltic Connections: A Conference in Social Science History, Helsinki, Finland, June 7-9, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2023). Pengar och offentligheten: Hur pengars värde förhandlades i offentliga diskussioner 1745-1800. Paper presented at Nionde Svenska historikermötet, Umeå, Sweden, 14-16 juni, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. & Ericsson, P. (2022). Financial intermediation in Stockholm, 1720-60. Paper presented at Economic History Society Annual Conference, Robinson College, University of Cambridge, UK, April 1-3, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2022). Lägre ämbetsmäns arbete och sociala praktik i Stockholm under 1720-talet. Paper presented at 30:e Nordiska historikermötet, Göteborg, Sweden, August 8-11, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. & Pihl, C. (2022). Statsformering, krediter och Riksens ständers bank, cirka 1660–1760. Paper presented at Politiska periodiseringar: Brott och kontinuitet i svensk politisk historia från Gustav Vasa till rösträttens införande, Uppsala universitet, Uppsala, November 10-11, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2022). The Political Economy of Public Debt in Sweden, c. 1700-1770. Paper presented at The Shadow of the Sovereign: Public and Private Debt in Early Modern Europe, Lisbon School of Economics and Management ISEG, Lisboa, Portugal, September 12-13, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. & Ericsson, P. (2022). The resource nexus: State-merchant cooperation during the Swedish military campaigns in 1718 and 1741. Paper presented at 30:e Nordiska historikermötet, Göteborg, Sweden, August 8-11, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. , Poór, J. & Dobszay, T. (2021). Political Economy of Taxation: Bargaining at the Meetings of the Hungarian Diet and the Swedish Riksdag, c. 1789-1812. Paper presented at Societies, Estates and Parliaments in the 18th Century: Practices of Representation, National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary, October 15, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2021). Servants of Liquidation: The Clerical Staff at the First Debt Office in Sweden, 1719-1723. Paper presented at Thirteenth European Social Science History Conference (Online), March 24-27, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2019). Mobilizing transnational military supplies during the Swedish campaign against Russia, 1741-1743. Paper presented at Mobilising resources for war, All Souls College, Oxford, UK, December 10, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2019). Politiska regimer, upplåningsregimer och patronage: Sverige ca 1720-1780. Paper presented at Regimskiften. Reform och förändring under tidigmodern tid, Stockholm, Sweden, November 20, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2019). Servants of Liquidation: The Clerical Staff at the First Debt Office in Sweden, 1719-1723. Paper presented at Bookkeeping, Intermediation and Financial Organizations in Early Modern Europe, Uppsala, Sweden, December 5-6, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2019). The growth of political instability and the royal coup in Sweden, c. 1760-1780. Paper presented at Parliaments, Interests, Convictions: European trajectories in the late 17th - mid 19th centuries, Budapest, Hungary, October 17-18, 2019. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Winton, P. (2006). Frihetstidens politiska praktik: Nätverk och offentlighet 1746–1766. (Doctoral dissertation). Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. [BibTeX]
- Winton, P. (2021). Från krig till fred? Den svenska statens utveckling under 1700-talet. [BibTeX]