Economics and Statistics (E&S)
Environment information
The research environment in Economics and Statistics (E&S) combines applied empirical research in economics with research in the development of statistical methods within survey methodology and econometrics. Several projects use data from linked administrative registers, but some researchers also use (and have constructed) surveys and work with other types of data.
There are five research groups within the E&S environment. 1. Wellbeing, Health & Welfare Economics (WHAWE), 2. Economics of Entrepreneurship, Family business, Globalization and Institutions (EFGI), 3. Macroeconomics and financial econometrics (MAFE), 4. Statistics (Stat@oru), 5. Health Economics Network at Örebro University and Region Örebro (HEN-ORURO). Each research group organizes its own seminars, which are also attended by researchers from the other groups.
The research environment Economics and Statistics also forms the basis for the PhD programs in Economics and in Statistics, and the three MSc programs Statistical Modelling and Data Science, Economics & Econometrics, and Finance.
- Linda Andersson Järnberg
- Daniela Andrén
- Ann-Marie Flygare
- Pär Hansson
- Lars Hultkrantz
- Gunnar Isacsson
- Dan Johansson
- Henrik Jordahl
- Niklas Karlsson
- Sune Karlsson
- Patrik Karpaty
- Niclas Krüger
- Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås
- Thomas Laitila
- Magnus Lodefalk
- Stepan Mazur
- Nicklas Pettersson
- Elisabet Rutström
- Elin Vimefall
- Pär Österholm
- Erik Engberg, PhD student
- Bruno Mwenese, PhD student
- Niklas Wykman, PhD student
Research projects
Active projects
- Analysis of demand equations using mixtures of Tobit models
- Bayesian analysis of dynamic factor models
- Child labor and education
- Computational efficiency of multiple kernel imputation
- Digital Area for Networking Teachers and Educators (DANTE)
- Economic effects of local culture and sport events
- Economic evaluation of suicide prevention within the transportation sector
- Efficient Stochastic Modeling of Temporal Financial Data within non-Gaussian Random Fields
- Firm growth and institutional barriers to growth
- Global value chains and the costs of structural change
- Impact Evaluation of an Agricultural Sector Program
- Improving Macroeconomic Forecasts and Stabilisation Policies Using High-Frequency Data
- Investigating the impact of multi-scale macroeconomic informations on market risks
- Is part-time sick-leave helping to return to work?
- Labour market effects of artificial intelligence: A study of knowledge-intensive business services
- Migration, integration and firms? globalization ? how does migration and integration into the workforce contribute to firms? globalization?
- Model selection and model uncertainty in Econometrics
- Multi-unit common value auctions
- Out-of-pocket payments in Swedish health care: how does it affect health care utilization?
- Priorities in health care
- Quantifying Measurement Errors in Partially Edited Data
- Statistical Disclosure Control
- Structural State Dependence and Welfare Participation in Sweden
- Support for foreign trade financing
- The Collaboration between Municipality and Social Enterprises: A Sustainable Platform for Solving Socioeconomic Problems
- The Effects and Cost-Effectiveness of Supported Employment for Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities
- The evolution of the Swedish tax system, 1862 and onwards
- The network of the Online Users of The Swedish Employer Employee Data (OUTSEED)
- The social cost of greenhouse gases
- Traffic safety and vehicle insurance
- Willingness to pay for road safety of bicyclists and pedestrians - public or private
- Working after the mandatory retirement age. An economics' perspective.
Completed projects
- Aid, public spending and development goals
- Copula modelling and decathlon
- Economic Analysis of Measures for Supporting Employment and Enhancing Quality of Life for Mentally Disabled (SEQL)
- Effects of accident prevention
- Evaluation of a new system of assigning quarterfinals in ski sprints
- Growth barriers in small and medium sized enterprises
- Higher cumulants for multivariate aggregate claim models
- High-grow firms and knowledge spillovers
- Local Government Finance Data Analysis (LOGFIN)
- Local public sector investments
- Macro and financial econometrics after the financial crisis
- Municipality owned enterprises: Emergence and consequences
- Offshoring, inshoring and employment effects in Swedish firms
- Robust analysis of ordinal data
- Servicification and internationalisation of manufacturing
- Skewness and kurtosis in portfolio analysis: modelling, estimation and test theory
- Statistical Analysis of the Optimal Portfolio Weights and their Risk Measures
- Statistical estimation strategies using asymptotic arguments
- Statistical methods for paired ordinal data
- Statistical properties of rank based measures
- Tax Policy in Developing Countries
- The importance of family business
- Which firms employs the unemployed?
- Wishart Processes in Statistics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications