Henrik Jordahl
Henrik Jordahl Position: Professor School/office: Örebro University School of BusinessEmail: aGVucmlrLmpvcmRhaGw7b3J1LnNl
Phone: +46 19 302161
Room: N4003

About Henrik Jordahl
Professor of economics with a focus on public economics, in particular the intersection between private business and the public sector. Most of his research covers tax-financed services, privatisation, management, school quality, voting behaviour, and interpersonal trust.
Book: Privatizing Welfare Services: Lessons from the Swedish Experiment, Oxford University Press, 2021 (with Mårten Blix).
Research groups
Articles in journals |
Articles, book reviews |
Articles, reviews/surveys |
Books |
Chapters in books |
Collections (editor) |
Conference papers |
Daily newspapers |
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |
Licentiate theses, monographs |
Reports |
Articles in journals
- Andersson, F. W. , Jordahl, H. & Kärnä, A. (2024). Ballooning bureaucracy? Stylized facts of growing administration in Swedish higher education. Constitutional Political Economy, 35, 303-326. [BibTeX]
- Heller-Sahlgren, G. & Jordahl, H. (2024). Test scores and economic growth: update and extension. Applied Economics Letters, 31 (11), 1024-1027. [BibTeX]
- Angelis, J. , Glenngård, A. H. & Jordahl, H. (2021). Management practices and the quality of primary care. Public Money & Management, 41 (3), 264-271. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. & Persson, L. (2021). The end of a trend? Retraction of choice in Swedish elderly care. Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 24 (2), 189-200. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2019). Perspectives on Public Sector Outsourcing: Quasi-markets and Prices. CESifo Economic Studies, 65 (4), 343-348. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2017). Omprövning av en djärv ESO-rapport. Ekonomisk Debatt, 45 (5), 68-73. [BibTeX]
- Berggren, N. , Jordahl, H. & Poutvaara, P. (2017). The right look: Conservative politicians look better and voters reward it. Journal of Public Economics, 146, 79-86. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2017). Vad jag skrev. Ekonomisk Debatt, 45 (6), 63-67. [BibTeX]
- Angelis, J. & Jordahl, H. (2015). Merciful yet effective elderly care performance management practices. Measuring Business Excellence, 19 (1), 61-69. [BibTeX]
- Elinder, M. , Jordahl, H. & Poutvaara, P. (2015). Promises, policies and pocketbook voting. European Economic Review, 75, 177-194. [BibTeX]
- Elinder, M. & Jordahl, H. (2013). Political preferences and public sector outsourcing. European Journal of Political Economy, 30, 43-57. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2012). Erratum to: An economic analysis of voting in Sweden. Public Choice, 150 (1-2), 385-385. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. & Liang, C. (2010). Merged municipalities, higher debt: on free-riding and the common pool problem in politics. Public Choice, 143 (1-2), 157-172. [BibTeX]
- Berggren, N. , Jordahl, H. & Poutvaara, P. (2010). The looks of a winner: Beauty and electoral success. Journal of Public Economics, 94 (1-2), 8-15. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. , Poutvaara, P. & Tuomala, J. (2009). Education returns of wage earners and self-employed workers: Comment. Economics of Education Review, 28 (5), 641-644. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. , Poutvaara, P. & Tuomala, J. (2009). Education returns of wage earners and self-employed workers: Rejoinder. Economics of Education Review, 28 (5), 648-648. [BibTeX]
- Poutvaara, P. , Jordahl, H. & Berggren, N. (2009). Faces of politicians: Babyfacedness predicts inferred competence but not electoral success. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45 (5), 1132-1135. [BibTeX]
- Berggren, N. , Jordahl, H. & Stern, C. (2009). The Political Opinions of Swedish Social Scientists. Finnish economic papers, 22 (2), 75-88. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, M. & Jordahl, H. (2008). Inequality and trust in Sweden: Some inequalities are more harmful than others. Journal of Public Economics, 92 (1-2), 348-365. [BibTeX]
- Berggren, N. , Elinder, M. & Jordahl, H. (2008). Trust and growth: a shaky relationship. Empirical Economics, 35 (2), 251-274. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2006). An economic analysis of voting in Sweden. Public Choice, 127 (3-4), 251-273. [BibTeX]
- Berggren, N. & Jordahl, H. (2006). Free to trust: Economic freedom and social capital. Kyklos (Basel), 59 (2), 141-169. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. & Laséen, S. (2005). Central bank conservatism and labor market regulation. European Journal of Political Economy, 21 (2), 345-363. [BibTeX]
- Berggren, N. & Jordahl, H. (2005). Does free trade really reduce growth?: Further testing using the economic freedom index. Public Choice, 122 (1-2), 99-114. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. & Micheletto, L. (2005). Optimal Utilitarian Taxation and Horizontal Equity. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 7 (4), 681-708. [BibTeX]
Articles, book reviews
- Jordahl, H. (2016). Nyttig introduktion till mänsklighetens främsta ekonomiska fråga. Ekonomisk Debatt, 44 (3), 66-67. [BibTeX]
- Angelis, J. , Jordahl, H. & Glenngård, A. (2016). Vårdcentraler på rätt spår. Dagens Samhälle. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2015). Bred analys av tjänstesektorn med Sverige i fokus. Ekonomisk Debatt, 43 (3), 95-96. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2015). Vad kännetecknar vår tid?. Ekonomisk Debatt, 43 (4), 91-92. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Poutvaara, P. & Jordahl, H. (2020). Public sector outsourcing. IZA World of Labor, 65. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, F. , Jordahl, H. & Josephson, J. (2019). Outsourcing Public Services: Contractibility, Cost, and Quality. CESifo Economic Studies, 65 (4), 349-372. [BibTeX]
- Blix, M. & Jordahl, H. (2021). Privatizing Welfare Services: Lessons from the Swedish Experiment.. Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Heller Sahlgren, G. & Jordahl, H. (2016). Information: ett verktyg för bättre skolsystem. Stockholm: SNS förlag. [BibTeX]
- Angelis, J. & Jordahl, H. (2014). Att styra och leda äldreomsorg: Hur går det till och vad kan förbättras?. Stockholm: SNS förlag. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Berggren, N. , Jordahl, H. & Poutvaara, P. (2024). Beauty in Politics. In: Christian Bjørnskov; Richard Jong-A-Pin, Encyclopedia of Public Choice. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Bergman, M. & Jordahl, H. (2022). Svensk marknads- och konkurrenspolitik. In: Lars Hultkrantz; Pär Österholm, Marknad och politik (pp. 289-329). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2018). Cherry picking i välfärdsföretag. In: I stället för vinstförbud: Bättre reglering av välfärdsföretag (pp. 22-25). . Fores. [BibTeX]
- Elinder, M. & Jordahl, H. (2017). Röstar väljarna med plånboken?. In: Lina Aldén, Nationalekonomins frågor (pp. 337-353). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Bergh, A. , Jordahl, H. & Öhrvall, R. (2016). Tål den svenska modellen att jämföras?: om utlandssvenskars attityder till välfärdsstaten. In: Maria Solevid, Svenska utlandsröster: SOM-undersökningen till utlandssvenskar 2014 (pp. 211-232). Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2015). Vinster i välfärden: Funktion och opinion. In: Johan Eklund, Vinster, välfärd och entreprenörskap (pp. 53-69). . Entreprenörskapsforum. [BibTeX]
- Elinder, M. & Jordahl, H. (2013). Kontrakt, kostnader och kvalitet. In: Henrik Jordahl, Välfärdstjänster i privat regi: Framväxt och drivkrafter (pp. 89-120). Stockholm: SNS förlag. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. & Öhrvall, R. (2013). Nationella reformer och lokala initiativ. In: Henrik Jordahl, Matz Dahlberg, Mikael Elinder, David Isaksson, Anders Lindbom, Heléne Lundqvist, Ulrika Winblad Spångberg och Richard Öhrvall, Välfärdstjänster i privat regi: Framväxter och drivkrafter (pp. 33-87). Stockholm: SNS förlag. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2012). Skattefinansierade tjänster i offentligt, kommersiellt och ideellt utförande. In: Henrik Jordahl, Den svenska tjänstesektorn (pp. 227-257). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2011). Vinst i välfärden: Nationalekonomiska erfarenheter och perspektiv. In: Anders Morin, Vitsen med vinsten: fyra exempel på företag inom vård och skola som genom hög kvalitet ger uthållig vinst (pp. 78-93). Stockholm: Hjalmarson & Högberg Bokförlag. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2009). Economic Inequality. In: Gert Tinggaard Svendsen and Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsen, Handbook of Social Capital: The Troika of Sociology, Political Science and Economics (pp. 323-336). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Jordahl, H. (ed.) (2013). Välfärdstjänster i privat regi: framväxt och drivkrafter. Stockholm: SNS förlag. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (ed.) (2012). Den svenska tjänstesektorn (1ed.). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Angelis, J. & Jordahl, H. (2014). Management practices in elderly care homes. Paper presented at European Public Choice Society Meeting (EPCS 2014), Cambridge, England, April 3-6, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Angelis, J. & Jordahl, H. (2014). Performance management practices and elderly care. In: Proceedings of the Performance Management Conference. Paper presented at Performance Management Conference (PMA 2014), Aarhus, Denmark, June 25-27, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Angelis, J. & Jordahl, H. (2014). Using management practices in welfare. In: Proceedings of the European Operations Management Conference. Paper presented at 21st European Operations Management Society Conference (EurOMA 2014), Palermo, Italy, June 20-25, 2014. [BibTeX]
Daily newspapers
- Jordahl, H. (2018). Vad vi kan lära av skolorna i gettot. Kvartal (2 oktober). [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2017). Svar till Per Molander om ESO-rapporten ”Dags för omprövning”. Sjukhusläkaren (18 april). [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2015). Promise voters to pad their wallets, and they will listen. News from IFN (2). [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
- Jordahl, H. (2002). Essays on Voting Behavior, Labor Market Policy, and Taxation. (Doctoral dissertation). (Comprehensive summary) Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. [BibTeX]
Licentiate theses, monographs
- Jordahl, H. (2000). 1.Central Bank Conservatism and Labor Market Reform (medförf.: S. Laséen), 2. An Economic Analysis of Voting in Sweden.. Lic. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet, Nationalekonomiska institutionen. [BibTeX]
- Blix, M. , Jordahl, H. , Moberg, L. & Persson, L. (2023). Tid att följa upp: Digital tidmätning i svensk hemtjänst. Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press (Faculty of Business Report 4: 2023). [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. , Blix, M. , Moberg, L. & Persson, L. (2023). Time tracking in home care: Perceptions and reality. Örebro: Örebro University School of Business (Working Papers, School of Business 6/2023). [BibTeX]
- Heller Sahlgren, G. & Jordahl, H. (2022). Skattenytta i skolan.. Kommissionen för Skattenytta. [BibTeX]
- Heller-Sahlgren, G. & Jordahl, H. (2019). En kunskapsskola för tillväxt.. Svenskt Näringsliv. [BibTeX]
- Heller-Sahlgren, G. & Jordahl, H. (2019). Knowledge-based Schooling for Prosperity: The Impact of Education Reforms on Swedish Economic Growth. Stockholm: Svenskt Näringsliv. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, F. , Jordahl, H. & Josephson, J. (2019). Outsourcing Public Services: Contractibility, Cost, and Quality. Örebro: Örebro University, School of Business (Working Papers, School of Business 4). [BibTeX]
- Andersson, F. , Jordahl, H. & Josephson, J. (2019). Outsourcing Public Services: Contractibility, Cost, and Quality. Bonn: IZA Institute of Labor Economics (IZA Discussion Paper Series 12401). [BibTeX]
- Bergman, M. A. , Jordahl, H. & Lundberg, S. (2018). Choice and Competition in the Welfare State: Home Care as the Ideal Quasi-market. Stockholm: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) (IFN Working Paper 1213). [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. & Persson, L. (2018). Exploring Digital Time Measurement in the Public Sector: Labor Productivity and Service Quality in Home Care. Stockholm: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) (IFN Working Paper 1212). [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. & Heller Sahlgren, G. (2018). Lönsamma kunskaper: Sambandet mellan vinst och kvalitet i svenska grundskolor.. Svenskt Näringsliv. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2017). Granskning av ESO-rapporten Dags för omprövning av Per Molander. Stockholm: Institutet för Näringslivsforskning (IFN) (IFN Policy Papers 76). [BibTeX]
- Angelis, J. , Häger Glenngård, A. & Jordahl, H. (2017). Management Practices and the Quality of Primary Care. Stockholm: Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) (IFN Working Paper 1174). [BibTeX]
- Berggren, N. , Jordahl, H. & Poutvaara, P. (2017). The right look: Conservative politicians look better and voters reward it. Munich: University of Munich, Department of Economics (Munich Reprints in Economics 55048). [BibTeX]
- Angelis, J. , Häger Glenngård, A. & Jordahl, H. (2016). Att styra och leda en vårdcentral: Hur går det till och vad kan förbättras?. Stockholm: SNS förlag. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. (2016). En effektivare skola ger mer kunskap. Stockholm: Svenskt Näringsliv. [BibTeX]
- Jordahl, H. & Sundén, D. (2016). Vinstbegränsning i välfärden. Stockholm: Svenskt Näringsliv. [BibTeX]
- Berggren, N. , Jordahl, H. & Poutvaara, P. (2015). The Right Look: Conservative Politicians Look Better and Voters Reward It. Munich: Department of Economics University of Munich (Munich Discussion Paper 2015-10). [BibTeX]
- Bergman, M. A. & Jordahl, H. (2014). Goda år på ålderns höst?: En ESO-rapport om konkurrens i äldreomsorgen. Stockholm: Regeringskansliet - Finansdepartementet (Rapport till Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi 2014:1). [BibTeX]