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Ylva Nilsagård

Ylva Nilsagård Position: Affiliated Researcher School/office: School of Health Sciences

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Ylva Nilsagård
Research subject

About Ylva Nilsagård

PhD, Associate professor, reg. physiotherapist
Research leader Good quality local care, University healthcare research centre, Region Örebro County
Affiliated Örebro University
Phone: 070-609 37 37


Walking ability, balance and accidental falls in persons with Multiple Sclerosis. Hälsoakademin, Örebro Universitet, 2008.


  • Act in Time - Implementation of health promotive way of working in the primary healthcare setting - evaluation of the impact and implementation process.
  • Patient- and next-of-kin representatives in the National system for knowledge driven healthcare – Swedish regions in collaboration.
  • Does a cardiorespiratory interval training program improve post-stroke fatigue?
  • Regional, multicenter studies to evaluate the effects of interventions aimed at promoting the balance ability of people with multiple sclerosis.
  • International cohort studies to investigate factors associated with falls in people with multiple sclerosis.
  • Perspectives of next-of kin to people with multiple sclerosis.
  • Psychometric evaluation of measuring intruments with a focus on walking and balance ability.


  • Anna Carling, IHM (medicine). Impaired balance and fall risk in people with multiple sclerosis. Finished doctoral degree in 2019.
    Principal supervisor: Ylva Nilsagård, Ass Prof, VFC
    Assistant supervisor: Anette Forsberg, Ass Prof, AFC
    Assistant supervisor: Martin Gunnarsson, PhD, Dept. of neurology, ÖUH

  • Cecilia Bergh, NUPARC, Örebro University. Stress resilience in male adolescents and subsequent stroke risk: cohort study. Finished doctoral degree in 2017.
    Principal supervisor: Scott Montgomery, Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics.

  • PhD student Lisa Rådman, IHM (medicine). Symptoms after electrical injury. Finished licentiate degree in 2018.
    Principal supervisor: Lars-Gunnar Gunnarsson, Dept. of Occupational and Environmental medicine, ÖUH.

  • PhD student Maria Svedjebrant, Medical science, specialisation Healthcare sciences, Örebro University. Post stroke fatigue
    Principal supervisor: Ylva Nilsagård
    Assistant supervisor: Docent Jacob Ström
    Assistant supervisor: Med. Dr. Anna Bråndal

  • PhD student Karin Berntsson, Medical science, specialisation Healthcare sciences, Örebro University. ActinTime.
    Principal supervisor: Ylva Nilsagård
    Assistant supervisor: Maria Hälleberg Nyman


Articles in journals |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Chapters in books |  Conference papers |  Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |  Manuscripts |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Articles, reviews/surveys

Chapters in books

Conference papers

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries

