Inflammatory Response and Infection Susceptibility Centre (iRiSC)
The iRiSC - Inflammatory Response and Infection Susceptibility Center includes researchers from Örebro University and Örebro University Hospital (USÖ), and collaborate with a number of national and international research groups.
About this group
Group information
Research subject
Areas of research
- Biochemistry
- Biomedicine
- Immunology
- Infection
- Inflammation
- Medicine
- Microbiology
- Environment and Health
The Research platform iRiSC - Inflammatory Response and Infection Susceptibility Centre is a collaborative network of researchers at Örebro University and Örebro University Hospital (USÖ), together with a number of national and international research groups. The research at iRiSC is focused on understanding response to stimuli and stressors i.e. microbes and their pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) as well as danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), e.g. nano particles. By connecting different disciplines and research fields, iRiSC is a translational platform; bringing together knowledge and experience on particle-induced diseases, specific bacteria and their disease course, host response mechanisms and the role of genetics.
- Andi Alijagic
- Sören Andersson
- Naveed Asghar
- Simon Athlin
- Susanne Bejerot
- Daniel Eklund
- Alexander Hedbrant
- Hans Hjelmqvist
- Ulrika Hylén
- Mikael Ivarsson
- Johan Jendle
- Magnus Johansson
- Hazem Khalaf
- Robert Kruse
- Lisa Kurland
- Magnus Lindberg
- Olle Ljungqvist
- Wessam Melik
- Eewa Nånberg
- Matej Oresic
- Katarina Persson
- Alexander Persson
- Amanj Saber
- Samira Salihovic
- Åke Strid
- Eva Särndahl
- Bo Söderquist
- Elisabet Welin
- Maria Åström
- Annika Granath, PhD student
- Sofia Sigra Stein, PhD student
- Kedeye Tuerxun, PhD student
Research projects
Active projects
- Cell Painting: a novel tool in toxicology (CPTox)
- Cobalt in the hard metal industry - lung and skin exposure and the implications for keratinocytes with regards to inflammasome activity
- Exposure to particles and biomarkers of inflammatory responses in workers in pulp and paper industry
- Functional studies of protein-protein interactions between flavivirus and the host cell
- Gene variants of the NLRP3 inflammasome in Neisseria meningitidis-induced severe infection
- Gene variants of the NLRP3 inflammasome in Staphylococcus aureus-induced severe infection
- Identification of viral RNA sequence determinants and viral/cellular proteins involved in regulation of flavivirus replication: implications for vaccine design
- Inflammation and fibrosis- what are the mechanisms ?
- Intracellular bacterial communities (IBC) and recurrent urinary tract infections
- Long term effect on immune response after pneumococcal vaccination in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and evaluation of the effect of revaccination (KLLVAC-2018)
- MCbär-Swedens first study regarding meningococcal carriage
- Molecular epidemiology of the Tick borne encephalitis virus
- NanoSafety2
- Neisseria meningitidis-induced sepsis
- Occupational particle exposure: Different environments, but the same risks?
- Quartz- and particle exposure in iron foundries- mechanisms and impact on inflammation and coagulation markers for respiratory effects and cardiovascular disease
- Regulation and early signs of immunosuppression in sepsis
- Regulation of Inflammasomes
- Reprogrammed monocytes during infections and sepsis
- S. aureus-induced sepsis
- The detrimental effect of bacterial infections in the cf lung
Completed projects
- Inflammasome activity and regulation in neutrophils
- Multiresistant ESBL-producing uropathogens - studies of antibacterial strategies and pathogenesis mechanisms
- Prevalence and prognostic implications of cardiac injury in patients with influenza-like illness
- Rituximab - Immunotherapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. A pilot study.
- Rituximab for schizophrenia spectrum disorder. A pilot study.
- SP110 as a novel regulator of innate immune inflammasomes